A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1187 There is excitement

The eight-part Tianlong Buddha statue in Ru Kiln made Lu Fei's blood boil with excitement.

There is only one Buddha statue in Ru Kiln, there is no other one.

It's a unique product, it's really awesome.

However, while he was excited, the doubts in Lu Fei's heart became a little more serious.

Why are these eight Buddha statues here? What is the situation in this Chang family class?

Why are these valuable treasures spanning multiple dynasties in the hands of the Chang family class?

There is no answer to these mysteries, which has always been a worry for Lu Fei.

The baby is packed up and the box is temporarily placed in the storage room. ??

After washing up again, Lu Fei had more important tasks.

"Xiao Xiang'er"

"Come on, my husband will help you explain how to use aromatherapy!"

"You, don't come over."

"Lu Fei, you, listen to me."

"You do not want"

The next morning, Chen Xiang continued to go to the hospital to stay with Zhang Huan.

Lu Fei came to the car and called Guan Haishan.

"Laojun, help me check the information."

"During the Anti-Japanese War, was there a Chang Family Troupe in the Beijing opera circle in Tiandu City?"

"Chang's class?"

"Which Chang family class are you talking about?"

"There is more than one Chang family class in Tiandu City!" Guan Haishan said.

"The dramas that this Chang family class specializes in are all martial arts."

"And he is quite rich and looks very awesome." Lu Fei said.

"That's not the case." Guan Haishan said firmly.

"Don't be so sure. Check the information first before speaking."

"No need to check. If I say it's not there, it's definitely not there."

"My master likes Peking Opera the most. From the Republic of China to now, there is no troupe that is even remotely famous that my master doesn't know about."

"The old man often talks to me, and my ears are calloused."

"Besides, the actors back then were of the lowest quality."

"As a troupe, you can barely live without being looked down upon."\u003c


"It's not Mr. Mei. A top celebrity like Mr. Cheng can't be said to be rich at all, let alone awesome."

"The Chang family class you are talking about definitely does not exist in Tianducheng." Guan Haishan said.

"Hey, don't deny it in a hurry. Check the information first before speaking."

"What if you remember it wrongly?" Lu Fei said.


"You are questioning my professionalism."

"If I say no, then there must be no."

"At that time, apart from the rich Chang's class in Zhongzhou, there was absolutely no Chang's class that met your requirements in Tianducheng."


"What are you talking about at this juncture?"

"Zhongzhou Changjiaban?"

Lu Fei immediately sat up straight and asked excitedly.


“Isn’t Zhongzhou the hometown of Yu Opera?”


"What happened to the hometown of Henan Opera?"

"There are many young people nowadays who pretend to listen to foreign songs." Guan Haishan said.

"Don't argue with me first, tell me what's going on in the Chang family class in Zhongzhou?" Lu Fei said.

"Hey, there's something wrong with you kid today!"

"Dear Duan Duan, why are you asking about Chang's class?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me quickly, I'm busy here!"

"Your uncle's."

"Please ask me to do something, you are still so arrogant, who gave you the courage?"


"My bad temper!"

"Let me do you a little favor, you are still swollen."

"As expected of a boss!"

"Are you deliberately teasing me?"

"Okay, I won't ask anymore, I will

Go check the information. Lu Fei said angrily.


"I just said casually, why are you so anxious?"

"Put up your donkey ears and let me listen."


After listening to Guan Haishan's words, Lu Fei suddenly became enlightened.

After hanging up the phone with Guan Haishan, Lu Fei went to the Bianliang Museum in person.

After pulling up the literature and taking a look, all doubts will be solved.

During the Republic of China, the Chang family in Luojing was famous. Their ancestors were engaged in business and left behind a fortune.

But in Chang Yuankui's lifetime, he had no interest in doing business.

Chang Yuankui has been fond of martial arts since he was a child and has studied in Shaolin for many years.

When he grew up, Chang Yuankui became obsessed with Peking Opera again.

At the age of twenty-three, Chang Yuankui came to Tiandu City with generous gifts and wanted to learn martial arts from the famous actor Yang Xiaolou.

Unfortunately, Yang Xiaolou rejected him because of his age.

Afterwards, Chang Yuankui studied under Mr. Li Wanchun for five years.

Unfortunately, due to my talent, I only learned half-assedly and didn't even get a chance to go on stage.

Then Chang Yuankui wanted to develop on his own, but at his level, Tianducheng had no place at all.

Having no choice but to do so, Chang Yuankui organized a group of fellow practitioners in Tianducheng to return to his hometown and set up the Chang Family Class.

It didn't work well in Tiandu City, and no one would buy it back home, the hometown of Henan Opera.

But once obsession arises, there is no way out.

Chang Yuankui dissolved his business, took all his belongings and the Chang family class, and began to travel around performing arts.

I didn't make much money, but my family's financial resources were almost depleted.

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Chang family class settled in Bianliang City.

Once when I was performing in the countryside, I happened to meet a group of little devils.

The little devil mistook the female lead in Chang's class for a woman and snatched her away on the spot.

Zhao Yuankui rose up to resist, but ended up shouldering the responsibility.

It's a good thing to have a gun in your shoulder.

After recovering from his injuries, Chang Yuankui was extremely saddened when he learned that the robbed female actor was tortured to death and that the theater troupe he had worked so hard to create fell apart.

So he began to take revenge on the scattered little devils.

The six corpses of the little devils in the cellar should have been killed by Chang Yuankui one by one with his force value.

Unfortunately, Chang Yuankui lost his life in Bianliang City once.

At that time, this was also a quite famous anti-war hero.

There are records about Chang Yuankui in the documents of the Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall of Bianliang Museum.

As for the treasure in the cellar, Lu Fei didn't find any clues.

But this is not difficult to guess.

The ancestors of the Chang family were rich and powerful. Either some of the elders liked to collect them, or they were snatched away from the Chinese by the Japanese.

Either way, those things are now ownerless treasures.

Since it is ownerless, Lu Fei can accept it with peace of mind.

All doubts were solved and Lu Fei felt much better.

After calling Little Dog and Wang Xinlei, the three brothers came to Xiangguo Temple again, and the abbot still received them with high standards.

After drinking tea for a while at Xiangguo Temple, Lu Fei politely asked to see the treasure of Xiangguo Temple, the eight gilded Buddha statues of Tianlong.

Master Huixian said that it was just a legend and there was no real object.

No matter what, Lu Fei failed in the end.

After leaving Xiangguo Temple, the three of them came to the Pearl Hotel to find Li Yi. Unexpectedly, they encountered a bustling person.

What excitement?


Li Yi's wife Yao Hong came to the door.

Zhang Baocai really got it right.

A few days ago, a video of Dendrobium officinale being traded on Lingbao Street was posted online.

Due to the huge transaction price and the emergence of big internet celebrity Lu Fei, the video successfully became a hot search.

Yesterday, Yao Hong accidentally saw the video and saw that Li Yi had received a huge sum of two million. The woman was dumbfounded.

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