A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1196 The good cabbage was eaten by the pig

In the next few days, I would either drink with my buddies during the day, or go to Jubao Pavilion and Hongfei Noodle House to help out.

In the evening, I spent time with Chen Xiangni.

Over the past few days, the relationship between the two had grown stronger several times, and they had become truly intimate.

On the seventh day of Zhang Huaizhi's first year, all his friends in Bianliang gathered in Lingquan Mountain to help erect a monument for the tombs of Zhang Huaizhi and his wife.

The tombstone is erected and the grave paper is pressed.

Lu Fei squatted in front of the tombstone and said after offering incense.

"Old Zhangtou, as you wish, I will take you back to your roots to reunite your husband and wife. Lu Fei has done everything he can."

"Tomorrow, I'm leaving."

"If you need anything down there, feel free to ask me for help."

"Don't worry, I will definitely visit you during the holidays."


"I wish you and your wife will be reincarnated as soon as possible."

After leaving Lingquan Mountain, Lu Fei invited everyone to drink at Lingquan Villa.

After dinner, we went to Yanqing Temple to say goodbye to Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng.

Saying goodbye is just a pretense, the real thing is for the brothers to get their belongings back.

Staying for another night in Bianliang, Lu Fei checked the cellar entrance himself and burned the three boxes.

Early the next morning, I went to visit Li Pingan.

After leaving Li's house, they went to Huali Village to pick up the eldest child Zhu Tianbao. They drove eight luxury cars and drove back to Jincheng.

Originally, Bai Zirui and others were supposed to return to Tiandu, but when they learned that Chen Xiang's cosmetics factory was about to open, everyone came to support them.

Why not take a little milk dog's private plane?

The reason is that the situation in Jincheng has changed dramatically in the past two days.

There were violent storms one after another. In order to prevent being unable to land, it was better to drive back happily.

It was already evening when we arrived in Jincheng, and the moderate rain and strong wind were still raging.

The streets were deserted, even the vehicles were scattered here and there.

Returning to the courtyard of the food factory, everyone gathered in the living room to prepare for dinner. Lu Fei went to visit Mrs. Ma and Zhang Dafa.

The two old men were in much better health than when they were in Bianliang, and Lu Fei felt relieved.

Lu Fei asked after pouring a glass of water for Zhang Dafa.

"Old man, do you miss Niuniu?


Zhang Dafa smiled slightly.

"It's a lie to say you don't want to."

"But it doesn't matter, I can handle it."

"How about this? How about I take you to Bianliang to stay with Niu Niu?" Lu Fei asked.

"Need not!"

"Let this child have a career. Only in this way can the child have a future." Zhang Dafa said.

"You are so open-minded!"

"Don't worry, I will bring Niuniu back for reunion during the Chinese New Year."

"It is expected that Niu Niu will study in Bianliang for three years. If Niu Niu is talented enough, the time can be even shorter."

"You are right, she should be given a chance to make a career."

“Only by doing everything yourself can you accumulate enough experience.”

"Come on, I'll have a drink with you."

On the other side, Chen Xiang returned to the room, where Wang Xinyi was searching for information.

When the two met, Chen Xiang's face turned red with embarrassment.

He was so coy that he didn't dare to look directly at Wang Xinyi, so he came to the side to accompany Qiuqiu and the wicked dog.

Originally there was nothing wrong with Wang Xinyi, but Chen Xiang's unprecedented coquettishness clearly meant that there was no three hundred taels of silver in this place.

Wang Xinyi was stunned.

"Xiang'er, what's wrong with you?"


After calling twice, Chen Xiang had no response.

Coming to sit down next to Chen Xiang, Wang Xinyi asked again.

"Xiang'er, what's wrong with you?"


"No, no!"

have to!

Don't bring it upon yourself!

"Still saying no?"

"Look at your appearance and tell me honestly, have you done anything to feel sorry for me?"


When Wang Xinyi raised her voice, Chen Xiang felt uncomfortable.

At this moment, Chen Xiang was dripping with sweat on his forehead.

"No, don't make wild guesses, it's not at all."

"I, we drove back, I might be a little motion sick." Chen Xiang defended.

"you are lying!"

"Xiao Xiang'er, you never lie. Your expression right now is obviously deceiving me."

"Don't forget, this girl is an elite in a special way!"

"What's going on with leniency for those who confess?" Wang Xinyi asked.

"Really not!"

"You still don't admit it?"

"Okay, you don't think of me as your best friend!"

"In that case, let's break up!"

"This girl has returned to the Magic City."

"don't want!"

"Xinyi, don't leave."

Chen Xiang held Wang Xinyi's arm, her delicate body trembling uncontrollably.

Wang Xinyi smiled proudly and said in her heart that you are far behind in playing psychological warfare with me.

"It's okay if I don't leave. Tell me frankly, what happened to you that makes you so unconscious?" Wang Xinyi asked.

"Xinyi, can you stop asking?"


"You have to say it."

Chen Xiang bit her lip, grabbed Wang Xinyi's hand and asked softly.

"Xinyi, tell me the truth, do you also like Lu Fei?"

After asking this question, the two of them experienced a huge shift, and Wang Xinyi began to feel guilty.


"Absolutely not."

"Lu Fei is your boyfriend, how could I like him?"

"Besides, Lu Fei is short, has a bad temper, and has that foul mouth. He is not my girl's cup of tea at all."

"You would only fall in love with such a stinky man if you are blind."

"I really don't know what's so good about this guy that he charmed you like this."


"Xinyi, we are best friends, you can't lie to me either, you just like Lu Fei," Chen Xiang said.

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