A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1198 It’s now

Facing the dense cornfield, Lu Fei did not take action immediately. He took out his satellite phone and clicked on the surveillance camera to check.

Lu Fei felt relieved when he was sure that no one had been here yet.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Fei chose another route this time.

Last time Lu Fei ran for half an hour and took a detour back to the food factory.

But there is still a distance of more than 100 meters from the entrance of the food factory to the front of my house.

When the other party comes, rushing out of the food factory will easily be discovered by the other party.

If the other party escapes, all efforts will be wasted, and you will never find the answer in this life.

Now, the cornfield in front of him suddenly inspired Lu Fei.

The four big trees where the other party installed cameras are right on the roadside.

Behind the tree is a dry river more than ten meters wide, and on the other side of the dry river is a cornfield.

He lurks quietly in the cornfield, and the other party cannot find him anyway.

When the other party climbed up the tree to check the camera, he suddenly jumped out of the cornfield.

After crossing the dry river of more than ten meters, Lu Fei was confident enough to reach the tree in four seconds.

At this time, even if the other party discovers him, he will never have time to escape.

Lu Fei was very excited when he thought of such a perfect plan. He determined the direction and started taking action immediately.

Twenty minutes later, Lu Fei arrived at the cornfield opposite his house.

In order to avoid making any noise as much as possible, Lu Fei carefully shuttled through the corn stalks, trying not to come into contact with the stalks.

To prevent the other party from being alerted by the shaking of the straw.

After another twenty minutes, Lu Fei slowly came to the edge of the Han River and quietly lay down on the ground.

Regardless of the wet and muddy land, and the raging mosquitoes, his obsidian eyes were fixed on the four big trees on the other side of the dry river.

Lu Fei maintained this posture for more than an hour, with rain and dew sliding across his face, but Lu Fei didn't notice it.

Another half hour later, heavy rain came suddenly without warning.

There was a vast white mist in front of him. Lu Fei narrowed his eyes and remained motionless.

Because Lu Fei firmly believed that the other party would definitely come. \u003c


The most advanced camera in the world, so cleverly and thoughtfully installed, the other party is definitely not a prank after eating too much.

Since you are not going to be able to hold yourself up after eating enough, you must come over to reset and continue to monitor yourself.

Lu Fei's persistence was not in vain.

At around three o'clock in the morning, a dark figure finally entered Lu Fei's sight.

Seeing this dark shadow, Lu Fei suddenly became extremely excited.

Quietly moving his almost rigid limbs, he was completely ready for battle.

The dark figure passed by four big trees, but did not stop.

But the black shadow's glances were enough for Lu Fei to be sure that this was the person.

The black shadow left Lu Fei's sight and walked towards the food factory. Lu Fei did not act in a hurry.

Lu Fei understood that the other party was conducting reconnaissance.

Once he is sure the environment is safe, he will definitely turn back.


Two minutes later, the black shadow appeared again.

This time, he didn't stop either and walked toward the highway.

But when passing by the big tree, the black shadow slightly raised his head and glanced at the tree.

Just this one glance is enough.

Two minutes later, the black shadow came under the tree again.

This time the shadow moved.

The shadow tightened his belt, hugged the slippery tree trunk with his hands, leaned back as far as possible, stepped on the tree trunk with his feet, and climbed up as fast as an ape.

Lu Fei gritted his teeth and watched the black figure's every move with concentration.

Arriving at the magpie's nest, Black Shadow took out his cell phone after some fiddling with it, and clicked on it while covering it.

Then he adjusted the position twice to make sure it was correct, and the black shadow nodded with satisfaction.

The mobile phone is installed and ready to go down the tree.

It's now!

Just as the black shadow wrapped its legs around the tree trunk and prepared to slide down, Lu Fei suddenly jumped out like a hunting civet cat.

Eagle Eyes Wolf Gu locked onto the black shadow, increased the speed of his feet to the extreme, and pounced on it.

Lu Fei came to the middle of the Han River, and the black shadow suddenly became alert.

The black shadow glanced at the figure in the dry river and was stunned for a moment.

But it was only for a moment.

Then, without any hesitation, the black shadow jumped down from the branch of a tree more than eight meters high.

Lu Fei had calculated everything, but he never expected that the other party would dare to jump from such a high place. Now it was Lu Fei's turn to be surprised.

He shouted "Damn it" in his heart, and sped up again to chase after him.

The black shadow staggered when he landed, and stood firm again. Lu Fei was only seven or eight meters away from him.

After glancing at Lu Fei, the black shadow ran towards the road without looking back, with Lu Fei chasing after him.

After chasing for more than fifty meters, Lu Fei was even more shocked.

After jumping from a tree more than eight meters high, this man was unscathed, and his speed was even the same as his own.

Needless to say, the other party must be a super master.

Lu Fei cursed secretly in his heart.

If he had known that the other party was so awesome, he should have brought the insane Zhu Tianbao with him.

With Zhu Tianbao's speed and explosive power, he had already been captured from a distance of fifty meters.

But there’s no point regretting it, and you can’t regret it either.

Today, I have to catch him even if I risk my life, otherwise I will never have a chance again.

After running for a hundred meters, there was still nearly six meters between Lu Fei and Heiying, and the other side was still accelerating desperately.

Seeing that the bridge was less than two hundred meters away, Lu Fei was extremely anxious.

Lu Fei could conclude that there was definitely more than one person on the other side.

On the other side of the bridge or on the highway, there must be someone to support you.

Once the opponent's troops are reunited, it will be extremely difficult to capture them.

Lu Fei moved

He quickly pulled out the gun, turned on the safety, hesitated, and then closed it again.


This place is close to the resettlement area. If you shoot yourself too much, you might cause unnecessary trouble.

After loading the gun, Lu Fei gritted his teeth and used all his strength to pursue him.

Less than a hundred meters away from the bridge, there was still a distance of five meters between the two.


Damn it!

Isn’t this grandson an Olympic champion?

Why are you running so fast?

Lu Fei was anxious and secretly swore.

If he still can't catch up when he reaches the bridge, even if he shoots, he won't be able to escape.

Suddenly, the black figure in front stumbled, then fell forward to the ground.

Damn it!

Happiness came so suddenly, Lu Fei actually doubted his life.

However, Lu Fei was in a daze for a moment and soon woke up.

If you miss this fleeting God-given opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Lu Fei rushed over in one step. The moment the black shadow got up, Lu Fei was already behind him.

Then, Lu Fei jumped up suddenly, opened his arms and knocked down the shadow with all his strength.

The two fell to the ground, and Lu Fei rolled in front of the other person, raised his right elbow and hit the other person's temple hard.

The opponent was indeed a master, and he lowered his head with all his strength to dodge the blow.

At the same time, he turned sideways and kicked Lu Fei in the crotch.

Damn it!

This move is so wicked.

I just became a man, and you want me to have no children or grandchildren!

Is this a big deal?

Lu Fei used the same move to aim at the opponent's calf and kick it, confronting the opponent head-on.


There was a muffled sound, and the legs of the two people bounced away at the same time.


It's such a strong force, it really hurts!

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