Anthony pressed for debt in public, and Chang Yufei stepped forward.

"Dear Mr. Anthony, according to federal law, a contract that is not fair can be deemed void."

"If we dig deeper, Mr. Liu Peiwen can definitely sue you for blackmail." Chang Yufei said.

Chang Yufei turned the situation around with a few words, and Anthony was so angry that he gritted his teeth and glared.

"Mr. Anthony, please calm down."

"Your "Kowloon Picture" was indeed lent to the Liu family. Now that your treasure has been lost to the Liu family, we can understand your feelings."

"Mr. Liu Peiwen is a loyal person and has no intention of defaulting on his debt."

"If he really wants to default on his debt, he doesn't have to show up, right?"

"However, Mr. Liu Peiwen really can't afford that much money now." ??

"I have a compromise here."

"The compensation of 350 million is definitely too high. I suggest that you be compensated 150 million."

"Coupled with the ten million dollars the Liu family has already paid in rent, you will definitely make a profit without losing any money."

"What do you think?" Chang Yufei said.

Anthony gritted his teeth and nodded.


"One hundred and fifty million, one hundred and fifty million, pay now."

"I don't have the time or energy to chase Mr. Liu for payment."

Chang Yufei smiled slightly.

"The money must be paid!"

"However, as I just said, Mr. Liu simply cannot afford it now."

"In this way, you can draft a new contract and I will be the guarantor."

"One hundred and fifty million, Mr. Liu can pay off the mortgage in five years and pay interest at the current highest interest rate. Do you think it's okay?" Chang Yufei said.


"But your manager's guarantee is not enough. It must have your Christie's official seal to count." Anthony said.

"no problem!"

"I can totally make the decision on this."

"In this case, let's get down to business first."

"Ms. Gu Lina's property has been hammered. Let's draft a contract immediately."\u003c



The debt of 350 million yuan was reduced by 200 million yuan after being tossed by Chang Yufei.

And you can also pay in installments, which made Liu Peiwen burst into tears.

In fact, Chang Yufei is not a pushover, and Christie is not a fool.

Guaranteeing for Liu Peiwen was entirely based on Liu Peiwen's ability.

To put it bluntly, the wool still comes from the sheep.

This doesn't cost Christie's a penny, and it also makes Liu Peiwen feel grateful and work harder. Why not?

After the matter with Anthony was over, Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen were about to enter the courtyard, when they met Lu Fei.

Seeing Lu Fei, Liu Peiwen's bones were rattling, her eyes were blazing, and she wanted to pounce on Lu Fei and bite Lu Fei a few times.

But Chang Yufei took the initiative to extend his hand with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Lu, hello, hello."

"Hello, Mr. Chang!"

"Are you here to participate in the auction too?" Lu Fei asked.

"Haha not bad!"

"Ms. Gu Lina, there are all good things here, I really can't help but be tempted!"

"However, compared with you, I am just an inconspicuous star under the bright moon. There is no comparison at all."

"I hope Mr. Lu will be so arrogant as to save me some face when he increases the price." Chang Yufei said politely.

"Ha ha!"

"Mr. Chang is too polite."

"Let's speak based on our strength and compete fairly!"

"Liu Laoer, we meet again, do you miss me?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Liu Peiwen forced out a smile.


"Of course I do!"

"Liu misses Mr. Lu all the time."

"Liu has to work every day for Mr. Lu and

Praying for your family! "

"Ha ha!"

"That's interesting. He is indeed a good buddy."

"How are you doing lately?" Lu Fei asked.

"good, very good."

"Eat well and sleep well. Whenever I think of you, I feel energized!"

"That's good, that's good."

"Meet me for tea when you have time!"

"Also, you are welcome to discuss with me at any time!"

"Okay, if there is a chance, Liu will definitely accompany me."

After speaking, Liu Peiwen glared at Lu Fei and followed Chang Yufei into the courtyard.

Hayes came to Lu Fei and shook hands warmly.

"Hello, dear Mr. Lu Fei."

"Hello, Attorney Hayes."

"Mr. Lu, I have communicated with the Prime Minister, Ms. Kong Panqing, regarding Ms. Gu Lina's will."

"It's almost nine o'clock now. Let's visit the appraisal first."

"As long as nothing unexpected happens, the auction will end. In accordance with Ms. Gulina's will, we will hand it over immediately," Hayes said.

"completely fine!"

The two shook hands and walked side by side into the courtyard.

At this time, more than a hundred people had gathered in the courtyard.

Everyone stood aside, and reporters came to the front row, aiming their guns and cannons at Hayes.

Hayes cleared his throat and said.

"ladies and gentlemen!"

"good morning guys!"

"Entrusted by Ms. Gu Lina, this property and all the antiques on display will be packaged and auctioned today."

"The auction will be held here at half past two in the afternoon."

"Later, please enter the villa in batches and watch the valuation on the spot."

"However, I would like to remind everyone that it is only for viewing and touching is strictly prohibited."

"If there is damage, I'm sorry, but you have to pay five times the price."

"This is not blackmail or blackmail."

"It's out of respect for the late Ms. Gu Lina. Please understand."

"If you don't understand this request, please leave."

Looking at his watch, Hayes continued.

"It's nine and one."

"We treat everyone equally regardless of status."

"Starting from the front row, there are groups of ten people, and the tour time is half an hour."

"Now please let the first group in."

"Others please be patient."

After Hayes finished speaking, his team members arranged for the ten people at the front to start entering.

Lu Fei and others stood at the front and naturally became the first echelon.

The first group included five people from Lu Fei, Guan Haishan, and the Feng brothers and Pan Xingshou.

The other two people are Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen.

Once inside, everyone slowed down and watched carefully, not missing every detail.

Kong Panqing and Fatty Wang took out pens and paper to record each old object one by one.

Only Lu Fei looked around, not focusing on the antiques at all.

"Hey, this golden peony carpet seems to be from the Old Summer Palace!"

"I know this golden nanmu coffee table, it's from Prince Gong's palace."

"Oh shit!"

"These old thieves have all made trouble and come abroad."

"There is also this set of pastel floral tilted spout pots, which are from the Qianlong official kiln."


"Prodigal stuff!"

"Damn it!"

Seeing these good things from China, the old guys were filled with indignation and kept breathing heavily.

Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen, who were behind, snorted disdainfully.

Come to the last room on the first floor, which is a Buddhist hall.

Seeing the Hotan white jade Shuiyue Guanyin Bodhisattva enshrined on the Buddhist niche, Guan Haishan gritted his teeth.

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