A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1192 Original Intention

Denying the previous boring gossip, classmate Wang Yifan asked Lu Fei a question.

"Senior, I bought a few small items at the antique market."

"Judging from the patina and style, they should all be old, but I went to many stores in a row and the counters told me they were fakes."

"I've been a little depressed several times in a row. Please ask the senior to clear up my confusion."

After hearing Wang Yifan's answer, Lu Fei chuckled.

"In the past few days, I have heard the word "baobao" a lot."

When Lu Fei said this, the faces of Zhang Zhihai and others who participated in the appraisal at the Yellow River Hotel suddenly turned red with shame.

"This classmate, please tell me first, what is patella?" Lu Fei asked.

"Packing specifically refers to the natural luster that forms on the surface of ancient artifacts after a long period of time," Wang Yifan said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"You are right, then let me ask you again, how is patina formed?"

"Friction!" Wang Yifan said.


“The most important thing in forming patina is friction.”

"Whether it's dust, play, dirt, or even air circulation, patina can never be separated from friction."

"Often the longer the friction lasts, the thicker the patina becomes."

"It's been a long time. It's just a matter of time. The result of thick patina is ultimately the length of friction time."

“Since the focus is on friction, it’s much easier to fake it.”

"Modern polishing machines and ultrasonic machines can remove the patina from an object in minutes."

"It takes half an hour to achieve a century-old patina effect, and it can even reach the bottom of glass in two hours."

"Not only machines but also chemicals and even physical methods can achieve the effect of patina."

"So, without enough experience, the patina is completely unreliable."

"Some of the pastes are so well made that even the masters have trouble distinguishing the authenticity."

"To put it bluntly, with your current knowledge and experience, it would be strange for you not to take medicine!"

Yi Wang

When Fan sat down, Lu Fei chose a boy in the second row in front.

This guy's arms are getting cramped, so it would be unkind not to call him.

When Lu Fei pointed it out, this guy was extremely excited.

"Senior, last week, I got an ingot of gold ingot from a stall at Xiaonanmen."

"If you're tired, can you help me take a look?"

With that said, the man took out a small ingot worth ten taels and held it in his hand to give it to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"Don't bother, you're a fake."


"Senior, how did you figure it out?"


"Answer me a question first, what dynasty did you get this ingot of gold ingot from?" Lu Fei asked.

"Song Dynasty!"

"There is also an inscription with the word "Shi Si" on it!"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"This classmate, what college are you in now?" Lu Fei asked.

"Sophomore year!"

"Okay, then tell me, what are the characteristics of Song Dynasty silver ingots?"


This time, this guy was speechless.


"Can't you answer this?"

"The characteristics of coins and silver dollars should be a freshman course, right?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.

"This, I, I forgot!"


"If you don't even know the most basic common sense, where do you have the courage to pick up the slack?"


"It's been too long, I can't remember it clearly," the boy said.

"Too long?"

"Well, I, a senior who has graduated for two years, will tell you what the characteristics are."

"Silver ingots from the Song and Yuan Dynasties were curved at both ends. Although the edges were ridged around them, they were not upturned."

"The surface of the ingot is slightly concave, and there are silk patterns from the outside to the inside. Generally, the surface of the ingot is larger than the bottom surface, and the waist is wider."

"Silver ingots from the Ming Dynasty are shorter and thicker than those from the Song and Yuan Dynasties, so they look quite thick."

"The arc at the waist is reduced, the wings at both ends are turned up, and the arc is increased."

"The shape of silver ingots in the Ming Dynasty is almost the same as those in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China."

"There is another biggest feature. Silver ingots from the Song and Yuan Dynasties have larger bubbles. This is the easiest feature to distinguish."

"Look at this ingot of yours. Let's not say whether it is silver or not. Just the appearance is that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties."

"Let's talk about the inscription."

"Salt judge, store owner, envoy, etc. These are typical inscriptions on silver ingots from the Jin Dynasty. How could they appear in the Song Dynasty?"

"Based on these characteristics, you are obviously fake at first sight!"


After Lu Fei finished speaking, the buddy scratched his head and sat down awkwardly, causing the whole audience to burst into laughter.

Then those tacky questions disappeared, but it became a treasure appraisal conference.

The students who got the opportunity to ask questions either let Lu Fei look at the objects or exchanged their experiences on picking up leaks.

Two hours passed like this, and Lu Fei stopped calling names.

After drinking water, the expressions of everyone in the ring suddenly became serious.

Putting down the water glass, Lu Fei looked at everyone for half a minute before speaking.

"Everyone has asked so many questions, now it's my turn to ask everyone."

"That classmate Wang Yifan, please get up."

"Let me ask you, what was your original intention when you applied for the archeology major?" Lu Fei asked.

"Interested!" Wang Yifan said.

"What year are you going to college this year?"

"It's my junior year!"\u003c


"very good!"

"Then let me ask you again, how much do you know about archeology during these three years in college?" Lu Fei asked.


"Let me ask more directly. Do you know what kind of job you will face after graduation by studying this major?" Lu Fei asked.

"of course I know!"

"After graduating from the Department of Archeology, of course I will pursue a career in archeology!"

"Please sit down!"

"Classmate Wang Yifan is right. What our archeology graduates will face in the future is the archaeological career."

"What is archeology?"

“Archaeology is the search, excavation and research of ancient sites, relics, relics and ancient civilizations.”

"Based on the research results, determine the civilization and history of that era."

"This is an honorable and arduous job."


"In the more than two hours we communicated, no one asked me anything about archeology."

"Not even a little bit."

"The questions I asked before were all about money, assets, material things, and material desires."

"The questions raised later were how to make money, how to make money quickly, and how to pick up mistakes and make huge profits."

"Students, is this the original intention of us archaeologists?"


"What are you thinking about?"

"In addition to money and desire, what else do you have in your hearts?"

"Since you worship money so much, why don't you apply for the Department of Finance?"

"Ask your original intention, your answer is interest."

"Then please ask yourself, are you interested in money and material desires, or in archaeology?"

"There are more than 100,000 archaeologists in China."

"If these people are greedy for money and material desires, how can the archaeological work be carried out!"

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