A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1180 Iron Bar

Li Yunhe invited everyone to dinner, and made various showoffs during the dinner, which attracted countless eye rolls from everyone.

After the meal, Li Yunhe returned to the hospital to continue his happy time as a nanny.

The little buddy wanted to follow Lu Fei back to Zhang's house, but he was dragged by the little milk dog to the nightclub to have fun.

This thoughtful gesture won great praise from his brother Lu Fei.

Lu Fei took Chen Xiang to the hardware store to buy some necessary tools.

Then they went to the vegetable market together.

I bought some flour, leeks and meat fillings.

Back at Zhang's house, Lu Fei taught Chen Xiang how to make dumplings.

The two were talking, laughing and getting intimate, which was sweeter than the young couple on their honeymoon.

After having dinner early, as night fell, Lu Fei let Chen Xiang rest and planned to explore the underground space where the sound came from.

Chen Xiang insisted on following out of curiosity, and Lu Fei certainly would not let her down.

When he came to the backyard, Lu Fei did not dig immediately, but frequently lowered the pole to survey the specific specifications of the underground space.

After five consecutive shots, the depth and amount of water were almost the same as those surveyed in the early morning.

It is not difficult to see from this that the space below should be quite flat.

The bottom is made of ordinary soil. Judging from this, it should be a manually dug cellar.

The soil at the bottom of the cellar has traces of tamping, and there is a layer of silt that has accumulated over the years, so water can accumulate.

After moving more than one meter, Lu Fei took another shot. This time, Lu Fei was blinded to the cellar entrance.

The cellar entrance is covered by wooden boards, and judging from the sawdust brought up, the wooden boards are about to rot away.

In a year with plenty of rain, it would take up to two years before the boards would completely rot and collapse.

At present, the cellar entrance is only less than one and a half meters deep from the ground.

Moreover, the location is still in the courtyard of a previous family, and there are no infrastructure ruins above and below. In this case, excavation will be much easier.

Once you have found the cellar entrance, there is no need to continue surveying.

After cleaning up the weeds on the surface, Lu Fei picked up the shovel and started digging.

Chen Xiang put on gloves and picked up

The engineer shoveled, Lu Fei was shocked.

"What do you want to do?"

"I'll help you."

"No, just take a rest!"

"These are all iron guys. If they hurt you, I would feel bad."

"I can do it!"

"That won't work either. I have to nip all potential dangers in the bud."

"Lu Fei, you are so sore!"


"Just be sour!"

"As long as you are good, it doesn't matter if you call me cheap."

After a few words, Chen Xiang felt extremely sweet in her heart.

He put down his engineering shovel and squatted on the ground, holding his chin with his hands, staring at the man he loved without blinking, his eyes full of happiness.

A large pit with a diameter of 1.5 meters and a depth of just over 1 meter would take an ordinary person at least an hour to dig.

But Lu Fei easily finished it all in half an hour.


There was a muffled sound, the shovel head felt a slight elasticity, and Lu Fei immediately stopped.

Throw the shovel aside and slowly clean it up with a sapper shovel.

Two minutes later, a one-meter-square wooden cover appeared in front of Lu Fei.

Lu Fei was stunned when he saw this cover.

The cover is a plain pine board, highly decayed.

There are six fist-sized holes in it. Judging from the cracks, the thickness of the pine board is only about three centimeters.

It was so rotten that it didn't collapse. It's really amazing!

Lu Fei held one side of the lid with both hands and lifted it up.

But as soon as it was lifted about thirty centimeters, the wooden cover instantly shattered.

Except for a small piece of rotten residue in Lu Fei's hand, most of the rest fell into the deep pit.


At the same time, a pungent rancid odor spurted out, and Lu Fei immediately threw away the crumbs in his hand and jumped up.

Lu Fei couldn't help but frowned as he pulled Chen Xiang back ten meters away and lit a cigarette.

In this stench, in addition to the stench of sewage and metal, there is also the stench of corpses.

Damn it!

What's going on down here?

Isn't it a hidden body?

If that were really the case, that would be ridiculous.

After twenty minutes, Chen Xiang was asked to wait where he was, and Lu Fei turned back alone.

After the air circulates, although the miasma is no longer there, the stench is still there.

Under this situation, not to mention that Chen Xiang couldn't come over, even Lu Fei backed down.

Just when Lu Fei was hesitating, the flashlight swept across the cellar entrance, and Lu Fei discovered something unexpected.

I didn't notice it just now, but now I see that there are four iron bars hanging horizontally and vertically at the entrance of the cellar.

Wearing a mask and looking closely, each iron bar is about five centimeters wide, one meter long and nearly one centimeter thick.

Looking along the rusty iron bars with the flashlight, Lu Fei made another surprising discovery.

On one of the iron bars, there was even a series of capital English letters engraved on it.

Lu Fei pulled out the demon dragon and scraped off some of the rust on it, and these letters came into Lu Fei's eyes completely.

This string of letters reads: "INGHAM·ASOUSWORTLEYLEEDS"

People who don't know what's going on will be confused when they see this string of letters.

But if Guan Haishan sees it, his blood will definitely boil with excitement.

This string of letters is a trademark, which translates to: Ingham Sens.

This company is not simple.

This was a famous British steel manufacturer in the 18th century. It was also one of the leading companies in the UK at that time.

In the fifteenth year of Guangxu's reign, all the equipment used by Qingxi Iron Works, the first steel plant in China, came from this company.

The National Museum has collected four refractory bricks from Qingxi Iron Works, with this string of English letters engraved on them.

At that time, Qingxi Iron Works imported 900 tons of steel from this manufacturer.

And it was only imported once.

It's not that I couldn't afford it, but the company went bankrupt soon due to various problems.

So far, we can only learn about it from the literature, and no one has ever seen the real thing.

The four iron bars in front of Lu Fei were undoubtedly one of the imported steel materials at that time.

This thing is such a treasure that even the British Museum can’t afford it.

With these four iron bars, Lu Fei's time digging holes and smelling the stench was worth a thousand dollars.

However, this is just scratching the surface.

Steel was something that the Qing Dynasty government explicitly controlled at that time, let alone imported steel that was bought with a lot of money.

The person who can possess these four iron bars is definitely not an ordinary person.

With these iron bars supporting the cellar entrance, Lu Fei will not be disappointed inside.

With the appearance of these four iron bars, even if there is a mass grave below, Lu Fei must go down to find out.

He took out the four iron bars, wrapped them in foam, and carried them to Chen Xiang.

Then he took out a rope, tied one end to the trunk of a big tree behind the house, and threw the other end along the cellar entrance.

Returning to Chen Xiang, Lu Fei said.

"Xiang'er, the situation down there is unknown, just wait for me here."

"If you feel scared, just pull this rope and I will come up right away."

"Lu Fei, I want to go down with you!"

"It stinks down there!"

"I'm not afraid!"

"There's a putrid smell down there, and there's probably a rotting corpse."

"As long as you are here, I won't be afraid of anything."

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