A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1176 Sound Storage

"Lu Fei, you bastard!"

"you are bullying me!"


"You are my favorite, how could I bully you?"

"You said you would never touch me before marrying me."

"How do you explain it now?"


"To love so deeply that you can't extricate yourself. This is the expression and experience of extreme love!"

"It's totally normal!"


"You always have a point."

"Lu Fei, you said you would be good to me."

"I swear!"

"You must marry me."

"When I come back from the United States, I will propose marriage to Mr. Chen immediately."

"But, what should we do with Xinyi and Jiaqi?"


"What does it have to do with me marrying you?"

"Xinyi and Jiaqi both like you, I don't believe you can't tell."

"I can't help it. There are too many people who like me, but I only have you in my heart."

"If you want to blame it, blame me for being too good."



"I don't care. Before you propose marriage to my grandfather, you must explain the matter clearly to Xinyi and Jiaqi."

"I don't want them to be unhappy, you understand?"

"Is that necessary?"

"I have no idea about them."

"I only like you."

"I don't care, I must say it."

"All right!"

"I promise you."

"That's pretty much it."

"Hey, what are you doing again?"

"I want to experience it again!"

"You, you stinky gangster"

At dawn the next day, Lu Fei quietly got out of bed after gently kissing the sleeping Chen Xiang.

Coming outside to breathe in the fresh air, Lu Fei felt more comfortable than ever before.

Ran around the Zhang family

A few laps, always with a bright smile on his face.

After running for a while, I returned to the kitchen and made two bowls of noodles, plus two fried eggs and brought them to the room.

Chen Xiang had just woken up and was staring at Lu Fei with resentful eyes.

"Honey, it's time to get up and eat."

"You can rest at home for a while, and I'll go and bury Zhang Laoyuan."



"You talking about your husband like that was a big taboo in ancient times!"


"Go to the West Room and bring me my clothes, bags and all my belongings."

"The sound was so scary, I didn't dare to go there anymore," Chen Xiang said.


"What's the sound?" Lu Fei asked doubtfully.

"Lu Fei, you didn't even listen to what I told you last night, did you?" Chen Xiang said loudly.

"No, I thought you missed me and deliberately found an excuse to come here and ask me to accompany you."


"You're too pretentious."

"I regret it so much. If I had known this, I would never have stayed with you."

"I'm telling you, Lu Fei, if you are sorry for me in the future, I, I will definitely"

"Don't talk nonsense, how could I possibly be sorry to you?"

"Tell me quickly what sound you heard." Lu Fei said seriously.

Thinking of what happened last night, Chen Xiang was still frightened and leaned on Lu Fei's chest and said.

"The sound seemed to come from underground."

"It sounded like something tapping on the wall, or the sound of walking."

"The sound is very regular and rhythmic, so scary!"


"Sounds coming from underground?"

"Absolutely right!" Chen Xiang said.

"You eat noodles first, I'll go over and take a look

Down. "

When he came to the west room, Lu Fei held his breath and felt it carefully, but there was no sound.

He came to the bedside and put his ear to the iron frame of the iron bed. Lu Fei finally heard it.


"Boom, boom!"


After listening carefully for a while, Lu Fei couldn't help but frowned.

Yes, this sound did come from underground.

But how could there be a source of sound underground?

If the noises made by mice cannot be so regular, let alone such loud movements, what is going on?

With Lu Fei here, Chen Xiang also had the courage to follow.

After Lu Fei put his ear to the iron frame and listened, Chen Xiang was slightly startled.

"Lu Fei, the rhythm of the voice today is much slower than last night!"

"The pattern is almost the same, but the frequency is much slower!"

Lu Fei nodded and carried his big bag over.

He took out two small crowbars from his bag, pried off five pieces of the floor tiles, and then dug a small hole in the sand cushion with an engineer shovel.

"Lu Fei, what do you want to do?" Chen Xiang asked.

"You'll understand in a moment."

I went to the outhouse and found a small stainless steel basin. I used a crowbar to poke a big hole in the bottom of the basin, and then put the stainless steel basin into the hole I just dug.

Then the excavated sand was used to fill and compact the gaps in the outer wall of the pot. The next incredible thing happened.

The sound of the underground came from the holed stainless steel basin.

Moreover, the sound was more than ten times louder than listening against the iron frame, and it was extremely clear.

Feeling this magic, Chen Xiang was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Lu Fei, how do you know so much?" Chen Xiang asked with admiration.

"Hey, your man is the best."

Chen Xiang rolled his eyes and said.

"Can you speak well?"

"Actually this

It's nothing. This method of storing sounds was invented as early as the Jin Dynasty. "

"In ancient times, attacks on cities often resulted in serious casualties, so Cao Cao thought of a way to have his troops dig tunnels into the city from underground."

"What does Dizijun mean?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Grave robber!"


"Don't interrupt!"

"Cao Cao's method worked wonders, but this method was quickly mastered by others and used against Cao Cao."

"It made Cao Cao regret it but he didn't have a good defense method."

"Later, Du Yu, a famous military strategist in the Western Jin Dynasty, accidentally discovered that the bucket had the function of muting sounds."

"After trial and error, it was finally put into practice."

"At the beginning of the sixth year of Taishi, Du Yu was responsible for guarding Longyou Pass."

"In the same year, the Xianbei people Tufa Shujin rebelled with great force, and their strength was several times greater than that of the defenders."

"The Bald Tree function was able to attack the city for three days and suffered heavy losses, but it still couldn't break the city."

"In the following days, the Bald Tree function was still able to attack the city, but the troops invested were much weaker."

"We often feign attacks a few times, and then withdraw our troops and confront them if they don't work."

"Du Yu felt something was wrong, so he ordered a dozen large wooden barrels to be dug in, and they dug a hole in the bottom of the barrel and buried it halfway into the ground. Sure enough, he found the sound of digging underground."

"Du Yu asked the soldiers to follow the sound."

"When the enemy breaks out of the ground, stay up there and wait for work to defeat the enemy."

"Since then, the method has been widely used."

"In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, wooden barrels were replaced by pottery jars, and the effect was much better than the former."

"By the Ming Dynasty, a ten-meter-long vat had become a must-have standard within the walls of all cities."

"Metals conduct much better than ceramics."

"In the late Qing Dynasty, merchant ships and warships were connected by an iron pipe up and down, which was used to transmit sound."

"This method was used until World War II, and it was not until the advent of electronic equipment that it disappeared from the stage of history."

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