After accepting questions for more than two hours, Lu Fei's face suddenly darkened.

"No matter what the reason is for you to choose the Department of Archeology, you must be prepared to contribute to China's archaeological cause."

"But all you think about is money and material desires. This completely goes against the original intention of archeology."

"Fu Yuliang, the director of the Zhongzhou Museum and the famous great master of China, Fu Lao, is at the scene."

"Director Xin Huixin, director of Bianliang Museum, and consultant Xu Jianye, archaeological consultant, are also here."

"In terms of eyesight and ability, all of you here, including all the lecturers, are worlds apart from them."

"If they wanted to make a fortune by picking up the slack, they would have become rich a long time ago."

"But they didn't, because they knew what they were doing and what their mission was."

"Their mission is to work hard to bring China's archeology to glory."

"Kong Fanlong, Kong Lao is a hundred years old and is recognized as a great master all over the world."

"But his old man's belief and mission are also to revitalize archaeology."

"Because they are all archaeologists from China."

"This is a mission and a responsibility."

"This responsibility and mission is nothing short of glorious."

"And you, with less than half a bottle hanging around, want to imitate others who go out to pick up leaks and make a fortune."

"What's more, he has even forgotten all the lessons he has learned."

"With all due respect, you are not worthy of being a student in the Department of Archeology, let alone an archaeologist in China."

"Don't compare to me."

"Although I am not in the archaeological team, I can dedicate everything I have to China's archaeological cause."

"I once promised Mr. Kong face to face."

“No matter where I am, no matter what I’m doing.”

"As long as China's archaeological cause needs me, Lu Fei, I will always have only four words."

"That is obligatory."

"No matter how high I stand or how far I walk, I will always remember one thing in my heart: I am an archaeologist in China."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the whole place was silent.

Ten seconds later, Fu Yuliang stood up slowly, wiped his wet eyes, and clapped his hands hard.

Then, Xin Hui and Xu Jianye stood up.

Li Xi and all the faculty and staff stood up.

Then, the audience stood up and the auditorium erupted into deafening applause and cheers.

Chen Xiang backstage stared at the surveillance video with tears in her eyes.

He stood up and clapped vigorously at the monitor, feeling extremely proud of having met Lu Fei and becoming his woman.

In the nightclub, all the guys stood up and applauded.

The little puppy drank a full glass of white wine in one gulp, crying and laughing at the same time.


"So touching."

"My brother is pretending to be in the sky now!"

The thunderous applause lasted for a minute and then gradually subsided.

Lu Fei cleared his throat and continued.

"What I said just now was a bit harsh and may have hurt some people's self-esteem."

"But I won't apologize."

"Because I'm telling the truth."

“China’s archaeological undertakings have always lagged behind those of Western developed countries.”

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, our predecessors tried their best to make selfless contributions, and then they slowly caught up."

"Since you have chosen this major, you should have the awareness to move forward."

"Those students who are dawdling around and thinking about their whims, I advise you to leave as soon as possible so as not to hinder everyone."

"Those students who have ideals and ambitions, but also have ideas."

"Even if you want to learn appraisal and collect, you still need to have enough knowledge to reserve."

"You now have the best environment, the best teaching materials, and the best teaching staff."

"All you have to do is study hard with all your heart."

"When you come to work in the future, you will come into contact with

Countless treasures. "

“Only when you see more real things and good things can you accumulate experience and be able to successfully pick up on mistakes.”

"Some students may be dissatisfied."

"Lu Fei said it's so difficult, but haven't you only graduated two years ago?"

“Whatever you can do, we can do.”

"I want to tell you that success is not accidental. If you think so, you are totally wrong."

“Three generations of our family have been involved in antiques, and we even have an antique shop at home.”

"I have been influenced by it since I was a child. You can't imagine how many books and classics I have read in this life."

"If you want to compete with me, you are not worthy!"

"What you have to do is study hard, be worthy of the support of your family, be worthy of your own original intention, and be worthy of the sacred cause of archaeology."

"Students, calm down and work hard!"

"Only knowledge is your greatest reliance and wealth."

"If you learn well, you may participate in sharing our foundation's one billion bonus next year."

"In the future, when you are successful in your studies and want to play collecting, I, Lu Fei, am willing to compete with you at any time!"

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and a new generation replaces the old ones in this world."

"The archaeological cause of China needs your participation."

“China’s archaeological cause needs you to carry on the past and forge ahead into the future to create greater glory.”

"I hope that one day, you can stand on the podium like me and teach other students experience."

"I hope that one day you will be awarded for your contribution to China's archaeological cause."

"I hope that one day, our brothers and sisters can work together to fight side by side."

"I will keep waiting for that day, and you must also believe that that day will come."

"I hope that one day, I, Lu Fei, can be proud of you, and can proudly say in front of everyone, this is my junior brother, he is my pride!"




At this moment, everyone's blood is boiling.

At this moment, everyone applauded vigorously.

At this moment, countless people burst into tears.

At this moment, the archaeologists from China who were watching the live broadcast were even more excited.

Amidst the endless applause, Lu Fei walked out of the podium and bowed, ending his speech.

Lu Fei was about to go backstage, but the applause continued in the auditorium, and no one left.

Lu Fei could only wave to everyone frequently.

Li Xi walked onto the stage, held Lu Fei's hand firmly and said excitedly.

"Xiao Fei, well said."

"Being your teacher is the greatest pride and pride in my life."

Fu Yuliang came up and hugged Lu Fei warmly.

"Boy, that's great."

"After listening to what you said, I can still work for another twenty years."


"As long as I am still alive, I will definitely die of exhaustion!"

Lu Fei smiled, picked up the phone and spoke loudly.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Fu Yuliang, the curator of Zhongzhou Museum."

"In the future, when you graduate and start working, this will be your direct leader!"

"Now, we all welcome Mr. Fu with the warmest applause to say a few words to us."


Fu Yuliang's old face flushed with excitement, and he took the phone trembling slightly.

"Thank you classmates."

"Here, I will just say a few words."

“You are the pride of Bianliang University and even more the pride of our Zhongzhou archaeological cause.”

"Remember Lu Fei's words and study hard."

"After graduation, as long as your grades are up to standard, I'll take it all."

"Let's work together to divide the one billion from the Lu Fei Foundation, okay?"


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