A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1240 It seems to be him


"Little loach!"

"Little loach!"

"Wake up, lazy ass!"

"Get up quickly."

The little puppy was having a sweet dream and was awakened by a roar and a high-decibel cry.

He rubbed his eyes and cursed with a dark face.


"who!" ??

"You don't want to mess with this young master's dream so early in the morning!"


"My brother's voice?"



"I go!"

Opening the curtains and looking outside, the little puppy suddenly woke up completely.

The sun was already shining brightly outside, and everything looked green.

The water and sky meet in the distance, and the sea breeze blows, which is extremely comfortable.

At the edge of the competitive swimming pool, Wang Xinlei held a stopwatch and shouted.

Four figures in the water scrambled for food like fish.

The person far ahead, looking at the back, is Zhu Tianbao.


The roar came closer again, and two EC225L hovered directly above the little dog at the same time.

The sky blue EC225L on the left, through the windshield, Lu Fei's contemptuous eyes and raised middle finger are full of provocation.


"You guys don't call me Young Master. It's so funny."

Putting on flowery pants, barefoot and shirtless, the little puppy ran out.


"Come down and let me have a good time!"

"Come down."

Throughout the whole day, everyone had fun playing in the manor and had a lot of fun.

Lang Lijing and the others did not expect that Lu Fei could fly a helicopter, which refreshed their understanding of Lu Fei.

In the evening, Wade brought a top Michelin chef and held an open-air patient party in the courtyard!

Early the next morning, Lu Fei asked Lang Lijing to fly him to Kawaii in a helicopter.


After getting off the plane, I took a taxi to the hotel to meet the four of Guan Haishan.

When they arrived at the hotel, the four of them were having a buffet breakfast. When they saw Lu Fei, Guan Haishan's eyes lit up and he threw away the plate.

"Hey, the rich man is here!"

"Baoshaifei, don't say anything, just treat us to a good meal."

"The buffet in this hotel is really unpalatable!" Guan Haishan said.

"Bashao Fei, look at it, this bread is so hard that it can kill someone."

"And this cheese smells worse than fucking stinky tofu."

"And this beef has blood and tendons in it. We old guys really can't stop yelling!"

"I had a seafood meal last night and had diarrhea all night long."

"If you eat this thing again today, you will definitely die!" Zhang Yanhe said.

Lu Fei curled his lips and said dumbfounded.

"One of you is the general counsel, and the boss of Gubo Guobao is staying in a pheasant hotel like this when you go out."

"Even if you are high-spirited and save money for the country, you won't be so shabby!"

When he arrived at the hotel, Lu Fei frowned.

This hotel is too shabby, a four-story building, an old-fashioned building from the 1980s and 1990s.

I searched on my mobile phone and couldn't find this one on Kauai.

Ordinary tourists would not live in such a rubbish place, but three big bosses and the general director of their own foundation actually lived here.

It's just too shabby.

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Guan Haishan and the other three rolled their eyes.

"Gao Fengliang is a hammer!"

"We are not on business this time, we are providing free help to your foundation."

"Your General Secretary arranged for us to come here in order to save you money. What can we do?" Guan Haishan said.


Lu Fei looked at Kong Panqing, who curled his lips and said.

"Third brother, you are really getting more and more swollen."

"During archeology, which one of you never slept in the open air?"

"What's going on here?"

“It has a private room, hot water and internet, which is pretty good.”

"It's the peak tourist season, and this hotel costs 150 dollars a night!"

"A good one is five to six hundred, which is equivalent to several thousand Shenzhou coins!"

Kong Panqing spoke, but Guan Haishan and the other three were embarrassed to speak, and all gasped and stared at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Aunt Kong, we are not short of money."

"No need to save it for me."

"No amount of money can make up for the damage you've done to your body."

"Put your things away and come with me. I'll treat you to a place. After you finish your work, come stay at my house tonight."


"your home?"

"Balan Fei, have you bought a house here?" Zhang Yanhe asked in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"What a rich man!"

"Sister, have you seen this? This turtle is so extravagant and wasteful wherever he goes. There is no need for you to save money for him!"

"I was a little embarrassed to be a wealthy person at first, but now it seems that I definitely can't get used to it."

"Let's go and find a big restaurant. We must make the big guy cry today."

Speaking of big eaters, breakfasts all over the world are similar, focusing on convenience.

After wandering around the street for a long time, all the fried food from foreigners was available. Not to mention old-fashioned food, even Lu Fei, who was not averse to cold food, had no appetite.

After turning two streets, luckily I found a Chinese restaurant.

And it’s also a Zhongzhou steamed bun shop.

I ordered several cages of soup dumplings and a large bowl of spicy soup for each person. It was a pleasure to eat.

After eating, he asked for a pot of boiling water from the store and brewed the tea he brought with him. Guan Haishan rolled his eyes and stared at Lu Fei while picking his teeth.

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