A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1174 Li Yunhe becomes a father

Yan Yonghui's twelve brothers returned safely, and everyone gathered happily at Lingquan Villa at noon.

After the meal, Xu Maochen and Wan Xiaofeng escorted Lu Fei's family back to Jincheng.

Wang Xinyi also went back to deal with the company's affairs, leaving Chen Xiang to accompany Lu Fei.

After coming out of the airport, Lu Fei took Zhu Tianbao back to Huali Village to accompany Zhu Dahai.

When you leave, leave Bianliang with yourself.

On the way back from Huali Village, Lu Fei said to Li Yunhe.

"When is the due date?"


"Hey, you seem to care more about my wife giving birth than me!" Li Yunhe said with a smile.

"I don't care about your wife, I care about my godson." ??

"It's not easy to have a child at your age, so you have to be careful."


"What happened to me?"

"I'm much healthier than you, I'm telling you."

"Not only this one, I also want to give birth to second and third children."

"Lao Li's family will be prosperous and powerful from my lifetime on."

Just as he was talking, Li Yunhe's phone rang.

I took out my phone and saw two words "Sweetheart" displayed on the screen.


Seeing these two words, Lu Fei felt nauseated and almost vomited his lunch.

Li Yunhe rolled his eyes and said sternly.

"This is called love!"

"It's not like you, a bachelor, can realize this!"


"Dear, are you again..."

"Aunt Li?"

"what's up?"

"Where's Huanhuan?"


"Huanhuan is giving birth?"

"how so?"

"The due date is obviously tomorrow?"

"Okay, I'll rush to the hospital right away. I'll be there in fifteen minutes, no, ten minutes."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yunhe's eyes turned red.

He slapped the driver's puppy on the back of the head and shouted loudly.

"Quick, go to Maternal and Child Health Care

hospital. "

"Damn it!"

"The due date is obviously tomorrow, it's so damn unreliable."

"You should hurry up!"

"Brother Li, please don't worry. Let me ask you, how to get to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital?"

"Oh, by the way, I drive the navigation!"


"Stop the car and let me drive!"

After driving the little milk dog down, Li Yunhe drove it himself.

Press the accelerator to the bottom and it’s a smooth ride.

As for the signal lights, completely ignore them.

The Cherokee turned into a Ferrari, but Li Yunhe still thought it was too slow and kept complaining along the way.

When he arrived at the hospital, he didn't even bother to turn off the engine and ran away.

"What the hell!"

"Brother Li actually has such a crazy side?" the little dog sighed.

Lu Fei laughed loudly.

"I didn't become a father until I was thirty, so I understand my feelings."

"Come on, let's go up and have a look too."

When everyone arrived at the delivery room, Li Yunhe was pacing back and forth anxiously in the corridor.

Li Shengnan sat on the chair with his grandfather, looking at Li Yunhe with a look of distress.

"Can you calm down for a while?"

"It's so annoying to be wandering around!"

"Sister, I'm worried!"

"Are you worried?"

"Feidi said it was a smooth birth, so everything will be fine. Please sit down and sit down."

"I look upset." Li Shengnan shouted.

"Sister, don't always be Feidi Feidi's."

"Even the due date is unreliable, and he is even less reliable as a bachelor." Li Yunhe said.

"Hey, who begged me to check your wife's pulse?"

"Are you feeling guilty for saying this?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"You kid, please don't cause any trouble here, I'm going to die."

"If I say it's a smooth life, then it's a smooth life. Are you so anxious?"

As Lu Fei was talking, the delivery room door opened and the delivery doctor came out, and everyone quickly gathered around him.

"Doctor, how is my wife?"

"Congratulations to Mr. Li, congratulations to Mr. Li, the Li family has a new son."

"Mrs. Li Shunsheng, it's a boy, he weighs six pounds and four ounces!"



"I, Li Yunhe, have become a father."

"I have a son!"


"Awesome, I'm a dad!"

"Long live my wife!"

Li Yunhe rushed over like crazy and hugged everyone to celebrate, including Chen Xiang.

After Lu Fei congratulated Li Pingan, he led everyone out of the hospital, leaving space for the happiest Li family.

After leaving the hospital, everyone returned to the Brilliant Nightclub to drink tea and chat.

Lu Fei told Yan Yonghui about the 60 million compensation, and everyone was extremely excited.

Throughout the afternoon, everyone's mobile phone buzzed without interruption, all of which were photos of his son Li Ao sent by Li Yunhe.

After watching the first few pictures, everyone laughed and posted endlessly, so everyone simply turned off their phones.

After dinner, the boys stayed in the nightclub to have fun, while Lu Fei and Chen Xiang returned to Zhang's house.

When he got home, Lu Fei made some tea and started to make the bed.

"Xiang'er, this is Zhang Laopan's fire bed."

"This thing is common in the Northeast, but it is very rare in this area of ​​Zhongzhou!"

"The fire pit is a little hard, but it has many benefits for the human body."

“Especially for lumbar and cervical spine diseases, the effect is even more remarkable.”

"If you light a fire in winter, the bed will be warm and comfortable all night."

"Oh, by the way, do you want to take a shower?"

Lu Fei said, laid out a quilt, and then got busy again. This time Chen Xiang was a little dumbfounded.

"Lu Fei, you, go sleep in another room!"

"No, this

It’s such a big kang, and it’s totally fine for both of us. "


"Lu Fei, you, you, I promise to stay with you, but you can't tell you what you have planned against me." Chen Xiang said with a blushing face.


"Xiao Xiang'er, are you thinking wrong again?"

"I'm just sleeping, what can I do?"

"Besides, it's not like we haven't slept together before. Why are you so embarrassed?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Lu Fei, you are shameless."

"Don't think blindly, I will definitely not sleep in the same room with you anyway."

"I, I'm going to sleep in the West Room!" Chen Xiang said.

"Don't make trouble!"

"You'd be scared to sleep in a room by yourself!"


"Don't worry, I'm not that timid!"

"I would be scared if I sleep in the same room with you!"

"Good night, I'm going to the West Room." Chen Xiang said proudly.

"No, Xiang'er!"

"We are already in a relationship, okay?"

"A definite relationship is a definite relationship, but the principle cannot be violated."

"You said you would never bully me until you have no ability."

"You have to keep your word."

"Xiang'er, do you think I'm qualified to marry you now?"

"I think it's almost done!"

"Don't worry, when I come back from the United States, I will immediately go to Mr. Chen to propose marriage. He will definitely not refuse." Lu Fei said.

"Then wait until you do it."

"Bye, I wish you a good dream, my dear Mr. Lu Fei."

"Do we have to go to the West House?"


"All right!"

"But let me tell you in advance, after the deceased is buried, the soul often comes back to visit during the first seven days."

"If you hear anything special, don't be afraid. Send me a message and I will communicate with Mr. Zhang!"

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