A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1261 The wisest decision

Yoshida Ohno discussed buying shares with Lu Fei, and when the rationale and price were offered, Lu Fei's eyes were full of greed.

This made Yoshida Ohno overjoyed.

"Mr. Lu Fei, I am sincere and I hope you can agree."

Lu Fei lit a cigarette, thought for a while and said.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know anything about running a company."

"Getting these shares is just for money."

"As for dividends, it's like squeezing out toothpaste. I don't have the patience, so I also think it's pleasant to cash it out directly."

"You really think so?" Yoshida said in surprise.

"of course it's true."

"To tell you the truth, in recent days, many big bosses have wanted to buy my shares."

"Old gambling king Fang Shi Nan Lao."

"The old Superman from Hong Kong, Chairman Di Chaodongdi of Baihua Bank, and several big names on Wall Street are all interested."

"The conditions they gave me are almost the same as yours. The lowest is a 10% premium."

"Especially, I have a close relationship with the Di family and Mr. Fang, so I must give priority to friends."

"I'm really sorry, I can't promise you."

"I'm sorry for selling it to you, my friend. It's really unjust to do this," Lu Fei said.


"They want to buy your shares too?"

Yoshida Ohno did not doubt what Lu Fei said.

The people Lu Fei mentioned are all powerful people with a lot of spare money in their hands, investing everywhere.

You can see the shadow of these big guys everywhere in any hugely profitable business.

Over the years, Yoshida has often competed with these people.

So Yoshida was very surprised when he heard that these big guys were interested in Lu Fei's shares.

"Of course it's true. We're not familiar with each other. Do I need to lie to you?"

"Old Fang promised to give me five famous paintings, and Old Superman said he would prepare two mountainside villas for me as a meeting gift."

"Chairman Di will come over tomorrow and says he will take me

Going to the Chicago Air Show to buy a private jet! "


Shameless, these old guys are so shameless!

In order to get Lu Fei's shares, he would do anything he could!

This is their usual routine.

If Lu Fei said this, it is absolutely true.

Lu Fei never dreamed that Yoshida Ohno would believe him when he kept talking about cheating.

"Mr. Lu, I am different from them."

"I have the power to make decisions and can lead the company to glory and make you make more money, they."


"These are all empty promises. No one can guarantee it until it is implemented, right?"

"Besides, what Chairman Di and the others promise is more evil than you."

"Especially the old Superman, he said that if he has the decision-making power, he will enter the African market immediately."

"He said he has very strong connections there, and the presidents of several countries are his close friends."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, Yoshida gritted his teeth with hatred.

Yes, absolutely can’t be wrong.

That old guy has made a fortune in Africa in recent years, and his power there is not inferior to that of Hong Kong Island.

Lu Fei's words were definitely not out of thin air, they must have been promised by the old man himself.

If these grandsons get involved, it will be bad news.

"Mr. Lu Fei, what they can do, I can do the same!"

"Please believe me!" Yoshida said anxiously.

"Mr. Yoshida, this is not a matter of belief or disbelief."

"The key is, I'm relatively familiar with them."

"If it were you, you would definitely cooperate with someone you know.

Isn't it? "

"What's more, the young master of the Di family and I are brothers. If we don't sell it to them, I won't be able to explain it!"

"Besides, the Di family wants to buy me a plane."

"It's said to be the modified version of our Boeing this year. I don't remember what model it is, but it's the most awesome one anyway."

"It's said that the selling price reaches 500 million knives!"

"And the sincerity of those people, I really can't refuse."

"In order not to offend anyone, I have promised to give them a fair chance to compete."

"Three days later, everyone will get together in Chicago, and my shares will be sold to whomever offers more favorable terms."

"And they are all sold." Lu Fei said. .??.


"Are you going to sell them all?"


"My head hurts from hearing all those messy plans."

"As for the profit from the toothpaste, I'm not interested either. It would be better to sell it all."

"So, all I can say is I'm sorry."

"Next time we have a chance, let's work together again. I'll take the first step."

At this time, Yoshida Ohno's mind was filled with what Lu Fei said, and he sold everything.

If he really takes over 30% of Lu Fei's shares, he will be the unshakable decision-maker.

Boeing, with a market capitalization of 100 billion U.S. dollars, will occupy half of the country.

That was so cool.

Seeing that Lu Fei was leaving, Yoshida Ohno gritted his teeth and made the wisest decision in his life.

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment."

"Any thing else?"

"Mr. Lu Fei, I don't ask you to sell to me, but I ask you to give me a chance to compete fairly with them."

"Please believe me, what I can give you will definitely be much more than them."


"Mr. Lu Fei, please

. "

"If you give me this opportunity, I will give you all Ms. Gu Lina's real estate and all the antiques that were auctioned today."

"This, how can this be done!" Lu Fei said in embarrassment.

"Mr. Lu Fei, please consider my sincerity and grant me your wish!"


"Please!" Yoshida said seriously.

"No, no!"

"I'm not familiar with you after all, so how can I accept such a precious gift from you?"

"If you can't compete by then, you will definitely regret it." Lu Fei said.


"The most important thing for a businessman is credibility."

"The proceeds from the auction are my gift to you and have nothing to do with the outcome."

"The competition is just due to my lack of strength. I will never complain at all, let alone ask for gifts from you."

"I swear to Amaterasu," Yoshida said.


"Please, Mr. Lu Fei."

"As long as you give me a chance to compete fairly, we will go through the formalities now, and everything here will be yours." Yoshida bowed slightly and said.

Lu Fei frowned, looking embarrassed.

After Yoshida's repeated pleas, he finally nodded.

"All right!"

"Mr. Yoshida is so sincere. If I don't agree, I will be disrespectful."

"But, after all, this is our first time working together. Look, how about we do a symbolic gift procedure?"

"To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings in the future."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu Fei, of course the procedure is fine."

"If you have no objections, let's go to the lawyer's office to draw up a contract and transfer the property to your name."

"Okay, I'll do as you say!"

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Yoshida for the gift!"

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