A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1181 The stench is overwhelming

Chen Xiang pleaded in every possible way, but was ultimately rejected by Lu Fei.

"You're not afraid, I'm afraid!"

"The situation below is unknown, and I will never allow any accidents to occur."

"Be obedient and wait for me at the entrance of the cellar."

"If you are scared, just pull the rope or call me and I will come up immediately."

"All right!"

"You have to be more careful and pay attention!"

"Do not worry!"

He smiled at Chen Xiang and jumped down from the cellar entrance.

Keep your feet on the ground and shine your flashlight on the shaft wall.

The shaft is more than two meters high, and six logs of about 20 centimeters are inserted into the east wall.

This is a simple ladder. When going up, you can climb up by stepping on the logs.

The log was in such bad shape that it could be easily broken with a little force and was completely useless.

However, this design still attracted Lu Fei's extreme contempt.

The entrance to the cellar is supported by imported steel, and the ladder is so shabby that it doesn’t match the style at all!

Bad review!

To the south at the bottom of the shaft is the cellar space, with a few steps at the foot.

But by the third step, it was already submerged in the sewage.

Lu Fei stepped into the cold sewage with his feet and moved forward. With this stirring, the stench was several times stronger than before.

Even though he was wearing two layers of masks, Lu Fei almost vomited.

Resisting the urge to gag, I walked slowly forward with a flashlight.

After completely entering the space, Lu Fei turned on his flashlight and looked around.

The interior of the cellar is almost fifteen square meters, and the depth of water accumulation is just over forty centimeters. Visually, the total height is almost two meters.

Looking along the horizontal plane, to the right, there are six large boxes on two levels.

The top three and the bottom cover are exposed, while the rest are soaked in water.

Seeing these boxes, Lu Fei suddenly became as depressed as a deflated ball.

These boxes are different from all the boxes I have opened before.

These turned out to be special suitcases for Beijing opera costumes and supplies.

There are a bunch of musical instruments placed on the lids of the top three boxes.

Single-skin drums, hall drums, large gongs, small gongs, cymbals, cymbals, etc. are all available.

The water dripped down from the top and landed just on the big gong, making a loud batch.


Lu Fei was filled with joy and thought he was a big treasure, but after a long effort, he turned out to be a Beijing Opera guy!

Damn it


Something is wrong!

This is Zhongzhou, the hometown of Henan Opera?

How could there be a Beijing Opera guy hiding here?

Something is wrong, there is definitely something fishy!

Lu Fei was confused and continued to move forward to see what happened.

But just after taking two steps, he suddenly stumbled in the water.

Lu Fei didn't pay attention, uttered a curse word, and lay directly in the smelly sewage.



After getting up, Lu Fei vomited directly.

"Lu Fei, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the sound, Chen Xiang, who was above, pulled the rope and shouted worriedly.

"Puff puff"

Throwing away his mask and spitting out two mouthfuls of sewage, enduring the overwhelming stench, Lu Fei quickly answered.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"


"Be careful!"


"Wait a minute, I'll be up soon!"

After the call ended, Lu Fei felt warm in his heart.

No wonder they all like to have sex, it feels so good to have someone caring about you!

His whole body was soaked by the smelly water, and Lu Fei suddenly found that he had adapted to the smell.

My breathing calmed down, and it was no longer as difficult to accept as before.

Lu Fei squatted down and groped in the water for something that tripped him.

Lu Fei frowned when he touched this thing.


Based on the feel of his hand, Lu Fei was 100% sure that there was a rotten corpse underneath.

And they are human bones.

Lu Fei was shocked when he fished out the things with both hands.

Lu Fei's guess was good, it was indeed human bones.

The skin and flesh had rotted away, leaving only dark brown bones.

What surprised Lu Fei was that although the clothes on Kugu's body were in tatters, the piece of crotch cloth under his crotch was still intact.

Island people!

Only people from island countries in the world can wear such unique underwear.

Seeing this piece of crotch cloth, you can be 100% sure that the skeleton is from the island country.

Looking at the rags remaining on the dead bones, Lu Fei was surprised to find that this was still an island nation's military uniform.


How could the corpse of a little Japanese soldier be in the same room as a Peking Opera suitcase?

Lu Fei checked and found that there were obvious scratches on the third rib on the left side of the corpse.

He should have been stabbed to death with a sharp weapon from here.

At this moment, Lu Fei's mind was filled with countless question marks.

Lu Fei threw the little devil's body aside and continued groping.



Thirty-eight big Gaier!

Yes, they are indeed the little devil's soldiers.

There is also engraving on the butt of the gun, which is empty.

The owner of this gun is called Da Chaikong.


The skin and flesh were all rotten away, and it was really empty. The remaining bones could only be used as firewood.

Da Chaikong is a very vivid name.

The gun was thrown into a corner out of the way, and Lu Fei continued to fumble.

This exploration really shocked Lu Fei.

In this small space, Lu Fei found a total of six corpses, all of which were soldiers from the island nation.

Moreover, they were all stabbed to death with sharp weapons, and five of them were stabbed in the chest from the front.

Six people were rotting here, no wonder it smelled so bad.

What surprised Lu Fei was that the guns of these six soldiers were full of bullets.

Under such circumstances, they could be stabbed head-on. The person who killed them was definitely a super expert.


While Lu Fei was thinking, a piece of wet soil collapsed from the ceiling, and Lu Fei was startled.

After carefully looking at the top, I saw that it was completely soaked, with more than a dozen places dripping water, and two places with cracks in the soil, threatening to collapse at any time.

Even Daluo Jinxian would have no chance of surviving if he was hit by a four-meter-high collapsed soil.

Lu Fei didn't dare to neglect and immediately came to the box.

After looking at the various percussion instruments above, I saw that they were completely worthless and were simply thrown into the sewage.

Looking at the box, luckily it hasn't completely rotted and fallen apart.

The flashlight is held in the mouth, and a suitcase is held in the hand. The weight is average.

In addition to the weight of the solid wood box itself, the items inside should be very light, probably items such as clothes.

There was no time to open and check, so Lu Fei directly carried the box to the entrance of the shaft, and then turned back.

The weight of the second box is quite different from the previous one.

But the third box is very stressful.

Lu Fei was overjoyed and took extra care of the box.

Three boxes had filled the bottom of the shaft. Lu Fei tied one box firmly with a rope, then climbed up on both sides of the shaft.

"Lu Fei, you... vomit."

"You stink so much!"

"How did you do this?"


Lu Fei got used to the taste, but Chen Xiang couldn't accept it. Even if he tried hard to control it, it was useless, so he ran to the side and vomited wildly.

"Xianger, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you...vomit"

"Well, you'd better stay away from me!"

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