A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1228 Celebration

Faced with Lu Fei's explanation that was obviously against his will, Gene rolled his eyes.

"Fei, your explanation is too pale."

"You kid just wants to eat alone."

"To use your Shenzhou Tiandu dialect, you are such a thief."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"There's nothing we can do about it!"

"You have more money than you can spend, but I'm different."

"I have to support my family, find a wife, and take care of my good brothers."

"Without any family background, you can't play at all!"

"It's useless what you said. Anyway, I'm sad this time."

"I think you should comfort me." Gene said.

"I wipe it?"

"Were you not such a pretentious character before?"

"What do you want to say? Please be happy." Lu Fei asked.


"He is my best friend after all."

"We are so in tune with each other!"

"Stop talking nonsense and speak directly."

"All right!"

"Actually, I have a request."

"Can you give Zhu Tianbao to me?"

"It's up to you"


"I'll spit toilet water all over your face."

"Your uncle, you've even made your plans internally. You're even more of a thieves than me!"

"Get out!"

"Tianbao is my brother, no conditions are good for him," Lu Fei said.

"All right!"

"I didn't tell you."

"Carter, settle the score and leave."

"Find a place and let's continue to fight the rich." Gene said with a smile.

Two minutes later, Zhu Tianbao, Wang Mang and the others came back.

As soon as he entered the box, the little puppy gave Tianbao a big hug.

"Well done!"

"It's so cool!"


"Brother Fei, I'm back." Zhu Tianbao said with a smile.

"well done."

"a while

I will reward you with fifty million dollars. Lu Fei said with appreciation.

"How much money can we exchange for fifty million dollars?" Zhu Tianbao asked.

"More than three hundred million."

"Oh my god!"

"How many years of salary is this for me?"

"It's great, my second uncle can finally retire."

"Thank you, Brother Fei, thank you, Brother Fei!"

Zhu Tianbao came to Mo Xueqing excitedly.

"Miss Mo, how much did you win?"

"I, I didn't bet."

Facing Zhu Tianbao again, Mo Xueqing no longer had the fear before, but felt more admiration.

Even Tianbao's appearance is much more handsome than before.

Even she herself didn't realize that her attitude towards Zhu Tianbao was changing subtly.

"No bet?"

"That's regretful."

"If there is an opportunity like this in the future, Miss Mo must not miss it again."

"I'm very powerful!" Zhu Tianbao said.

"Okay!" Mo Xueqing said with a smile as bright as a flower.

This smile made Zhu Tianbao's heart melt.

She looked at Mo Xueqing blankly, her strong and arrogant attitude on the stage was gone, and her brows were full of tenderness.

"Miss Mo, you look so beautiful when you smile."


"Let me go, Tianbao, who did you learn your skills in picking up girls from?"

"You can do it!"


Everyone burst into laughter, and Mo Xueqing's face turned red with shame.

At this time, Carter pushed the door back and handed the check to Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, this is 2.3276 billion."

"Please put it away!"


"Why is there still a fraction?" asked the little milk dog.

"That's right, the club deducted three points.

service fee. "

"There's also the cost of the damaged ring and the medical bills of the injured referee," Carter said.

"I wipe it?"

"Their own things are not strong, so they still want us to pay for them?"

"How shameless!"

"I'll go find them to comment." The little milk dog said angrily.

"Forget it, don't be afraid of birdshot for a good harvest, it's only a few hundred thousand, don't be so stingy."

"By the way, what's going on with Sean and the others now?" Lu Fei asked.

"Back to Mr. Lu, they were detained by the club." Carter said.


"Because the club suspected that they were deliberately committing fraud, they have already called the police."

"But it shouldn't be a big problem. The club can't produce any evidence at all." Carter said.


"Why should the club sue them for fraud?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's like this. In the match between Mr. Zhu and Chris, the club lost 2.1 billion."

"The senior management of the club suspected that Sean and David were operating behind the scenes and perpetrating a scam."

"After all, Sean and David started this game," Carter said.


"The club bets 2.1 billion?"

"How cruel!" the little puppy said in surprise.


"If they weren't greedy for profit, we might not be able to earn so much!" Lu Fei said.

"Brother Fei, you are right, we also need to thank the club!"

"It's just that this time Sean and David were a little bit miserable." Wang Xinlei said.

"The club just uses them to vent its anger."

"Chris was injured so badly. If we were to file a lawsuit, the charge of fraud would never be established."

"However, after this incident, the reputations of these two people will definitely be greatly affected." Lu Fei said.

"who cares!"

"I couldn't be more happy to see David fall ill."

"Let's go, brother!"

"I made so much today, I must move

Have a good celebration. " said the little milk dog.

"no problem!"

"All the money spent tonight is mine."


Arriving next to Mo Xueqing, Lu Fei asked.

"Mr. Mo, what are your plans?"

"Are you going back to your country or staying with us?"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Zhu Tianbao looked at Mo Xueqing with expectant eyes.

Unfortunately, Mo Xueqing hesitated and finally shook her head.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for the invitation. I won't go."

"There are still many things going on in the company."

"I'll go back to the hotel to rest and return home early tomorrow morning."


"Then I wish you a safe journey."

"Do you want Tianbao to protect your safety?" Lu Fei asked.

Mo Xueqing blushed and waved her hands repeatedly.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, I'll be fine by myself."


"See you back home."

"I hope Mr. Mo will consider my previous suggestions carefully."

"I look forward to the day when we evolve from friends to a family."

"Tianbao, exchange contact information with Mr. Mo. If Mr. Mo encounters difficulties in the future, you can't pretend to be dead!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Zhu Tianbao was so excited that he shamelessly asked Mo Xueqing for her contact information.

This time, Mo Xueqing did not refuse.

After leaving the club, Lu Fei asked Carter to send someone to take Mo Xueqing back to the hotel, and everyone found another place to celebrate.

When they got to the car, Lu Fei received a call from Kong Panqing.

Kong Panqing and Zhang Yanhe, the fat man from Guanhai Mountain, have arrived at the airport and are preparing to board the plane to Hawaii.

It was inconvenient to talk in the car, so Lu Fei and Kong Panqing had a brief chat and agreed to meet on Kauai Island in Hawaii in three days.

That night, everyone drank until late at night.

Successfully made Lu Fei thirty thousand dollars.

On the way back, a drunken and confused Jean kept praising Lu Fei for being stingy.

Early the next morning, everyone went to the airport to depart for Hawaii.

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