A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1197 Opportunity

Not only was Lu Fei not angry, but he was extremely happy when Wang Xinyi pulled his ears and taught him a lesson.

Even Chen Xiang let out a sigh of relief.

What does this mean?

This shows that Wang Xinyi doesn't care about Chen Xiang and Lu Fei being together.

In this way, Chen Xiang's biggest worry disappeared.

"Okay, I remember it!"

"Don't worry, I will be good to Xiang'er all my life."

"Come on, two beauties, dinner is served outside and we're waiting for you!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"You guys go first, I'll wash my face and then go over." Wang Xinyi said.

"Lu Fei, you go there first, I'll go with Xinyi!" Chen Xiang said.

"No, I'll be there right away, you go first."

Chen Xiang nodded and left with Lu Fei.

The door closed and Wang Xinyi turned around, tears streaming down her beautiful face.

Wang Xinyi squatted on the ground, covered her face with her hands and cried silently.

Dinner is Yaomeier’s favorite hotpot.

On this rainy night, eating hot pot is the most appropriate thing.

Ever since Zhang Huaizhi's accident, the Lu family hasn't been so lively for a long time.

There was a lively group of people exchanging glasses for each other.

After dinner, the little puppy returned to Qingcheng Mountain.

Wang Xinyi and Chen Xiang returned to the room to study various matters regarding the opening.

The boys are divided into three tables.

People playing mahjong played mahjong, and people playing poker played poker. It was very lively.

Lu Fei went to Mrs. Ma's room, chatted with the old lady for a while, and played a few games of chess with Zhang Dafa, and then returned to the living room to play some games.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, the rain became more intense, and the strong winds accompanied the howling, which was particularly frightening.

The excitement in the living room continued, and Lu Fei returned to his room.

I fed the money snake some orchid dew, fell on the bed, took out my phone, and habitually clicked on the outside surveillance to check everything that happened outside today.

Fast forward while watching.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, a strong wind suddenly blew.

Seeing the branches of the big tree in front of the door shaking violently, many slender branches broke and fell.

Not only that, the big magpie nest on the branch shook a few times and turned ninety degrees.


Seeing this, Lu Fei suddenly sat up.

Although the magpie nest did not fall down, it stood completely on its side.

Lu Fei carefully recalled the location of the camera in the magpie nest and suddenly became excited.

This magpie nest is the one on top of the tree in the middle, and there are two cameras installed on this magpie nest.

The angle of these two cameras is that one faces the small square in front of the door, and the other is slightly higher, facing the living room of his house.

Now that the magpie nest is standing on its side, the camera can only be pointed at the ground, which is useless.

What's more, the magpie nest is crumbling due to strong winds and may fall at any time.

In this case, 90% of the time the person installing the camera will have to come over and re-correct the position.

No, it should be a million percent that it will come.

Because what they want is not only to correct the position, but also to ensure that the secret is not exposed.

If a magpie's nest falls, there will be a thunderstorm if there is a camera on it.

No matter what their intentions are, there is absolutely no way they can let things get exposed.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei's adrenaline surged, all 84,000 pores opened, and he was extremely excited.

Damn it!

I have been waiting for you for a long time, and the opportunity has finally come.

As long as you show up, don't even think about escaping.

I want to see who cares so much about me.

Lu Fei clicked on it and stared at the screen of his phone without blinking.

Minutes and seconds passed quickly, and until now, the Magpie Nest still maintains that

The status has not dropped.

And no suspicious person appeared, but Lu Fei concluded that the other party would definitely come.

But it's still early.

Lu Fei found a tight-fitting black thin shirt and wore a demon dragon and a Damascus sword at the same time. He was not at ease.

After hesitating for a moment, he opened his bag and took out a standard pistol.

Lu Fei is now the chief instructor of Wulong. He was just promoted to 24 cents, so of course he is qualified to hold a gun.

Remove the magazine, load it with bullets, close the safety and pin it to your waist.

All attention is then focused on the phone screen.

It was around 11:30 at night, the strong wind outside stopped, and the heavy rain turned to drizzle.

The magpie's nest still remained in an upright position, and the target Lu Fei was waiting for still did not appear.

At 12:30 in the morning, the boys who were playing cards in the living room broke up to have supper.

At one o'clock in the morning, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.

After another ten minutes, all the lights in the Lu family went out. At this moment, Lu Fei started to take action.

After arriving at the base of the north wall and opening the drainage well, Lu Fei frowned.

The last time I climbed the pipe, there was only a little settled sludge inside.

But it has been raining for several days, and now a torrent has formed in the pipes.

One-third of the area of ​​the pipe is completely covered by sewage, and there is a large amount of sediment and various garbage mixed in the water flow, and the flow rate is quite fast.

Lu Fei observed carefully. If he went down, there would be enough space left to expose his head. In theory, he could pass.

But it would take at least 40 minutes to climb out of the 800-meter pipe, even if I turned on my full power.

During this period, if the water flow suddenly rises, he will definitely die.

Moreover, there is a lot of garbage in the water flow. No one can say what is mixed in it.

If there are broken glass, iron nails or the like, you may be injured.

But if you don't go here, I can't guarantee that you can avoid the other party.


For a moment, Lu Fei was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and began to hesitate.

Raising his head and feeling the drizzle, Lu Fei gradually calmed down.

This is an opportunity, it can be said to be an excellent opportunity.

If the other party deliberately monitors you and something goes wrong with the camera, you will have to replace it and reset it.

If you miss this opportunity, the next time will be far away.

Lu Fei shuddered at the thought of living under the surveillance of others.

In order to solve the mystery, Lu Fei gritted his teeth and jumped in without hesitation.

Arriving inside the drainage channel, Lu Fei was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

In the past, I had to move bit by bit like a maggot when climbing a pipe.

But today was different. With the effect of the rapid water flow, it was much easier to move, and the speed was more than twice as fast as last time.

Moreover, Lu Fei was worried that the various hidden weapons in the water did not appear at all.

Except for some plastic bags of leaf foam and residue, the water flow was all filled with fine sand, which would not harm Lu Fei at all.

It usually takes at least forty minutes to climb, but this time we reached the end of the pipe in less than twenty minutes.


The exit is nearly one and a half meters high from the ground.

After days of drainage, the water washed out a large puddle on the ground that was two meters in diameter and more than one meter deep.

Lu Fei didn't pay attention and jumped directly into the puddle.

Climbing ashore, Lu Fei cursed.

After checking his equipment, Lu Fei felt relieved. There were two knives and a gun.

The last time I climbed the pipe was in winter, and there were still wastelands on both sides of the road.

It's different now. As far as the eye can see, there are endless cornfields.

The corn stalks are a head taller than Lu Fei. If you are not familiar with the road conditions, you will have to get lost.

For Lu Fei, the direction is no problem.

However, so many corn stalks brought great inconvenience to my movements.

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