A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1227 Worship

The gong sounded, and with the whole audience watching, this priceless game officially began.

Chris, who was in the right place at the right time, took the lead in attacking.

He clenched his fist as big as a sandbag and struck Tianbao on the head as fast as lightning.

Tianbao didn't dodge, he smiled slightly and rushed forward with his fist.

Chris was known as the most popular player when he was playing professionally.

Being recognized by everyone depends not only on his brilliant record, but also on his gorgeous offense.

Because admiring Chris's stormy attack is a kind of enjoyment. ??

Seeing that Zhu Tianbao did not defend, but rushed forward to fight with him, Chris' excitement reached its peak.

Look at Tianbao again.

He has beaten old men, monks, and even the king of soldiers. It was his first time to fight a foreigner today. Tianbao was even more excited than Chris.

There was a close fight, and Tianbao hit Chris's fist with a straight fist.


"This yellow-skinned monkey actually wants to fight Chris?"

"I bought it!"

"Is this guy crazy?"

The audience was puzzled when they saw that Tianbao was going to fight Chris.

There is a huge difference in body and weight between the two.

Chris's fist was four or five times bigger than Tianbao's.

In such a head-to-head confrontation, isn't Zhu Tianbao looking for death?

Isn't this just a fool to show off the Chinese kung fu?

Not to mention the audience, even the two young men in the box gasped when they saw this scene.

Although they knew Tianbao could fight.

But the physical strength is not a loss!

Can Tianbao get a bargain on such hard steel?

The little puppy complained secretly, saying that this lunatic was too unreliable.

Why are you calling him?

Wouldn't it be enough to use your speed to catch this guy off guard and throw him to death?

When you left, Brother Long, what did I tell you, have you fucking forgotten?

This is a battle involving 30% of Boeing shares!

You're fucking crazy at this time, isn't this fatal?

The two young men were sweating nervously, and even Mo Xueqing covered her mouth nervously.

And Sean and David shouted excitedly.





"Chris wins for sure!"

However, an incredible scene happened.

In the midst of the lightning, two fists, one big and one small, smashed together.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound of bones breaking in the ring.



After a miserable howl that destroyed the world, Tianbao was fine.

Look again and see that Chris' right hand is dripping with blood.

The three fingers in the middle were at a weird angle and were obviously broken.

Not to mention, the phalanx of Sen Bai's middle finger was pierced through the skin and stuck outside. The situation was extremely horrific.

Chris let out a miserable howl that would destroy the world. However, Tianbao had no intention of stopping.

Step forward, grab Chris' left arm and give it a squeeze.


The next second, Chris' left arm went limp like a noodle.


With a scream, Chris fell backwards on his back.

Before he could fall down, Tianbao stepped forward, grabbed Chris's neck with his left hand, and grabbed his shorts with his right hand.

Easily lift Chris, who weighs more than 200 pounds, above his head.

Holding Chris and spinning around on the stage, Tianbao sneered.

"Black Pig, are you so fucking crazy?"


"Can't you get mad anymore?"


"Go to hell if you look at things that are worthless!"

As he said that, Tianbao used his arms hard to pick up Chris and hit him heavily on the table.



This is bad.

Because Tianbao used too much force, the high-density composite deck collapsed.

Zhu Tianbao lost his footing and fell down. The miserable referee rolled directly off the stage, hit his head on the ground and passed out.

Not only that, a big hole was made in the center of the table by the human cannonball Chris.

The former gold belt winner and the most popular king in the kickboxing world crossed the table and hit the floor hard.

Chris's screams stopped abruptly.

The entire audience was stunned by this incredible scene.

The entertainment city, which can accommodate nearly 3,000 people, felt deathly quiet in an instant.

Zhu Tianbao stood up like a carp and raised his right arm high with a smile. Only then did the audience wake up from the shock.

"what happened?"

"my Lord!"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Chris lost?"

"How could Chris lose?"

"How could Chris lose!"

"How can this yellow-skinned monkey be so powerful?"

"Oh my God!"

"My two hundred thousand dollars!"


"I lost a million, a whole million dollars!"

"How could this happen? I can't survive!"

"Shut up!"

"You only lost a million and you still have to live. I lost a fucking five million. What did I say about me?"

"Are you still a man?"

"What's wrong with losing some money?"

"If you lose today, win again tomorrow."

"It's worth spending five million to witness such incredible Chinese Kung Fu!"

"What is this master's name?"

"Zhu Tianbao!"

"Chinese Kung Fu is great!"

"Master Zhu Tianbao is invincible!"

"you're right!"

"Being able to witness such a wonderful showdown is worth every penny!"

“Chinese Kung Fu is awesome!”

"Master Zhu Tianbao is invincible!!"

People are divided into races, nationalities and national boundaries.

But no matter who you are, deep down in your heart you have the strong feeling of worshiping heroes.

Someone took the lead in cheering, and others immediately followed.

In just a few seconds, the audience burst into warm applause and cheers.

These applause and cheers are sent from the heart to Zhu Tianbao, the winner of this game.

At this moment, Zhu Tianbao is a hero.

Tianbao stood firmly on the stage, raised his hands in salute to everyone, his eyes were full of confidence and looked down upon the audience.

The stadium was cheering, but the club operations department was already making a mess.

Zhu Tianbao won, and the US$2.1 billion the club bet was instantly wiped out.

I planned to make a lot of money, but I never dreamed that I would invest half a year's net profit of the club.

The boss who was watching the live broadcast called. When he saw the caller ID, the director of the operations department rolled his eyes and passed out.

In the IP box, David suffered from epilepsy after losing everything, and Sean collapsed and fell into a coma.

The two unlucky guys were carried away by their people, and the box instantly became a sea of ​​celebration.

Little Dog and Wang Xinlei each opened a bottle of champagne and shot each other.

Mo Xueqing stood up, her beautiful eyes staring at Zhu Tianbao who was staring at the audience on the monitor, with a hint of brilliance and admiration in her eyes.

Gene held a Havana Royal cigar worth a thousand dollars apiece in his mouth, and rolled his eyes at Lu Fei one after another.

"Why do you look at me like this?" Lu Fei said.

"Fei, you are so bad!"

"You have made so much money and you still refuse to let me invest in it. I am very sad that you are doing this." Gene said.

"You're so sad!"

"I'm doing this for your own good. Investment is risky."

"What if you blame me if I lose?"

"I would never put my best friend at risk without being 100% sure."

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