A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1173. Good food, good drinks and good hospitality.

Zhang Huaizhi and his wife laid to rest. When they returned to the Zhang family, more than two hundred people gathered together to drink and talk.

The two super bosses were defeated in the hands of Lu Fei, and the people present admired Lu Fei even more.

The lively banquet lasted until half past nine in the evening, and then it dispersed.

After shaking hands and saying goodbye to all the friends who came to cheer him up, Lu Fei asked the little dog to give each of the helpers and chefs in Huali Village a red envelope worth a thousand yuan in cash.

Everyone is happy. .??.

The various kitchen utensils, tableware, etc. that were bought were all given to Zhu Dahai for free, and he also sent everyone to the street.

After arranging for all the boys to go back to the hotel to rest, Lu Fei was the only one left in the huge Zhang family, who was instantly quiet.

Lu Fei was very tired from running around for the past few days.

I looked around in front of and behind the house, then fell asleep.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, China's most authoritative news network platform issued an announcement.

Mr. Lu Fei, a well-known entrepreneur and philanthropist, fully cooperates with relevant departments to solve major disciplinary cases.

Now that the case has been closed, I would like to clarify this for Mr. Lu Fei.

All the scandals that have been circulating on the Internet are not facts, but just a cover-up needed to solve the case.

Mr. Lu Fei endured the humiliation and cooperated with the relevant departments to the letter. He deserves the respect of all of us.

When this announcement was made, the Internet exploded.

"Hey, I'll just say it!"

"Mr. Lu Fei is willing to invest hundreds of billions to establish a foundation. How can he be a bad person?"

"If it is true as what is said on the Internet, wouldn't it be good for him to immigrate abroad with hundreds of billions of assets and become a local emperor?"

"That's right. Mr. Kong once said that a great chivalrous man serves the country and the people. Mr. Lu Fei is a contemporary chivalrous man!"

"Some people are just talking nonsense and always want to take advantage of Mr. Lu's popularity to achieve their own goals, without looking at their own virtues!"


"That's fucking disgusting."

"I don't care about others. From now on, no matter who slanders him, I will always support Mr. Lu Fei."

"Such a knight is definitely a role model for our generation."

All kinds of accusations and abuses are not there.

The moment was all about praise and praise.

Unfortunately, none of the parties involved, Lu Fei, saw it.

After a good night's sleep, Lu Fei contacted Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi in the early morning of the next day and took Niu Niu to the hospital.

Lu Fei did not disclose the inside information that Bianliang University was about to hold a meeting today to promote Li Xi to the position of department chair.

It’s better to leave that surprise to Teacher Li himself to digest slowly.

He handed Niuniu to Li Xi and after repeated instructions, the three of them left.

At 8:30 in the morning, twelve luxury cars drove out from Li's house and arrived at the airport.

When he arrived at the airport pick-up gate, Wang Hailong was sweating profusely and rubbing his hands nervously.

"Brother Fei, Brother Yan and the others won't be beaten, right?"

"Don't worry, absolutely not."

"Oh, that's good, that's good."

"Brother Fei, I'm so nervous!"

"Brother Yan and the others won't think that I'm being unjust in escaping, right?"


"Everyone knows you."


"It's nothing to worry about, so don't worry about it."

"Hey, it's out. It's out."

Just as he was talking, Yan Yonghui and other twelve brothers appeared in everyone's sight.

At this sight, everyone's jaws dropped.

The twelve people were all wearing black suits and black leather shoes.

Her hair was waxed and shiny.

Everyone was wearing a pair of big sunglasses, and they were blown away by the wind as they walked.

Looking at these twelve people, each of them has gained at least ten kilograms. Yan Yonghui in the front has a beer belly and has gained at least twenty kilograms.


"What the hell is going on?"

"You can still gain weight by staying in there. Isn't this too evil?"

Seeing Lu Fei and the others, Yan Yonghui took off his sunglasses and rushed away with a big grin.

come over.


"Brother, you miss me so much!"

Yan Yonghui wanted to give Lu Fei a hug, but his huge beer belly directly pushed Lu Fei away, making everyone burst into laughter.

"Brother Yan!"

"Brother Yan!"

"Hello everyone, hello everyone!"

"I'm so happy to see you."

"You must not get drunk or come home today!"

Wang Hailong lowered his head and came to Yan Yonghui and said with a blushing face.

"Brother Yan, me."

"Good brother, I know what you want to say."

"Brother understands everything."

"Next time something like this happens, no matter who it is, run away if you can. Don't be stupid!"


"next time?"

"You're still looking forward to doing it again, right?" Li Yunhe said with a smile.

"Haha, I was wrong. Isn't it okay that I was wrong?"

"After I go back, I will punish myself with three drinks." Yan Yonghui said with a laugh.

After everyone greeted him, the little puppy came up to Yan Yonghui and touched his firm belly, almost doubting his life.

"Brother Yan, they won't give you hormones, right?"

"It's only been a few days, why have you gained so much weight?" asked the little puppy.


"It can't be helped, life is too good."

"To be precise, we only gained weight when we arrived in Tiandu City."

"When we get there, as long as we don't go out, we can all walk around freely in the building."

"Three delicious meals a day, good drinks and good hospitality, and supper in the evening."

"With a roast duck and a whole lamb feast, I can't help but gain weight!"

“The most important thing is, their beer is so delicious.”

"That's the new wine that Tiandu Brewery is preparing to put on the market. It's delicious."

"Looking back, I have to get the Zhongzhou agent rights for that wine."



"You guys are so big-hearted!" the little puppy said, rolling his eyes.

"It's not that we are arrogant, the supervisor there told us everything about Xiao Fei."

"We know Xiao Fei is fine, what else are there to worry about?"

"If we are depressed inside, it will make Xiao Fei worried."

"If you want to say that Xiao Fei still has face, when those people talk about Xiao Fei, they all give him thumbs up!"

"By the way, no one is giving you a hard time inside, right?" the little nanny asked.

"That's not the case."

"But he's trying to trick us into accusing Xiao Fei."

"Those people are really stupid. You want me to accuse my brother?"


"Ha ha."

"Let's go and have a drink!"

After leaving the airport, the motorcade arrived at Lingquan Villa.

After chatting for a while, Lu Fei's family members arrived one after another.

At noon, five tables were set up in the villa, and everyone had a good drink.

After the banquet was removed and tea was replaced, everyone began to chat about what happened to Yan Yonghui and others inside. The huge private room was filled with laughter and joy.

At this time, Li Xi's call came in, and Lu Fei came outside to answer it.

"Lu Fei, thank you."

"Teacher Li, you don't have to be polite. With your qualifications, this position should be yours." Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, you have helped me so much, I..."

"Stop talking."

"You are a good person and will be rewarded. Otherwise, you will be in peace."

"When Master's wife recovers, I will treat your whole family to dinner."

"Okay, thank you."

"By the way, I have a merciless request."

"You say!"

"The students in the Department of Archeology know that you are in Bianliang and want you to come to the department to give a lecture."


"no problem!"

"I must go there before I leave."

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