A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1199 Tattoo

Lu Fei knocked down the man in black, and the two struggled in the mud.

After kicking the opponent head-on, Lu Fei felt as if he had been kicked on a steel plate, and his calves were extremely sore.

Damn it!

This guy is indeed a master!

The calves of both sides bounced apart, and the man in black rolled over and tried to stand up and continue running away.

This guy's speed was as fast as mine, and it would be extremely difficult to catch up with him.

Lu Fei couldn't miss this god-given opportunity.

The opponent had just stood up and had not yet stabilized. Lu Fei put his hands on the ground and threw himself out with all his strength to hug the opponent's ankle again.

With another exertion, the man in black fell down.

The man in black groaned, raised his foot and kicked Lu Fei's forehead, but Lu Fei held him up.

But the strength of the arms is obviously not as strong as the opponent's feet.

Although he held the opponent, his arm still hit him on the head under the influence of inertia.

This time, Lu Fei removed 90% of the opponent's strength, but even that 10% made Lu Fei dizzy.

This kick was barely able to hold up, but the opponent kicked him again a second time.

Your head is under the opponent's feet, and you are obviously at a disadvantage when fighting against the opponent's feet with your hands.

If you hold on to this kick just like before, the third kick will follow.

In this case, I was too passive.

Not to mention capturing the opponent alive, it would not be surprising if someone accidentally gets KO'd by the opponent.

If you want to change this passive situation, you must change your tactics.

After making up his mind, Lu Fei gritted his teeth and turned slightly sideways, handing his left shoulder to the man in black.


There was a muffled sound, and the man in black kicked Lu Fei firmly on the shoulder.

At this moment, Lu Fei felt as if his shoulder had been hit by a stick. The pain was unbearable and his shoulder was almost dislocated.

But at the same time, Lu Fei's right hand also successfully grabbed the ankle of the opponent's other foot.

Lu Fei used all his strength in his right hand, pressed his thumb on the raised bone ring of the opponent's wrist and gave it a hard squeeze.

This move is called Ghost Cloud Hand, and it is Lu Fei's most proud move. It is specially designed to remove the opponent's bone ring and make it


Lu Fei has never failed using this move.

But surprisingly, this time it was a slap in the face.

The other party groaned when he felt the strength of Lu Fei's fingers, and then with a strong force, the muscles in his calves and ankles instantly tightened as hard as steel.

Lu Fei used all his strength to suck the milk, but he failed to achieve his goal.

Damn it!

Hard Qigong?

Damn it!

Do you want to be such an animal?

At this moment, Lu Fei was extremely depressed and regretful.

He couldn't beat Long Yun, and he couldn't beat Wang Wu Jia Ming, but Lu Fei never dreamed that this guy was also a master.

And he is also a master of hard qigong.

Damn it!

If I had known, I would have called Zhu Tianbao crazy.

Is hard qigong just a piece of cake?

Lift it up and smash it three or four times. Even the golden bell won’t work!

This thought flashed through Lu Fei's mind, and the battle would continue.

Guiyun's hands were not working well, so Lu Fei immediately changed his moves again.

The hand that grabbed his ankle pulled him hard into his arms. With this strength, Lu Fei jumped up and pounced on the opponent.

Lu Fei clamped his legs tightly around the opponent's waist.

When the two sides fought, Lu Fei took advantage for the first time. He was so happy that he raised his fist and smashed the man in black on the forehead.

Being completely suppressed by Lu Fei, the man in black could only block with his arms.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and the man in black was facing up to the sky, his sight was blocked. After a few blocks, a loophole appeared.

Seizing this opportunity, Lu Fei suddenly grabbed the opponent's neck.

Panting heavily, Lu Fei roared hysterically.


"who are you?"


Why are you monitoring me? "

The man in black didn't answer and used hard Qigong again. The muscles in his neck instantly became as hard as iron.

Lu Fei's full strength was unable to suffocate the opponent.

At the same time, the man in black's fist hit Lu Fei's temple.

Lu Fei raised his left arm to block, and the opponent grabbed Lu Fei's wrist with his other hand and pulled away desperately.

The man in black was already stronger than Lu Fei, but at this critical moment, the other party also tried his best.

This time, Lu Fei really couldn't bear it.

The right hand that was holding the opponent's neck was forcefully pulled away slowly.

His hand left the other person's neck, but when he was forced to slide down, Lu Fei's fingers hooked the collar of the man in black's T-shirt.

As their wrists continued to slide down, their collars were stretched longer and longer.

Under the eagle's gaze, a ferocious scar on the chest of the man in black was clearly visible.

Two inches further down, a cyan tattoo appeared on the chest of the man in black.

It is a strange bird with three crested heads.

Each of the three bird heads is different.

The one in the middle looks like a chicken head, the one on the left looks like a red bird, and the one on the right has an open mouth with a long, spiny tongue sticking out.

Seeing this tattoo, Lu Fei was stunned like a thunderbolt.

This tattoo!

How could it be this tattoo?

Lu Fei has seen this pattern before, and this pattern has been imprinted in the deepest part of Lu Fei's heart, and he will never forget it.

This pattern is exactly the same as the pattern on the ring that my mother left for me.


Seeing this tattoo clearly, Lu Fei's adrenaline boiled, and his small universe completely exploded.

He yelled and flipped his wrist to counter the man in black, and then used his thumb to use Ghost Cloud Hand again.

Lu Fei's full potential was unleashed, and hard qigong had no effect at all at this moment.


A crackling sound of bone dislocation

When he came out, the man in black groaned, and his wrist instantly lost consciousness.


There was another crisp sound, and the other arm was dislocated from the elbow joint.

At this moment, the man in black no longer poses any threat.

Lu Fei grabbed the opponent's hair, pulled him up and threw him into the mud.


"who are you?"

"What does your tattoo mean?"

"If you don't want to die, just say it quickly, just say it."


Just when Lu Fei was going crazy, he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and then his vision went dark and he fell to the side.

The downpour continued with strong winds.

In less than ten minutes, the water on the road had reached Lu Fei's ears.

A few more minutes passed, and the water rose so much that it covered Lu Fei's mouth.

Lu Fei choked on a mouthful of sewage and slowly woke up.

Dense raindrops hit Lu Fei's face, causing pain in the back of his neck like a misalignment.

Slowly sitting up, Lu Fei looked around, and there was no trace of the man in black.

He staggered to the roadside and slowly sat down against a big tree.

Lu Fei closed his eyes and let the storm ruthlessly rage.

At this moment, Lu Fei's heart was filled with countless questions.

Who is spying on me?

Why does the man in black have this tattoo?

Also, the person who attacked me just now must be an accomplice of the man in black.

He disabled the hands of the men in black, why didn't they kill him?

It's serious even if you use poison.

In fact, except for the pain in the back of his neck, Lu Fei was fine.

Even the priceless Demonic Dragon Damascus sword and accompanying gun remained intact.

It was obvious that the other party had no ill intentions towards him.

But why?

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