A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1226: The donkey’s lips are not the horse’s mouth

Lu Fei invested 2.4 billion U.S. dollars to set up a handicap, and Brother Gene suddenly felt guilty.

However, comparing Zhu Tianbao and Chris, the two brothers immediately calmed down.

Although Zhu Tianbao is strong, there is no comparison with Chris.

There is a height difference of nearly twenty centimeters and a weight difference of at least thirty kilograms. This is a quite obvious difference.

If divided by competition level, Chris is a heavyweight, while Zhu Tianbao is considered a lightweight at best.

What's more, Chris is also a well-known professional dominator.

Against the unknown Zhu Tianbao, there was no possibility of defeat. ??

As for betting on getting your money back, forget it!

It's not that they don't have confidence in Chris, it's just that the two young men are short of money.

The disposable funds are less than 10 million dollars.

Lu Fei would laugh his head off if he took out this little money. Rather than doing that, it would be better not to play.

Damn it!

It’s frustrating!

It feels so frustrating to have no money to invest in a business that is guaranteed to make a profit.

They felt aggrieved because they had no money to invest. Gene had money but no place to invest, so Gene felt even more aggrieved.

Gene planned to invest 500 million dollars in shares, but Lu Fei disagreed.

In Lu Fei's words, investment involves risks and outsiders are not allowed to participate.

However, the two young men spent all their cash and each invested 20 million dollars, but Lu Fei happily accepted it.

This made Jean quite unhappy.

After sending Jean away, Lu Fei came to Mo Xueqing's side.

"Mr. Mo, do you want to mix in some?"

"'Tianbao is very powerful. He has at least a 50% chance of winning, right?"

Mo Xueqing shook her head and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for the compliment. Xue Qing never gambles."

"Mr. Mo, this is not gambling."

"This is an opportunity for you to change your mind about Tianbao."

"I think you should have confidence in Tianbao."

"Mr. Lu, please stop talking."

"This is my principle." Mo Xueqing said with a red face.

"Oh well!"

\u003e "I can only say I'm sorry."

Hand the Purple Card to Carter, who immediately goes to the club operations department to complete the procedures.

When I arrived at the operations department, it was a pleasure to sign the contract.

The club itself did not dare to open the handicap, and the audience in the venue was in a mess.

At this time, a fool comes out to take over the offer, and can also get a three-point service fee. It’s strange that the club management is not excited.

The formalities were completed and Carter left.

The operations department immediately informed the host of the news.

Facing the angry audience, the host was at a loss what to do.

Hearing that someone had set up a handicap, this guy was even more excited.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet."

"I have good news to announce."

"In response to the needs of all viewers, the club operations department has temporarily decided to set up a handicap."

"If you buy Chris to win, you pay one to one, and if you buy Mr. Zhu Tianbao of China to win, the odds are two to one."

"The total handicap for this showdown between free fighting and Chinese Kung Fu reaches 2.4 billion U.S. dollars."

“Please bet enthusiastically!”



"Long live!"

The audience cheered loudly, and everyone picked up the betting machine and eagerly started entering numbers.

Ten seconds after betting started, the total amount bet was 70 million dollars.

Fifteen seconds, two hundred and thirty million.

When the time came to eighteen seconds, the total position of 2.4 billion was instantly filled.

At this point, the biggest handicap in the nine years since the establishment of this club was born.

It is worth mentioning that Chris, who invested all the money, won.

The person who bought Zhu Tianbao didn't even have 10,000 yuan.


"In less than twenty seconds, all 2.4 billion were sold out?"

"Are you going to be so exaggerated?"


"Are people today so inhumane?"

The little puppy said in disbelief with his eyes widened and his tongue hanging out.

Looking at Lu Fei again, he also frowned.

Seeing Lu Fei's surprised look, Brother Sean looked gloating.

Zhu Tianbao will undoubtedly lose.

Lu Fei will lose all his shares, and this guy's entire net worth will also be lost. .??.??

Thinking of Lu Fei's fate, Sean and David's eyes were filled with the pleasure of revenge.

What Sean didn't know was that Lu Fei frowned not because he was worried about Zhu Tianbao.

Tianbao has the strength of a thousand pounds, and his speed is extremely fast.

If you can't beat a washed-up kickboxing athlete, you're really blind.

What Lu Fei didn't understand was that the total prize pool of 2.4 billion was filled up instantly.

This is indeed a bit scary.

Could it be that the club took action?

Lu Fei's guess was correct, it was indeed the club that took action.

Club executives also believed that Chris would definitely win.

Since it is a sure win, then this handicap is a guaranteed profit without loss.

Although the club itself does not dare to set up handicap, but when it comes to a sure profit without losing money, the club never shows mercy.

Of the total prize pool of 2.4 billion, 2.1 billion was bought by the club.

The market was full, and the spectators who had not bought anything complained and yelled endlessly.

Especially when Zhu Tianbao and Chris appeared on the scene, those who didn't buy them were even more frustrated when they saw the huge difference in body shape between the two.

With twenty seconds left in the game, the referee called Zhu Tianbao to the center of the field.

Chris is shirtless, with angular muscles and dense tattoos, coupled with ferocious facial features, revealing his fierce look.

Although Chris looked ferocious, Tianbao was not afraid at all, but was extremely excited.

"Yellow-skinned monkey, I'm going to break your limbs in a moment."

"Then throw your piece of trash down from here." Chris roared with his teeth bared.

Tianbao was slightly startled.


What is this that your turtle is talking about? "

"Can you speak Zhongzhou dialect?"


When the live audio was heard in the box, the two young men almost had cramps from laughing.

Even Mo Xueqing covered her mouth and started laughing.

After hearing Zhu Tianbao's words, Chris was even more confused.


"What did you say?"


"Pfft. Hahaha"

The two people were completely at odds with each other and could not communicate with each other, so the referee simply separated the two.


The gong sounded and the whole audience cheered.

Everyone chanted Chris's name in rhythmic unison.




Hearing the cheers at the scene, Chris' adrenaline surged. He clenched his fists as big as sandbags, shouted and launched an attack.

In the box, although Sean and David were confident, they were still extremely nervous because their entire net worth was at stake.

The two brothers stood up, staring at the monitor, clenching their fists, their palms full of sweat, and they were so nervous that they even forgot to breathe.

Gene put down his glass, leaned forward slightly and stared at the monitor.

Jean seemed to understand Lu Fei.

This man looks carefree, but in fact he is extremely cautious.

If he dared to bet heavily on shares with the Sean brothers and used all his wealth to set up a handicap, he must be more than 60% sure.

But after all, Chris is no ordinary person. Lu Fei is confident, which means that this Zhu Tianbao is even more perverted.

This made Jean have a keen interest in Zhu Tianbao.

Besides them, there was another person who was quite nervous, and that was Mo Xueqing.

Lu Fei has repeatedly tried to bring himself and Zhu Tianbao together, and it is obvious that Zhu Tianbao plays a very important role in Lu Fei's heart.

Mo Xueqing also wanted to see what was so special about this guy that made Lu Fei take him so seriously.

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