A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1195 Glorious Mission

Lu Fei was shocked by what Pan Xingzhou said.

To hold a commendation meeting for myself, I have been mentally prepared for this.

But the No. 1 leader wants to participate in person, which is too unexpected.

Also, if he was promoted to the first level, he would have one more bargaining chip when proposing marriage to Mr. Chen, which made Lu Fei overjoyed.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Lu Fei's mind and he said to Pan Xingzhou.

"Mr. Pan, I have something to ask you for help."


"Are you in trouble?" Pan Xingzhou asked. ??

"It's no trouble. I have a little something to ask you."

"What do you think."

"That's right, you know something about my relationship with Chen Xiang, right?"

Pan Xingzhou smiled and said.

"This, I really know."

"Chen Xiang is a good girl. You are really lucky."

"Indeed, getting to know Chen Xiang is my greatest luck."

"You also know that I, Lu Fei, have no relatives."

"I would like to ask Mr. Pan to propose marriage to the Chen family on my behalf. What do you think?"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, there was suddenly no movement on the phone.

Lu Fei's heart tightened and he continued.

"You know, Mr. Chen is very considerate."

"If I say it rashly, the old man will definitely feel ashamed."

"I can't bear the old man's bad temper."

"But it would be different if you could help."

"As you come with me, even if the old man disagrees, he won't get angry."

"I've thought about it a lot, and you are the best candidate. Lu Fei begs you to help me out of your busy schedule, can you?"


"Mr. Pan, are you still listening?"

"Boy, do you want to propose marriage?"



"Mr. Chen?"

"Are you with Mr. Pan?"

Lu Fei waited for Pan Xingzhou to express his position, but did not expect Chen Yunfei to answer the phone.

Patting his heart, Lu Fei was extremely happy.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything about needing a beating just now, otherwise the old man would be very

Don't be impatient.

"Boy, do you want to marry Xiang'er?" Chen Yunfei said.

"That's right!"

"You said back then that I was qualified to marry Chen Xiang, and you wouldn't stop me."

"I feel that I should meet your requirements now, right?" Lu Fei said.

"Boy, you"

"Master, please listen to me first."

"I, Lu Fei, have no roots and no roots. You should be satisfied that I have reached the position I am today."

"If you expect too much from me, then you are deliberately making things difficult."

"Boy, you"

"Listen to me first, Chen Xiang and I truly love each other."

"We are all twenty-four this year, not too young."

"You are already so old. You also want to hold your great-grandson soon, don't you?"

"As an elder, you have to be content."

"I think I'm already excellent. Apart from me, you won't be able to find anyone suitable for a while, right?"

"Besides, Chen Xiang also likes me, so why don't you stop me?"

"Boy you"

"Listen to me first"

"Lu Fei, shut up you little turtle!"

After being interrupted several times by Lu Fei, Chen Yunfei became furious and Lu Fei shrank his neck in fear and dared not speak.

"You bastard, if you dare to interrupt me, you're going to be beaten, aren't you?"


"Laugh your ass off!"

"I want to ask you, do you really like Xiang'er?"

"Of course it's useless!"

"I swear!"

"Bunny, what were you going to say just now?"

"No, no, you've been getting angry lately. You heard me wrong."


"I'm telling you, you can marry Xiang'er if you want, but you must completely separate yourself from those girls."

"My granddaughter must

Marry openly. "Chen Yunfei said.

"Old man, have you misunderstood?"

"I only like Chen Xiang, others have nothing to do with me."

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm not confused!"

"Clean up the mess behind your butt and come to my house to propose marriage on National Day."

"Also, after proposing marriage, you must get married next year."

"I must have my great-grandson within a year at the latest."

"If I can't see my great-grandson, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost." Chen Yunfei said.


"You can have this!"

"As long as you agree, I promise I won't let you down."

"What about Uncle Chen and Auntie?"

"You tell them yourself, I have no objection."

"It's done!"

"Thank you, old man."

"Xiao Fei, I agreed to what you asked me to do just now." Pan Xingzhou said

"Thank you Mr. Pan!"

After hanging up the phone and getting in the car, Lu Fei always had an excited smile on his face.

"Why are you laughing?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing!"

"Lu Fei, what's going on?"

"It's nothing. Let's go back and eat."

As the car started, Lu Fei was still giggling.

"Lu Fei, what's wrong with you?"

"Is there something you're hiding from me?" Chen Xiang pouted.

"Xiang'er, you are not such a gossip!"

"No, I have to make an exception today. Tell me quickly, what are you laughing at?"

Since becoming Lu Fei's woman, Chen Xiang's personality has also changed subtly.

In front of Lu Fei, he was more or less strong as a woman should be.

Lu Fei looked at Chen Xiang with a smile, but still shook his head.

"Forget it, it's better you don't know."

"Lu Fei, I'm angry when you do this!"

"Hurry up and tell me who you were talking to just now, and what on earth are you laughing at?"


"Really want to know?"

"Say it!"

"All right!"

"The person who called just now was your grandpa!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Chen Xiang's face turned red instantly.

As if he had done something wrong, his eyes were blurred and he dodges unintentionally.

"What did my grandfather say to you?" Chen Xiang asked shyly.

"I told your grandfather that I planned to propose marriage."


"You, you just said it so directly?" Chen Xiang asked.

"What else?"

"Then what did my grandfather say?"

"Did the old man agree?"


"Looking at it like this, you seem to be more anxious than me!"

"Bad guy!"

"Say it!"

"All right!"

"Your grandpa wants me to go to your house to propose marriage in person on National Day."

"At that time, Mr. Pan will accompany me, which will give your grandfather enough face." Lu Fei said.


"Mr. Pan promised you?"

"I must agree, I am Mr. Pan's savior!"

"Did my grandpa say anything else?"

"Yes, I have!"

"What else did he say?"

"You really want to know?"

"Lu Fei, you are so annoying today!"

"Hurry up!" Chen Xiang said with a hint of resentment.

"All right!"

"Listen carefully!"

"Your grandpa told me to propose marriage during the National Day."

"In addition, the old man specially asked us to get married within a year."

"Also, within a year, he will have a great-grandson, otherwise I am the only one asking."

"Xiang'er, this task is arduous but glorious."

"We must work hard together to complete the task without compromise!"

"You, you guys!"


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