A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1244: Forcing debt

According to the contract signed by both parties, if the Liu family loses the heart-turning vase, they will have to pay Christie's one billion Hong Kong dollars.

As a result, the Liu family not only lost the heart-turning bottle, but also lost all their wealth. Even the head of the family, Liu Jianhua, became embarrassed.

The current Liu family cannot afford even one hundred thousand, let alone one billion.

Even if Liu Peiwen is killed, it will be useless.

After Liu Peiwen sobered up, Chang Yufei set up a banquet to negotiate with Liu Laoer.

Ask Liu Laoer to use the Liu family's channels to help Christie's get goods to pay off debts.

And promised to protect Liu Peiwen's safety.

Liu Peiwen agreed without even thinking about it.

Because he has no choice.

Christie's has more than 200 years of heritage and is strong enough.

Holding this big tree, safety is absolutely guaranteed.

Liu Peiwen's goal now is not to live, but to live.

Only by living well can you have the chance to make a comeback and take revenge.

Signed a five-year labor contract with Christie's.

During the past five years, Liu Peiwen used her own channels to help Christie's make money and pay off its debts.

The profit after the debt is paid off will be divided 30/70 between the two parties.

Of course, Liu Peiwen can only get the small head.

The contract was signed and he spent half a month recuperating on Hong Kong Island.

Under Chang Yufei's arrangement, Liu Peiwen once again sneaked into the mainland to contact the remaining channels of the Liu family.

Note that this channel does not refer to stores and distribution channels.

But tomb robbing, theft and smuggling.

With decades of heritage, the Liu family can reach the heights of Asia's number one collecting family. It is completely impossible to rely solely on Liu Jianhua's vision and business acumen.

Since Liu Jianhua established his foothold in Baodao, he has been recruiting talents from the mainland and opening up his own underground channels.

Over the past few decades, countless good things have come out of Liu Jianhua's hands.

The black goods in the underground air-raid shelter of Hongxia Villa are just the tip of the iceberg.

Under the joint operation of Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei, more than 60 treasures were smuggled out of the country in just three months.


These treasures were processed and distributed to Christie's auction houses around the world, earning as much as 600 million.

This was only three months.

If we continue to develop at this pace, how many billions will the company earn in five years?

Seeing such results, Chang Yufei was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

Even if I fall asleep, I will wake up laughing in the middle of the night.

That's not all that excites Chang Yufei.

Due to Chang Yufei's successful decision-making, the headquarters promoted Chang Yufei to President of Asia.

Now, Chang Yufei became even more excited and wished he could worship Liu Peiwen as the God of Wealth.

Today, Gu Lina is auctioning real estate antiques. Of course, Chang Yufei will not miss such a good opportunity.

A report was made to the head office, and after a series of careful arrangements, Liu Peiwen was rushed to Hawaii.

This is also Liu Peiwen's first public appearance in several months.

Liu Peiwen knew that Lu Fei would appear here, but she didn't owe Lu Fei anything, so there was no need to be afraid.

It's better to meet in person. Only by meeting your enemy can you motivate yourself to rise quickly and take revenge.

However, just before he met Lu Fei when he got off the bus, someone from the car behind him stopped him.

"Liu Peiwen!"

"It's really you!"

"I have finally found you. When will I pay back the money you owe me?"

The one shouting angrily was a white foreigner.

This man is nearly 1.9 meters tall, about fifty years old, and has a sad face.

This person is also the creditor of the Liu family and the original owner of "Kowloon Pictures", Anthony.

At the Treasure Fighting Conference, the "Kowloon Picture" played in the second game of the Liu family was rented from Anthony.

When the two parties signed an extremely unequal treaty, the rent alone was 10 million U.S. dollars.

It would be even worse if we lose "Kowloon Map". We have to compensate An

Tony $350 million.

The contract was signed, and Anthony smiled from ear to ear, waiting to receive the money.

Unexpectedly, in "Kowloon Pictures", the meat buns beat the dogs, the Liu family was completely bankrupt, and he only lost ten million dollars in rent.

Since the end of the treasure fight, Anthony has used his connections to find Liu Peiwen, but unfortunately he has never been able to do so.

In the past six months, Anthony has been very worried.

I don’t think about food or tea all day long, and I have lost thirty pounds.

I came to Kauai today to participate in the auction. When I got off the bus, I unexpectedly saw my tenant Liu Peiwen. This made Anthony very happy.

He caught up with me before I even had time to put on my coat. .??.

Seeing Anthony, Liu Peiwen didn't feel any guilt and smiled slightly.

"Dear Mr. Anthony, hello!"

"What a fart!"

"Your family owes me 350 million dollars. It would be weird if I could do well!"

"Stop talking nonsense and pay back the money quickly." Anthony shouted with a stern face.

This is the real-life version of Yang Bailao and Huang Shiren. Everyone would definitely love to see such a good show.

The people who were talking in the courtyard stopped temporarily, and they all gathered around to watch the excitement.

"Dear Mr. Anthony, please don't get excited."

"You are right, our family does owe you money." Liu Peiwen said.

"Just admit it, the contract is with me, now you must pay back the money immediately." Anthony yelled.

"I admit that I owe money, but I don't have it yet."

"When I have money, I will definitely pay it back." Liu Peiwen said without changing her expression.


"I've been looking for you for half a year, and I finally met you. I can't let you run away again."

"You must pay back the money today, otherwise I will call the police immediately." Anthony said.

Chang Yufei smiled slightly, pulled Liu Peiwen aside and said.

"Mr. Anthony, please don't get excited."

"Mr. Liu Peiwen is currently our deputy manager of Christie's Hong Kong Island."

"In other words, Liu Peiwen is our Christie's person."

"Now that Manager Liu and I are out on business, you are pressing for debts in front of so many people. This is a slap in the face of Christie's!"


"You are Chang Yufei!"

"Don't scare me with Christie's. I'm not afraid."

"It is only right to travel all over the world, and it is natural to pay back debts."

"If you don't return the money to me today, I will call the police immediately," Anthony said.

"Dear Mr. Anthony, please do not misunderstand me."

"I'm not using Christie's to pressure you, I'm trying to tell you a truth."

"As far as I know, the contract you signed with the Liu family has a compensation of up to 350 million U.S. dollars. Am I right?" Chang Yufei said.

"That's right!"


"The authoritative estimate of your "Kowloon Map" is only 650 million Shenzhou coins, which is less than 100 million knives."

"And you want $350 million in compensation."

"You can consider this to be blackmail!"


"Both of us are voluntary. If we sign it in black and white, we must fulfill the contract." Anthony said.


"I would like to ask, is the place where you signed the contract in the United States?" Chang Yufei asked.

"That's right!"

"Is it notarized?"


"I know without you having to answer that you must not have notarized it."

“U.S. federal law clearly stipulates that the amount of compensation for damage or loss of items during rental cannot exceed 50% of their value.”

"You're asking for treble damages, which is not protected by law at all, so you must be unjust, am I right?"

"Dear Mr. Anthony." Chang Yufei said.

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