A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1242 Be more open-minded

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the Feng brothers were still worried.

"Xiao Fei, I'm afraid things are not as simple as you think."

"Ms. Gulina is no longer here, and I'm worried that someone will use her will to make a fuss."

"After all, our culture is very different from here."

"We cannot use China's expressions to measure the culture here."

"As far as I know, more than a dozen foundations from China have come to the United States, and several have even been in contact with Hayes' team."

"If you don't agree to Gu Lina's request, there's no guarantee that others won't agree."

"If someone cuts off my beard, I will miss out on this huge sum of money!" Feng Yuanyang said.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Uncle Feng, don't worry, Gu Lina's inheritance does not belong to anyone."

"For the foundation, it's just a gimmick."

"My foundation is already the largest in China. It doesn't matter to me whether it is donated to me or not."

"You're right!"

"Your boy's reputation is already famous all over the world. There is no need to add icing on the cake."

"Love so much!"

"Let's go there!"

While talking, several more cars drove over.

The car door opened, and everyone who got out was from China.

Most of the dozen or so people were older. One of them, a middle-aged man in a black suit and white shirt and wearing black-rimmed glasses, caught Feng Yuanyang's attention.

"Xiao Fei, the one wearing glasses is Zhou Yuming, from Yangcheng."

"This man is forty-six years old. He was a mine owner. He later developed shipping and logistics and has assets worth tens of billions."

"Although Zhou Yuming's family background is not particularly superior, he has a lot of connections, especially with several important departments in Guangdong."

"Five years ago, Zhou Yuming established the Zhou Yuming Charitable Foundation, which is well-known in Guangdong and Guangxi."

"However, there are often rumors that Zhou Yuming's foundation operates behind the scenes and is suspected of fraud."

"Two years ago, his foundation held a charity auction with the slogan that all funds raised would be donated to the construction of two primary schools in remote mountainous areas."

"The publicity was quite lively at that time, and our brothers also attended the event."

"That auction raised more than 12 million yuan, and a donation ceremony was held on the spot."

"But half a year later, Zhang Shutang, the principal of Bailushan Primary School, reported the incident with his real name, saying that he had never seen the money at all."

"This incident caused quite a stir at the time and even made the news!"

"But within half a month, Zhang Shutang was taken away by the police."

"A few days later, an announcement was posted, saying that Zhang Shutang maliciously slandered the foundation and enriched himself by embezzling donations from the foundation. It was said that the thief cried out to catch the thief."

"For this reason, Zhang Shutang was imprisoned, but he did not say where the donations ended up."

"Within a month, netizens followed and reported on this incident, but more than half of them suffered retaliation."

"The most ridiculous thing is that Zhou Yuming's reputation has not been affected in any way after this incident."

"That year, he was even named an outstanding entrepreneur in Guangdong."

"However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this guy is definitely not a good bird."

"I told you before that there are foundations in contact with the Hayes team, and he, Zhou Yuming, is one of them."

"I dare to conclude that there must be something wrong with his foundation."

"If this money falls into the hands of his foundation, 90 percent of it will become his personal property."

"If that's the case, it would be a sin!"

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Uncle Feng, I understand what you mean."

"I try my best."

At this time, Zhou Yuming also saw Feng Yuanyang and others, put on his most enthusiastic smile, and walked quickly

Come over.

"Hello, brother Feng, second brother is here too!"

"If I had known that you two would also come, we could have stayed together."


"Isn't this Boss Lu?"

"Hello, Boss Lu, next week Yuming, I have admired you for a long time!"

"Hello, Boss Zhou, in which line of business do you make your fortune?" Lu Fei asked.

"I have several small businesses and a foundation."

"Compared to you, I'm just an ant!"

"I hope Boss Lu will give me more support and cooperate more if there are good opportunities!" Zhou Yuming said respectfully.

"no problem!"

"I hope we can cooperate sincerely if we have the opportunity."

"By the way, are you here, Boss Zhou?" Lu Fei asked.


"I happen to be on business in the United States, so I just stopped by to watch the excitement."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"That's it!"

"I thought Boss Zhou was here to poach me."

"How can it be possible?"

"How dare I interfere with your business!"

"I just took a look."

"Boss Zhou is serious. You and I both have foundations, so there's no way to interfere."

"It doesn't matter even if you get involved!"

"As long as you get Ms. Gu Lina's inheritance with your true ability, I, Lu Fei, have nothing to say."

"However, the premise is fair competition."

"If someone plays evil tricks on me, that's a different matter."

Faced with Lu Fei's hint, Zhou Yuming was slightly startled, and then said with a smile.

"Boss Lu was joking, I really came to join in the fun."

"I still have a few friends over there, so I won't disturb you all."

"I will be a host tonight, please

Have a meal. "

"I hope Boss Lu and Brother Feng will give me a favor!"

"Thank you, Boss Zhou, for the compliment. Lu Fei will definitely be there as long as he has time."

Zhou Yuming left, and Feng Yuanjiang spat lightly.


"This kid is a smiling tiger."

"He definitely didn't hold in his fart well when he came here."

"Xiao Fei, you must guard against this guy."

"Second uncle, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Lu Fei and the other three dispersed. The Feng brothers were called over by Pan Xingshou to chat. Kong Panqingguan Haishan and others came to Lu Fei's side.

"Xiao Fei, I saw several domestic foundation colleagues."

"I'm afraid we won't go too smoothly this time." Kong Panqing said worriedly.

"Aunt Kong, don't take it too seriously."

"It's only a few hundred million dollars. Our foundation doesn't lack this little money, let alone this reputation."

"If you can get it, take it. If you can't get it, just treat it as a tourist." Lu Fei advised.

"Tashafei, that's not what you said."

"If other foundations want to get this money, they must agree to Gu Lina's conditions."

"As long as one family agrees to promote it, Mr. Lu will suddenly become a philanthropist."

"This is the most fucking ridiculous thing in the world!" Zhang Yanhe said.


"Then what do you want me to do?"

"They want to agree to it, they want to hype it up, can I control it?"

"What right do I have to control it?"

"This is morality, not legal restraint."

"There are many people who have no bottom line in society now, but this is simply not something we can control."

"Be more open-minded. As long as we disagree, it will be worthy of our own conscience and even more worthy of the Chinese archaeological community."

"As for the rest, we can only do our best and let fate dictate."

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