Porter and Sam took Hayes to collect the team and leave.

The siren disappeared completely, the cabin door opened, and Lu Fei, who had never shown his face, stepped out.

Appearing again, everyone in the audience cast incredulous looks.

Lu Fei walked up to Zhou Yuming with a cigarette in his mouth.

At this time, Zhou Yuming felt as if he was mourning his heir. He looked like he had just been fished out of the water, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

Careful people also noticed a detail. From the moment Lu Fei got on the helicopter, Zhou Yuming stayed in place and maintained his current movements, never moving.

Lu Fei took a deep breath of cigarette and blew hard, and all the thick smoke hit Zhou Yuming's face.

"Mr. Zhou, are you very disappointed that you didn't get the donation?" Lu Fei asked.

"Lu, Mr. Lu, me"


Before Zhou Yuming could explain, Lu Fei snorted and turned around to leave.

But just this cold snort frightened Zhou Yuming.

"Aunt Kong, after we return, we will hold a donation ceremony as usual to thank Ms. Gu Lina for her generous donation." Lu Fei said.



"It's getting late, we should go back."

"I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight to celebrate."

Lu Fei helped Kong Panqing and the veterans get on the plane, and Yoshida Ohno came over.

"Mr. Lu."

"Mr. Yoshida, are you okay?"

"Mr. Lu, I have something to talk to you about alone." Yoshida said.

"What can we talk about?"

"Of course, I can guarantee that Mr. Lu will be interested. If I'll spare you five minutes, can we go to my car to talk?" Yoshida Ohno said politely.


"Mr. Yoshida said that, I'm really interested."

"Okay, let's talk."

"Aunt Kong, you go up first, I'll be back soon."

Lu Fei followed Ji

When Tian came outside, it was just the two of them who got into the extended Lincoln car.

Handing Lu Fei a cigarette, Yoshida said with a smile.

"I can't believe that Mr. Lu has such rich connections at such a young age."

"It takes less than ten minutes to get the Intercontinental Court's order. This is not something ordinary people can do."


"Mr. Yoshida's praise."

"Actually, this has nothing to do with connections. The important thing is that I am reasonable."

"Also, the amount of inheritance involved is huge, and they must pay attention to it." Lu Fei said.

"This is only one factor, but the most important thing is Mr. Lu's personal charm."

"Others may not be able to do it even if the amount is much larger than this." Yoshida said.

"Mr. Yoshida, I don't think we need to continue being polite."

"If you have any questions, please tell me openly and honestly."

"As you can see, there are many people waiting for me."

"Okay, Mr. Lu is really happy, so I'll get straight to the point."

"That's right. As far as I know, you took 30.8% of Boeing's shares. Is this true?" Yoshida said.

"Mr. Yoshida is so well-informed!"

"Yes, it is true."


"It's not that I'm well-informed, because I'm also a shareholder of Boeing."

Lu Fei was slightly surprised, looked at Yoshida, smiled and said.

"In that case, I think I understand what you're going to say."

"Do you want to buy my shares?" Lu Fei asked.

"Mr. Lu is indeed smart."

"That's what I meant."

Lu Fei shook his head and said.


Then I can only say I'm sorry, I won't sell it. "

"Mr. Lu Fei, please don't refuse. I'm not buying all of it. I only need 16% of the shares."

"As for the price, we can easily discuss it."

"Mr. Yoshida wants to get Boeing's decision-making power?" Lu Fei asked.

"That's right!"

"In the past two years, I plan to shift the focus of my business to the United States, and Boeing is the top priority."

"Mr. West is conservative in his thinking and conservative in his actions. It will be difficult for Boeing to make further progress in his hands."

"If the decision-making power is in my hands, I can guarantee that Boeing's market value will double again within ten years."

"At that time, the value of your remaining shares will be higher than the current value, and you can also get a huge sum of money and dividends. Why not?" Yoshida said.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"With all due respect, this is all your imagination."

"If you are not as good as West, or if your decision-making fails, then my shares are likely to become useless paper."

"If that's the case, why should I cry to death?"

"Mr. Lu Fei, you may not know me very well."

"Our family's business spans almost all over the world. In terms of channels and connections, I am ten thousand times stronger than West."

"With Boeing in my hands, it can only take off and will never go bankrupt."

"If you still don't believe it, I can sign a betting contract with you."

"On gambling?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Fei asked.

"In this way, you transfer the shares to me."

"Within five years, if the increase in Boeing's market value does not reach 50%, or if the valuation drops by 20%, I will return all the shares to you."

"The money I paid for the shares before will be counted as my liquidated damages, and I won't have to return a penny."

"What do you think?" Yoshida said.


“It sounds like it’s pretty good

What a look! "

"Of course, you don't have to take any risks inside or outside, and you will definitely make a profit without losing any money."

Seeing Lu Fei's loose tone, Yoshida suddenly became excited.

Lu Fei thought for a while and nodded seriously.

"Tell me, how much money do you plan to give me?"


When it came to the price, Yoshida became even more excited. He sat up straight and said seriously.

"How about I give you a premium of five percentage points based on Boeing's current market value?"

"Five o'clock?"

"No, no, it's too little."

"It's really not worth taking the risk for these five points."

"I think it's better to forget it!" Lu Fei shook his head and said.


"Don't refuse first, let's discuss it carefully!"

"In this case, can I give you a premium?"

"This is a considerable number." Yoshida said.

"It's not much more than 10%. I have 30% of the shares in my hand. If I hold on to these shares and earn dividends, the price will be more than 10% in five years."

"It's not worth it." Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, you can't think like this. You have to take a longer view."

"If you just hold on to 30% of your shares, you will only get meager dividends in ten years."

"But if the decision-making power is in my hands, your remaining shares can at least double, or even triple."

"By then, your income will be several times what it is now!"

"This is our first contact. I'll give you two more points."

"Also, as long as you agree, how about I give you all of Ms. Gu Lina's inheritance that was auctioned today?"

After Yoshida finished speaking, Lu Fei's eyes showed the most greedy light.

Seeing Lu Fei's performance, Yoshida was overjoyed.

Don't be afraid of Lu Fei being greedy. As long as he is greedy, you can hope to achieve your goal.

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