A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1218 Today is a good day

Guan Haishan saw through Lu Fei's little trick and was about to hang up. Lu Fei quickly asked for another piece of news.

"I received an electronic file from Hayes Law Firm yesterday, and it also included a video."

"The video was recorded a month ago by Ms. Gulina in the hospital ward, with Hayes standing by as a witness."

"I can't send it to you here. I'll ask my little sister to send it to you tomorrow morning." Guan Haishan said.

"Let's talk about the content of the video first." Lu Fei asked.


"Why are you hesitating?"

"That's what you said?"

"Gu Lina said that she is Lu Qinzhai's youngest daughter."

"When Lu Qinzhai was dying, he gave most of his property to Gu Lina."

"In addition to this property and collection, Gu Lina also has a deposit of US$230 million."

"Gulina plans to donate all the deposits and auction proceeds to your foundation." Guan Haishan said.


"This is a good thing!"

"I am a monk and not greedy for money. The more the better."

"Two billion would be better!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Don't be too happy first, I have requirements." Guan Haishan said.

"any request?"

"Ms. Gu Lina hopes to name this donation after her father Lu Qinzhai and make it public."


Lu Fei was furious when he heard this.


"What's the meaning?"

"She wants to vindicate Lu Qinzhai?"


"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Lu Fei shouted.

"Bashao Fei, to be honest, I'm not happy either."

"But Gulina's collection and cash combined are worth at least 500 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to nearly 100 Chinese dollars."

"Shut up!"

"Old juncture, what do you mean?"

"You were shaken when you saw the money, right?"

"You are the chief archaeological consultant of China!"

"How can you

Have this idea? "

"Lu Qinzhai resold the national treasure for more than tens of millions, and the value is more than tens of billions?"

"This is a national humiliation and even more of a disaster!"

"Now I want to donate some items to restore my reputation."


"Don't say 500 million, even 50 to 500 billion won't work."

"If you dare to agree, I will send my regards to your eight generations of ancestors."

Lu Fei shouted excitedly, startling the black driver, who quickly parked the car aside and stood by.

Lu Fei's roar made Guan Haishan on the opposite side become anxious.

"Thief Sun!"

"What are you calling me?"

"Did I agree?"

"Did I fucking agree?"

"What are you yelling at me for?"

"Your uncle's!"

"When people donate 550 billion, they are all donated to your foundation. Does it have anything to do with me?"

"You are yelling at me!"


"Well, I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now." Lu Fei said.

"I go!"

"You actually apologized?"

"You actually apologized to me?"

"Oh my God!"

"It's not easy!"

"It's so damn hard!"

Just now, Guan Haishan was blushing in anger, but the next second, Guan Haishan burst into laughter.

"At this juncture, reply to Hayes. This condition is absolutely impossible."

"Not just now, but never," Lu Fei said.

"Baoshaifei, please listen to me first."

"What Gu Lina said is hope, not necessity."

"I hope you understand what it means. It means whether it is possible or not."

"Then what do you mean?" Lu Fei asked.

"I just spoke to my little sister. We will go to Hawaii at noon tomorrow."

"When the time comes, we will participate in the auction and we will accept all donations."

"Five billion knives!"

"If you don't pay so much, you will be struck by lightning!" Guan Haishan said excitedly.

"What if Hayes makes an issue out of Gu Lina's request?" Lu Fei asked.


"He is just an executor and has no right to influence Gu Lina's wishes."

"We'll accept the money, but it's impossible to name it."

"He, Old Thief Lu, has done so many immoral things, and this little money is the interest that our Chinese archaeological community deserves." Guan Haishan said.

"I go!"

"You old man has been promoted to an official, and your brain has become more flexible!"

"The method you said is good, but what if the United States exposes the matter?"

"If you don't wipe your butt clean, there may be a lot of negative effects!" Lu Fei said.

"This is simple. Let's just say it's Gu Lina's donation, and we won't be done without mentioning Lu Qinzhai, right?"

"Then what if someone else reveals Gu Lina's identity?"

"so what?"

"Gulina is Gulina, and her father is her father."

"It is only natural that Gu Lina atones for her father's sins," Guan Haishan said.


"That's it!"

"I'm going to Hawaii the day after tomorrow. We'll meet and discuss it then." Lu Fei said with a smile.


Today is such a good day, everything you want can come true!

Just after finishing the call with Guan Haishan, Gene's call came in again.


"West agreed to your perverted and excessive request."

"Where are you? I'll pick you up right away."

Half an hour later, Lu Fei met up with Jean and others.

Seeing Lu Fei, the little puppy pounced towards him

A big bear hug.

"elder brother!"


"I'm convinced, I'm totally convinced!"

"Brother, you are so awesome!"

"Brother, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Richardson, the chief legal counsel of our Baihua Bank in the United States."

"In a moment, Richardson will help you complete all the procedures."

"Hello Mr. Lu, it's an honor to serve you." Richardson said politely.


"Then please Mr. Richardson."

Ten minutes later, everyone came to West's house again in high spirits.

Sean and David were in charge of reception.

Seeing everyone again, Sean's face also fell, David's facial features moved, and his teeth chattered.

Looking at David's expression, the little puppy seemed to have taken a dose of betel nut smoothing pills, and his whole body was screaming with excitement!

"David, let me introduce you ceremoniously."

"This handsome and handsome man from Yushu is my brother Lu Fei."


"That is, one of the future shareholders of your company."

"It's still too late for you to curry favor with my brother!" the little nanny said coquettishly.

"Di Ruilong, you"

David was so angry that he was about to explode, but Sean held him tightly.

Normally, he would have wanted to deal with Di Ruilong himself, but with Gene here, he wouldn't dare even if he had the courage to do so.

"David, don't make trouble!" Sean said.


David shook off Sean, glanced at Gene, then glared at the puppy and walked away.

When he came to the sterile ward again and met Lu Fei, Greg admired him greatly after knowing the inside story.

This Chinese person is really amazing.

Not only did he have amazing medical skills, but he was also extremely courageous. He even dared to blackmail West's shares and successfully did so.

This is incredible!

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