A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1241 Antique Room

Guan Haishan said that Lu Fei was surprised to see Liu Peiwen.

While on Treasure Island, Lu Fei set up a bureau to summon all the Liu family's creditors.

The little nanny reported and watched helplessly as Liu Laoer was taken away by Christie's people.

The Liu family owes a huge debt, and Liu Laoer will definitely not be able to survive if he falls into their hands. How can he appear here openly?

Are you here to travel?

This thing can't be so comfortable!

Lu Fei stood up and trotted outside the store and looked around. Unfortunately, there was no sign of Liu Laoer at all.

Lu Fei asked after turning back.

"At this juncture, aren't you just blinded?"

Guan Haishan shook his head slightly. .??.

"It shouldn't be!"

"I'm very impressed with that guy. You can't make a mistake with him."

"I can guarantee that one of the three people who passed by just now must be Liu Peiwen."

Guan Haishan vowed, but unfortunately Lu Fei didn't see the real deal, so he could only give up temporarily.

After drinking tea for a while and counting the time, the five people left the bun shop, hailed two taxis and came to Gu Lina's home.

Seeing it with my own eyes is completely different from the effect in the video.

The house is an old-fashioned two-story building.

Judging from the style and age, it should be around a hundred years old. It is a genuine antique house.

The scenery here is beautiful.

In the middle is a natural oval lake. Surrounding the lake are four villas. Like Gu Lina's, they are all old and shabby buildings.

However, the vegetation around the lake is very lush.

In front of Gu Lina's house, there is a large courtyard enclosed by an iron fence.

The courtyard should have at least five acres of land.

There are tennis courts and basketball courts in the courtyard, and there is a huge banyan tree not far from the door.

The diameter of the crown is more than fifteen meters, and it is difficult for three people to hug the trunk. It is estimated that the tree is at least two hundred years old.

On the branches of the banyan tree, three pigeon nests were built with solid wood, and more than twenty pigeons were cooing non-stop.


A small pier was built next to the lake.

On the ground beside the pier, there was parked a awning boat that had long since been scrapped.

It is worth mentioning that this awning boat is completely Suzhou style.

On the other side of the pier, a solid wood antique pavilion is built.

In the photo on Gu Lina's bedside table, Lu Qinzhai is holding her and sitting on the bench of the pavilion.

At this time, forty or fifty people had gathered in the courtyard.

Half of them are reporters, and the majority of the remaining people are from China.

Among these Chinese people, Lu Fei also found three familiar faces.

One is Mr. Pan Xingshou, a famous collector in Shanghai.

Mr. Pan is sixty-six years old this year, and he is second only to Wang Zhenbang in the Magic City as a collector.

Mr. Pan's collection consists mostly of calligraphy and painting works, several of which are top-notch works by famous masters.

When Kong Fanlong died, Lu Fei and Pan Lao met at Kong's house.

Since the occasion was not right, we only exchanged a few words.

However, although the communication was simple, the conversation was very pleasant, and Lu Fei even took the initiative to ask for Mr. Pan’s contact information.

You know, there are not many people who can make Lu Fei take the initiative to ask for a phone number.

Lu Fei was more familiar with the two people talking to Mr. Pan at this time.

It was Feng Yuanyang from the Feng family in Yangcheng, one of the four major collecting families in China, and his brother, the second master Feng Yuanjiang.

Seeing these three people, Lu Fei walked over quickly, and when he was twenty meters away, he stretched out his hand to greet them.

"Hello, Mr. Pan, hello Uncle Feng."

"Mr. Pan, we meet again." Lu Fei said.

Pan Xingshou took Lu Fei's hand and said with a smile.


"Yuanyang told me just now that you

I will definitely come here, it really means Cao Cao Cao Cao is here! "


"Our foundation is involved this time. If I don't come over, I won't be able to explain it!"

While they were talking, Guan Haishan and the other four people also came over.

Seeing Pan Xingshou, there was another round of greetings. When the Chinese people present saw Guan Haishan, they all gathered around to greet him.

After all, I am the master of archeology in China at this time.

Lu Fei and the Feng brothers squeezed to the outside, Feng Yuanjiang said.

"Xiao Fei, I was busy a while ago and couldn't go to Bianliang to express my condolences to Mr. Zhang. Don't be angry with your second uncle!"

"Ha ha!"

"Second uncle, what are you talking about? Am I such a stingy person?" ??

"By the way, Uncle Feng, I transferred fifteen million to you last time, and you gave me back it again."

"I am transferring it to you now, but you are not allowed to return it."

"If you don't accept it, you will look down on me."

This fifteen million is Zhang Huaizhi's coffin money.

Guangdong is a big province of wood carving, and Guangzhou is rich in talents.

When something happened to Zhang Huaizhi, Lu Fei immediately asked Feng Yuanyang to customize a large golden nanmu coffin.

At that time, Lu Fei gave Feng Yuanyang a deposit of two million.

Lu Fei believes that two million is enough to build it with golden nanmu.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yuanyang got Jinsunnan's aniseed.

The huge coffin is still made of twelve wooden boards according to the old rules, which is simply incredible.

Not to mention money, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to find such a large piece of wood.

Lu Fei did the math and found that based on the wood of the finished coffin, the value would definitely not be less than 10 million.

If Feng Yuanyang helps him, there is no way he will ask for money, right?

It is inconvenient to have too many people talking during a funeral. After the burial, Lu Fei transferred fifteen million to Feng Yuanyang, but he took it back.


br\u003e We will meet today. This money must be returned to others.

"Xiao Fei, we are a family, how can we be so serious?" Feng Yuanyang said.

"Uncle Feng, this is not serious, this is a rule."

"If I, Lu Fei, am unable to make ends meet and ask for help from you, that is a different matter."

"But this is your help to me, and I absolutely cannot ask you for any money."

"Also, this is nothing. Spending money on such an occasion is not good for your luck."

"Don't say anything. You must accept the money."

Lu Fei was resolute, and Feng Yuanyang couldn't say anything else.

"All right!"

"I'll take it!"

After the transfer was completed, Feng Yuanjiang handed Lu Fei a cigarette and said.

"Xiao Fei, what do you think of today's matter?"

"Second uncle, what are you referring to?"

"I heard that Gu Lina made a will to donate the auction proceeds and deposits to your foundation by name."

"But there is a request, which is to name it after Lu Qinzhai."

"Is this happening?" Feng Yuanjiang asked.

Lu Fei nodded.

"It's true."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Do you accept Gu Lina's request?" Feng Yuanjiang asked.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"That's impossible!"

"Gu Lina is trying to rehabilitate Lu Qinzhai and restore her reputation."

"If I accept this condition, then I will not become a sinner in China!"

"But if we don't agree to this request, can we still donate?" Feng Yuanjiang asked.

"This shouldn't be a big problem."

"I've seen the video left by Gu Lina. She just wanted to use her father's name."

"Hope and must are two different things. There shouldn't be any accidents."

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