A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1219 Boxing Match

When they came to West's house again, Sean and David were not very friendly.

But Old West was uncharacteristically polite to everyone.

This is really not an act by the old man, but a real thought.

Old West figured it out.

Damn it!

No one can count on it these days.

Only if you are comfortable is the last word, anything else is nonsense.

If a person does not serve himself, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth.

If you take good care of your body, you will have plenty of years left to enjoy!

"Mr. Lu, I agree with your request."

"Please do your best to cure my illness." West said.

"Mr. West, you made the wisest choice."

"Don't worry, I will restore your health within three months."

"And I promise you that your health will be entirely my responsibility from now on."

"If you have serious health problems, you can come to China to see me at any time, and I will give you free treatment for life!" Lu Fei said.


West was overjoyed to hear this.

Yesterday, West was shocked to learn about Lu Fei's medical skills from Greg.

Now that Lu Fei has promised to protect his health for the rest of his life, West appreciates his wise move even more.

No one mentioned the matter of shares yet. Lu Fei gave West an injection and medication first.

The dose of medication this time was five times that of yesterday, which was also the limit that West could bear at present.

Half an hour later, West clearly felt much stronger than before, and he was even more convinced of Lu Fei's medical skills.

"Mr. West, how are you feeling now?"

"I bought it!"

"I, I feel a lot more powerful."

"Your medical skills are really amazing." West said excitedly.


"It's not that my medical skills are miraculous, but that Chinese medicine is miraculous."

“China’s traditional Chinese medicine has been passed down for thousands of years and has left countless good recipes.”

“No matter what the disease is, as long as it’s right

If you take medicine for the disease, it will definitely be cured. "

"I can responsibly tell you that starting from today, you no longer need blood transfusions."

"You can get out of bed after two days, and you can take care of yourself after five days."

"After half a month, you can live a normal life."

"Really?" West asked in disbelief.

"Since I dare to say it, I am 100% sure."

"However, your body's immunity is still relatively weak, so try to avoid large gatherings."

"In other words, try to avoid crowded places."

"After three months, your symptoms will be fully recovered, and you will have no problem traveling around the world."

"I will give you another injection tomorrow. From now on, I will send someone to deliver medicine to you every day."

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, we're just trading."

"Now, can you fulfill your promise?" Lu Fei asked.

"no problem!"

"My lawyer will be here soon, and we will transfer the shares later."

"However, there is something I want to tell Mr. Lu."

"By transferring fifteen percent of your shares, you will become the second largest shareholder of Boeing."

"However, you cannot interfere with the operations of the company. The decision-making power must be in my hands." West said.

"Of course this is no problem!"

"I know nothing about your company's business and will never interfere," Lu Fei said.

"Then there's no problem."

Ten minutes later, West's lawyer and two other shareholders of the company arrived.

Under the witness of everyone, lawyers from both parties drafted an equity transfer contract on the spot.

After both parties signed and pledged, 15% of the shares belonged to Lu Fei, effective immediately.

At this point, Lufei has successfully become the second largest stock in Boeing with a market value of 100 billion.


Lu Fei's equity is worth an astonishing more than 16 billion US dollars.

Back at Lu Fei's mansion, the little puppy looked pale and extremely quiet, which made everyone quite uncomfortable.

"Brother Long, what's wrong with you?"

"Isn't he possessed by evil spirits?" Wang Xinlei asked.

"Xiao Yao, please hit me gently."

"Am I dreaming?"

"Why do I feel so unreal?"


"Your uncle!"

"I asked you to do it gently, why the hell are you pinching me?"

"I feel it's more real this way." Wang Xinlei ran away with a bad smile.

After glaring at Wang Xinlei, the little puppy screamed and jumped into Lu Fei's arms. Even if he was kicked down by Lu Fei the next second, he was still smiling.

"Brother, I'm convinced."

"You can get 15% of the shares so easily. You are so awesome!"

"Don't say anything. We must celebrate tonight."

"Your treat, let's go out and have fun!"

Gene echoed.

"Master Di is right, we must celebrate."

"Tonight there will be a high-level boxing match in the club. South American heavyweight kickboxing champion Green will challenge the winner of this level's gold belt, Irish world champion Beasley."

"Fei, you are very lucky. You will definitely win another 18 million US dollars tonight."


"Is there such an awesome competition?"

"Is this the Les Club?" the little dog asked excitedly.


"It seems that Mr. Di also loves boxing matches!" Gene said.

"How could such a high-level duel be held in a club?" Lu Fei asked in confusion.

"Brother, this club is no ordinary club."

"This is an entertainment city owned by Hollywood Rice Film and Television Company."

"The two above

The first floor is the clubhouse, and the underground is the entertainment city. The scale is much larger than the gymnasium. "

"This entertainment city has boxing matches every day for everyone's entertainment, and top-level high-level duels also happen from time to time."

"The higher the level of competition, the more money you make!" said the little girl.

"How to make money?"


"That's right!"

"In the United States, boxing betting is a legal business."

"Almost every club and bar in Las Vegas has boxing betting."

"The Rice Club is the coolest one in Los Angeles."

"Those who come here are either rich or noble."

“For a competition of this level, the entry fee starts at at least US$5,000.”

"During the competition, the entertainment city will set up a bookmaker for everyone to place bets."

"No matter what level of competition, the starting amount of betting must be at least 10,000 US dollars!"

"This entertainment city alone earns Rice Corporation at least three billion US dollars every year."

"So awesome?"

Lu Fei was really surprised to hear what the little dog said.

A club earns US$3 billion a year, which is equivalent to more than 20 billion Chinese coins.

It’s so easy to make money!

It seems that my vision is still too narrow!

Gene chuckled.

"Master Di is talking about conservative figures."

"In fact, the club's annual net profit is over $4 billion."

"Also, the admission fee for tonight's game is not just five thousand dollars, but a full twenty thousand dollars!"

"All of us together cost more than 200,000!"

"Fei, I have to treat you tonight."

"I don't think you'll feel bad about the admission fee, right?"

"Ha ha!"

"It's only a few hundred thousand, it's nothing."

"If we have a chance then, we might even win two million!"

"I'll just listen to you and go watch the boxing match tonight!"

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