Only ten minutes after Lu Fei got on the plane, a rapid siren sounded outside.

Then, four police cars surrounded a shiny black business car and parked behind the door.

When the police arrived, everyone in the audience was stunned.

The eyes of Zhang Yanhe and others lit up at the same time.

"Laoguan, don't you think Baolan Fei is bragging?" Zhang Yanhe said.

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"Let's see what the police are doing first."

"However, that bitch of Baoshao Fei is indeed very evil."

"Maybe there is some connection here." Guan Haishan said.

All police car doors opened, and eight police officers got out and quickly surrounded the commercial vehicle.

One of them, a fat man weighing more than 200 pounds, opened the back door of the commercial vehicle himself, and a white foreigner in his fifties wearing a suit and tie walked out.

This guy is also a fat guy. Standing together, the two fat guys are like a wall.

Although the two fat men look a bit difficult, their identities are quite extraordinary.

Several foreigners present knew these two people, and the one who knew them best was Hayes.

The fat man who got off the commercial vehicle was named James Potter, and he was a big leader in Kauai.

The fat man who opened the door to Porter was named Brewster Sam. He was the Chief Superintendent of Kauai, the leader of the Kauai Police.

When the two fat men entered the hospital, Hayes suddenly became nervous and quickly greeted them respectfully.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Sam, why are you two here?"

"Ms. Gulina is a citizen of Kauai. Can't we come?" Sam said with a stern face.

"No, no, no, don't get me wrong, that's not what I meant, dear"


"Stop talking nonsense, someone complained to you, saying that you changed the use of Ms. Gu Lina's inheritance without authorization."

"Ms. Gu Lina made it clear that she would donate all her inheritance to the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation in China. How dare you tamper with Ms. Gu Lina's original intention."

"Mr. Hayes, you are so brave," Sam said.

After Sam finished speaking, all

Everyone was shocked.

I bought it!

Lu Fei didn't brag, it was indeed Lu Fei who found him, this was too fast!

Hayes' heart tightened, which was even worse.

"No, that's not the case."

"I have Ms. Gulina's signed will."

"Ms. Gu Lina has given me full authority. If she cannot meet her requirements, I can find other Chinese foundations to donate to," Hayes said.

"Backup will?"


"Please take it out immediately, we want to check the authenticity." Sam said.

Hayes took a deep breath and said.

"I definitely have a backup will, but Mr. Sam, you don't have the right to check it yet."

"If you want to see it, you have to get approval from the state court."

"This is the procedure."

"Mr. Hayes, are you trying to embarrass me on purpose?" Sam said.

"No, I'm just doing business, please forgive me, Mr. Sam." Hayes said.

"good very good."

"Isn't that the order from the State Court?"

"I just happened to bring it."

Sam said, taking out a document from his pocket and handing it over.

"Mr. Hayes, this is a fax of the order from the Intercontinental Court of Hawaii. Please take a look."


When Sam took out the instructions, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Chang Yufei and Liu Laoer frowned, and even Yoshida Ohno was surprised.


"Absolutely impossible."

"According to the procedure, it will take at least fifteen working days after the appeal to get an approval."

"This instruction must not be true," Hayes said.


"You're talking about general procedures."

"But don't forget, there are special things to do."

"Ms. Gu Lina's inheritance is huge, and the headquarters attaches great importance to it and gave special approval."

"You are a professional lawyer, you can verify the authenticity immediately."

"As for your question just now, I reserve the right to sue you for defamation." Sam snapped.

Hayes still doesn't believe in evil.

After receiving the instructions, he clicked on his mobile phone and entered the number to check. The next second, Hayes was completely dumbfounded.


It really can't be true anymore.

This is indeed the order of the Intercontinental Court of Justice, just seven minutes ago.

Oh my God!

How could Lu Fei have so much energy!

"Mr. Hayes, are there any results?" Sam asked.

"Yes, yes."

"is that true?"


"Can I take out the backup will now?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't bring it with me," Hayes said.

"Hayes, you are a lawyer, you have to think clearly about the consequences of telling lies."

"I'll give you another chance, will you?" Sam growled.

"I-I didn't!"


Hayes himself admitted no, and the whole crowd was in an uproar.



"Ms. Gu Lina trusts him so much, but he actually wants to get rich. How shameless!"

Not only China, but also foreigners despise it.

Hayes's face turned red and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

From now on, not only will his reputation be ruined, but he will also face severe legal sanctions.

But he would never dare to lie.

You can fool Lu Fei, but you can fool him

It's definitely not easy for Sam, because he can't produce a backup will at all.

"Hayes, why are you doing this?"

"Who are your accomplices?" Sam shouted.


Hayes raised his head, and there was no sign of his accomplice.

Looking at Zhou Yuming again, the latter was frightened and almost had a heart attack.

"No, it's just me," Hayes said.


"We'll talk about this later. Now, you must follow Ms. Gu Lina's will and complete the donation handover with the China Kong Fanlong Foundation."

"Is there a problem?" Sam shouted.

At this time, it was impossible for Hayes to have any objections.

Trembling, he signed the handover contract with Kong Panqing, who was also doubting life, and handed over the huge check with both hands.

After completing the formalities, Sam waved his hand and his men took Hayes away.

The farce ended in a flash.

At this time, no one paid attention to Hayes anymore, and all they thought about at the same time was Lu Fei.

So far, Lu Fei is still on the plane and has not shown up at all.

Lu Fei did what he promised to the letter, and this is the United States.

This young man is simply incredible.

Porter, who had been silent until now, came to Kong Panqing, put away his dark face, and showed the most kind smile.

"Hello, dear Ms. Kong Panqing, I am Potter from Kauai."

"I deeply regret that you have been treated unfairly here."

"But please don't worry, we will investigate this matter clearly and give you justice."

"Thank you Mr. Porter, thank you Mr. Sam, we are very satisfied with your efficiency." Kong Panqing said.

"Thank you for your affirmation."

"In this case, we won't bother you."



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