A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1182 Going into battle shirtless

The stench from Lu Fei's body made Chen Xiang vomit.

Lu Fei quickly distanced himself from Chen Xiang.

After vomiting for a while, Chen Xiang stood up and looked at Lu Fei apologetically.

"I'm sorry Lu Fei, I don't dislike you."


"You don't need to explain, I just vomited worse than you down there."

"It would be weird if you could hold it back!"

"Wait for me in the distance for a while. The situation below has been found out. I will be back in a while!"

Lu Fei said as he came to the cellar entrance, grabbed the rope and pulled up the first two suitcases.

He put the box aside without opening it to check, and quickly jumped down to tie the other one.

This was repeated three times, and all three boxes in the first batch were obtained.

Lu Fei jumped down again and looked at the three other boxes soaked in the sewage, feeling a little hesitant.

The sewage has already covered the mouth of the box. There is no doubt that water must have entered inside.

Even if there is a treasure inside, 99% of it can't be saved.

But it was so close that Lu Fei would be unwilling to open it and take a look.

After looking at the cracks on the top, I felt that there was not much danger for the time being, so I rushed in decisively.

He came to a box and tried hard on the edge, but it didn't move at all.

It seems that my guess was right, it was really soaked in water.

In this case, just open it on the spot.

After checking the ceiling again to make sure there was no danger, Lu Fei opened the first box.

Holding the flashlight in his mouth, he reached out and touched inside, then grabbed a handful and looked at it. His hands were full of rotten costumes.

All the way to the bottom.

Close the lid and go to the next box.

Inside this box were no longer costumes, but a dozen pairs of boots.



After opening two boxes in a row, Lu Fei suddenly lost interest.

I opened the last box with a bit of disgust and grabbed a handful of costumes.


br\u003e “Fuck!”

After uttering a curse word, Lu Fei lost interest in continuing to touch it.

But for the slightest chance of luck, Lu Fei still stretched his hand in again.

I stretched my right hand to the bottom and it felt sticky. I didn’t even need to take it out to check, but the costume was still broken.

Niang Xipi!

What a fucking sweep. Eh?

Just when Lu Fei was disappointed, his fingers suddenly sank from the sticky bottom.

At first, Lu Fei thought the box was terrible and was pierced by his own fingers.

Feel it carefully, and you will see that your finger fell into a gap.

Both hands reached in and groped at the same time, and Lu Fei was overjoyed.

It turns out that what I touched just now was not the real bottom, but a rectangular wooden box.


There must be something valuable in the wooden box, right?

It doesn’t matter how expensive it is, even a few pieces of gold and silver jewelry that I despise the most are worthy of me coming in again.

After touching around the gap, I found that this box was really quite big.

The length can be sixty centimeters, the width is nearly thirty centimeters, and the thickness is about twenty centimeters.

The box is plain without any carvings or decorations.

Lu Fei wanted to take the box out, but it was firmly absorbed by the rotten clothing fibers. Lu Fei applied force twice, but it didn't move at all.

However, this is not difficult for Lu Fei.

The area of ​​the box is too large, and the overall adsorption force is amazing.

In this case, the easiest way is to start from a corner.

After groping for a corner, Lu Fei extended his fingers to the bottom.

Use your fingers to clean out a gap from the rotten fibers at the bottom. Put the fingers of both hands in. Instead of lifting it directly, use your fingers as a crowbar to pry up.

After several times of exertion, I can clearly feel it

The gaps on the sides are getting bigger and bigger.

This continued evenly for a few seconds.

Goo goo goo!

Two bubbles rolled up, and the adsorption force around the box disappeared instantly.

With Lu Fei's strength and the buoyancy of the sewage, the box was easily taken out.

The box actually appeared in front of him, exactly the same size and style as the one Lu Fei touched.

The material is ordinary camphor wood. Because the outside is painted with a layer of vermilion lacquer and several layers of clear oil, it is quite well preserved without any signs of decay.

The box was plain and simple and was locked with a copper lock. However, the copper lock had already completely rusted to death, so it had to be broken open violently.

Weighing the weight and putting a little pressure on it, it shouldn't be gold or silver jewelry.

Even if it is, it won't be many.

There was no time to open it now, so Lu Fei carried the box to the bottom of the shaft and tied it tightly with ropes.

After thinking for a while, he turned back again.

I went to the previous two boxes and checked them again to make sure there were no similar conditions at the bottom, and then I gave up and left.

Because he has developed good habits, Lu Fei still carefully cleans up the traces of his presence in such a smelly puddle.

When I got to the top, I took the three boxes and the last box back, and then found two branches to cover the entrance of the cellar.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening. It was pitch dark around Zhang's house, and everything within a radius of 500 meters was in ruins.

Lu Fei simply took off his clothes and threw away all the clothes that smelled worse than stinky tofu.

I walked back shirtless and barefoot.

Chen Xiang filled three large basins of water, and prepared a lot of shower gel, shampoo, and facial cleanser, waiting for Lu Fei to come back to bathe and wash.

Hearing the movement, he quickly looked over.

"Lu Fei, come here quickly, ah."

Seeing Lu Fei's current appearance, Chen Xiang screamed and turned around quickly.

His face turned red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and he felt hot all over.

"Lu Fei, you are shameless!"

"You, you rogue."\u003c


Lu Fei walked over generously, laughing while cleaning.

"We're already an old married couple, so what?"

"you shut up!"

"Don't say it!"

"All right!"

"Isn't it okay if I don't say it?"

"Hey, I can't reach my back, come here and help!"

"I don't!"

"Don't be embarrassed!"

"It's not like I haven't seen it before."

"You should hurry up!"

"We have to clean up those things later. Time is precious!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"You, turn your back to me."

"Otherwise I will never help you." Chen Xiang said shyly.

"Okay, okay, that's it."

"Hurry up!"

"Did you really turn around?"


"No, you swear!" Chen Xiang said.

"As for no?"

"You must swear!"

"Okay, okay, I swear, I'm going to lie to you, okay?"

"You, who made you swear such a vicious oath?"

"Just be casual." Chen Xiang said.


"Hurry up, I've already turned around."

Lu Fei reassured him again and again, and Chen Xiang covered his face and turned around.

Chen Xiang felt relieved when he opened a gap with his fingers and peeked over. When he saw Lu Fei sitting in the basin with his back to him, Chen Xiang felt relieved.

"Lu Fei, tell me the truth, are you so casual outside?" Chen Xiang asked.

"How can it be?"

"You are my woman and I will only be honest with you."

"It would be impossible for anyone else to give me a mountain of gold."


"Smelly poor!"

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