A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1177 Honeymoon Period

A stainless steel pot with a hole punched in it and half buried in the soil can collect underground sounds and amplify them several times.

Feeling this magical effect, Chen Xiang was endlessly surprised.

The reason why I like Lu Fei is that he is knowledgeable and talented.

At the beginning of the meeting, Lu Fei recognized the Zigang brand with his naked eyes and Chen Xiang was deeply touched.

Then there were the broken pieces of porcelain, Wen Baozhai got Tang Ying's enamel plum vase, and Lu Fei made a protective plaque for himself, and so on.

Every time Lu Fei developed a new skill, his love for Lu Fei deepened until he couldn't help himself.

Now that she is Lu Fei's woman, Chen Xiang feels proud from the bottom of her heart.

"Lu Fei, what is this sound? Can you hear it?" Chen Xiang asked.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"I can't tell for sure, but it sounds like water drops."

"Water drops?"

"That's right!"

"It rained heavily for several hours the day before yesterday, and the rain slowly seeped down and formed water droplets."

"The rhythmic ones should be water droplets, and the other noise should be the collapse of the soil layer on top."

"You said the sounds were more frequent last night than now because there was much more water in the soil yesterday than now."

"It is estimated that this sound will disappear if it continues for another half day." Lu Fei said.

"But why is there the sound of water dripping underground?"

"And how could the voice be so obvious?" Chen Xiang asked.

"The sound of water dripping means there must be space underground."

"As for the loud sound, it's probably dripping on something like metal, but I'm not sure. We'll have to take a look to find out." Lu Fei said excitedly.

"Lu Fei, you mean, there is something down there?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's 80% correct."

"Then what do you think?"

"Are you going to dig a hole in the house?"


"Listening to the sound, the space should be in the southeast direction, at least thirty meters away from here, and should be behind the house."

"so far?"

"It should be about the same.


"Chen Xiang, let's keep talking on the phone. I'll go outside and knock on the ground."

"I feel that the sound of hitting the ground is similar to or overlaps with the sound underground. Please call me."

"If the sound goes astray, you have to notify me!" Lu Fei said.

"I'm afraid I can't hear this!"

"Don't worry, this is very simple."

Lu Fei said as he came outside the house and gently tapped the ground with a crowbar.

The sound reflected from the stainless steel basin is indeed very different from the sound underground.

Although the sound of tapping the ground was dull, the echo in the basin was very clear, and it was completely different from the echo of the underground sound.

This difference gave Chen Xiang a feeling of freshness and magic, and she immediately aroused strong interest.

"Lu Fei, I seem to understand a little bit, let's give it a try!"


"If you think the sound is wrong, just say it on the phone."


The two kept talking on the phone, and Lu Fei came to the back of the house with a crowbar. Based on his own judgment of the location, he took another dozen steps to the southeast.

Stop and hit the ground with the crowbar.

The sound is fed back into the basin, and the echo is much lighter than before, but it is still higher than the echo underground.

"Lu Fei, I feel the direction is right, but it should be further away." Chen Xiang said.



"What now?"

"It's very similar, just a little further away."


"Try a little further away!"


"It's so similar, it should be right here." Chen Xiang said in surprise.


After a while, Lu Fei ran back, carrying his bag on his back and leading Chen Xiang to the backyard.

Take the probe rod and assemble it on the spot, and immediately hit it at the place you just determined.

After hitting five shots in a row, when the sixth shot went down more than four meters, the probe lost gravity and suddenly rushed down.


"This is it!"

Lu Fei slowly lowered the probe rod, about two meters down, and touched the hard bottom.

This means that the depth of this space is about two meters.

With a little more force, the probe rod was taken out.

The more than 40 centimeters long part of the front section of the probe was completely soaked.

The shovel head was filled with green and black sludge, exuding the stench of decay.

But among the odors, Lu Fei could smell the smell of metal keenly, which made Lu Fei very excited.

"The space below is more than two meters deep, and there should be half a meter of water."

"It seems that 90% of it is the sound of water drops." Lu Fei said.

Chen Xiang patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death, I thought"

"Since it's the sound of water dripping, I'm relieved. I'll go to the West Room to sleep tonight!"

"How about that?"

"We are in the honeymoon period now. Don't try to separate from me. It won't work."

"What honeymoon period?"

"Jia Qi is right, you are just a stinky hooligan, I will not be fooled by you!"

"By the way, what is the space below used for?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I don't know this yet. I'll find out when I come back tonight and take a look."

"I'm going to pay my respects to Zhang Laoyuan. Are you going to rest at home or come with me?" Lu Fei asked.

Chen Xiang rolled his eyes and said.

"I'm so tired, I don't want to go up the mountain anymore."

"I'm going to the hospital to see Zhang Huan and the child."

"Okay, I'll take you there."

The two returned to the door of Zhang's house, and all the friends who had stayed in Bianliang arrived.

Seeing everyone, Chen Xiang unconsciously

She blushed with embarrassment, said hello to everyone, and went into the house to put on makeup and wash up.

The others were preparing shovels, poles, pockets and other necessities to load into the car. The little nanny pulled Lu Fei aside and said coquettishly.

"My brother!"

"My brother!"

"My admiration for you is like a torrent of water."

"Are you sick?"

"speak nicely!"

"Brother, I admire you so much. How did you do it?" the little dog asked with a smile.

"What are you talking about so early in the morning?" Lu Fei said with a serious face.

"Brother, please stop pretending, okay?"

"You quietly captured the great beast Sister Chen Xiang. You are so awesome, my brother!"


Lu Fei almost doubled over at the little nanny's words.

Damn it!

This boy is only in his early twenties, but he has such a vision. This is a valuable experience accumulated by many young girls from good families!

"You, what are you talking about?"



"Based on your brother's and my experience, I can see Sister Chen Xiang's changes at a glance."

"Congratulations to my dear brother, congratulations to my dear brother, you finally got the idea."


"shut up."

"If you dare to tell a third person, I will skin you."

"I wipe it?"

"Brother, in this case, shouldn't you give me hush money?"

"You threaten me like this, and I feel very unhappy, let me tell you."

"I'll give you a hammer."

"Shut your mouth, otherwise I won't mind sealing it for you again." Lu Fei said.

"don't want!"

"I'm joking, brother, don't worry, I will keep it secret, and no third person will know."

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