A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1246 No clues

When they came to the Buddhist hall and saw the Hotan white jade Shuiyue Guanyin statue enshrined in the Buddhist niche, several old people gritted their teeth with hatred.

This Guanyin statue is made of the finest Hetian white jade and is just over fifty centimeters tall.

The Bodhisattva statue wears a crown with a small Buddha on the crown.

His forehead is broad, his eyes are slightly closed, he is dignified and kind, and his temperament is elegant.

The right leg is raised, the left leg is drooping, and the right arm is placed on the right knee, with a graceful expression. The Guanyin in this posture is generally called Shuiyue Guanyin.

Guanyin wears a cassock on the upper body and a long skirt on the lower body. Her chest and skirt are decorated with beads and necklaces. She wears armlets on her wrists. Her whole body is very decorated.

The entire Buddha statue is crystal clear, and the coating is gluey.

The carving is even more exquisite to the extreme.

The stone skin under your feet is slightly reddish, and it is carved into a lotus platform. The design is perfect.

"Balan Fei, have you seen this Buddha statue?"

"This is an object from the prosperous Tang Dynasty!"

"This is a valuable treasure given to Foguang Temple by Emperor Xuanzong. Unfortunately, it was stolen in the third year of the Republic of China."

"But now it's openly displayed here and still fucking worshiped! It's so shameless!"

"I really don't know what the old thief is thinking. Even if the Bodhisattva really appears, he will not protect him, a scum traitor."


"Such a big and perfect Hotan white jade Guanyin statue can't be found anywhere in the state."

"I don't care, this Guanyin statue must be restored."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"No problem, you can raise the price as much as possible later."

"As long as you can afford it, even the house is yours."


"Don't you say sarcastic words, I have no money, so I will leave this glorious task to you." Guan Haishan said.


"You don't have the money to call me here?"

"a shame!"

"Your uncle"

Coming out of the Buddhist hall, there are steps to the basement at the far end.

As soon as everyone was about to go down, the staff spoke.

"Gentlemen, here is the storage room, there are no antiques."

"I'll go down and take a look and make sure nothing is moved, okay?" Lu Fei asked.

Others look at the estimated value of antiques, but Lu Fei's purpose is completely opposite to everyone else.

What Lu Fei is looking for are clues, clues hidden by Lu Qinzhai's other good things.

On the surface, I have seen all these objects in the video, and I know them well.

But Lu Fei didn't believe that Lao Lu only had this little wealth.

Lu Qinzhai is not only an antique dealer, but also a famous collector.

At that time, apart from the royal families of those countries, Lu Qinzhai was the leading figure in the collecting world.

With his talent, Lu Fei would never believe that he had collected just such a few items.

The staff nodded and said.


"But please hurry up, Mr. Lu."

"If you delay for too long, the people in line behind you may get upset."

"No problem, just one minute at most and I'll be up right away."

Lu Fei went down to the basement. He was waiting above, but Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen followed him.

The storage room is not big, only about twenty square meters.

There were no furnishings around, except for two bags on the ground, which contained grains for pigeons.

That's all.

As for clues, there are still no clues.

Lu Fei was about to go up when Liu Peiwen sneered.

"Mr. Lu is always very careful and refuses to let go of every detail."

"That's right, I am determined to get this property."

"No matter what, you have to be aware of it, right?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Aiming to win?"

"Then let your strength speak for itself."


With so many people present today, it might not be that easy for Mr. Lu to win easily. Liu Peiwen said.


"I have it!"

"I won so much money at the Baobao Tournament, I don't know how to spend it, it makes me very worried."

"Isn't it just throwing money?"

"It doesn't matter, it just helps me relieve my worries." Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, don't be so weird with me."

"Our business is not over yet."

"Also, please live well. I will avenge you sooner or later."


"How do you want to take revenge, respected Mr. Liu Laoer?"

"Are you planning to join forces with your current master, Christie, to have a treasure battle with me?"

"In that case, choose a time and place, and I will be with you at any time."

"You dare?"


Liu Peiwen blushed with anger, and Chang Yufei laughed.

"Mr. Lu, you and Mr. Liu have a personal grudge. Please don't involve our company."

"We respect you as a rising star very much."


"Thank you for looking up to me."

"By the way, I have something to clarify with Mr. Chang."

"Mr. Lu, please speak."

"I heard that your company's business was booming in the first half of this year!"

"A special China sale was also held in London, in which the total transaction volume of 15 Chinese antiques reached 60 million pounds."

"However, why do seven of the bronzes look like fake goods to me?"

In fact, what Lu Fei said was told to him by Guan Haishan.

Lu Fei himself had no time to pay attention to the objects auctioned by Christie's.

Lu Fei didn't care much about Guan Haishan's words.

But seeing Liu Peiwen and Chang Yufei together,

Lu Fei had a keen sense that something was wrong, and deliberately used these words to stimulate Chang Yufei.

Sure enough, after Lu Fei finished speaking, Chang Yufei's expression froze slightly, and Liu Peiwen even frowned.

However, the two of them returned to normal in an instant.


"Mr. Lu really loves to joke."

"Our company has been in business for more than 200 years, and we will never do anything illegal."

"This is related to the company's reputation. I hope Mr. Lu will keep his word!" Chang Yufei said.

"Haha, there are no outsiders, so I will just say it casually."

"Mr. Chang, please don't mind."

"If there's something wrong, just think of me as farting."

"Hahaha, Mr. Lu is still funny as always!"

"Let's go up!"

"If I have a chance another day, Yufei will treat Mr. Lu to have a few drinks. I hope Mr. Lu will show his respect!"

"no problem!"

"As long as Mr. Chang invites you, Lu Fei will be at your call."

The two were joking on the surface, but Lu Fei already had the answer in his heart.

Chang Yufei also became wary of Lu Fei.

This is a God of Plague. When facing the God of Plague, you must be extra careful.

When we arrived, we met everyone and were led to the second floor by the staff.

On the second floor, the old guys were still chattering.

When they came to the study and saw all the good things, the old guys were filled with indignation.

Especially when he saw Yu Sheng's original plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum striped screen, he even cursed loudly, making the staff embarrassed.

But Lu Fei remained silent, looking at every corner carefully with a hawk-like gaze.

Unfortunately, no clues have been found.

I looked through other rooms and finally came to Gu Lina's room.

Arriving here, it was already the last stop, but Lu Fei still didn't find the answer he wanted.

This made Lu Fei feel very irritable.

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