A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1281 Full Payment

In the Boeing exhibition hall, the instructor is giving an explanation.

Suddenly, a thick voice sounded.

And they still speak Chinese dialect.

"Hey, can I get a discount?"

Everyone followed the sound and looked over. Several young people came in outside.

The leader was a short fat man and a woman wearing heavy makeup.

The short fat man is none other than Xing Yufeng, the pumpkin spirit.

Xing Yufeng shouted this, and everyone present in China cast their eyes with contempt.

The foreigners looked confused.

Xing Yufeng asked the woman to translate, and the woman's face turned red with embarrassment. .??.

But Xing Yufeng couldn't resist it, so he had to translate it in a low voice.

At this time, everyone in the audience understood what it meant, and booed suddenly.

Want a discount when buying an airplane?

This is really an unprecedented anecdote!

Is this a rustic from some valley in China?

It's so much fun.

Seeing the disdainful looks of the foreigners, all the Chinese people present blushed.

Little Milk Dog and Wang Xinlei wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.


"This idiot is so embarrassing."

"I'm furious."

Everyone looked at them strangely, but Xing Yufeng didn't take it seriously and continued.

"Beauty, what's the maximum discount you can get on flights here?"




The little puppy couldn't hold it in any longer, so he glared at Xing Yufeng and shouted loudly.

"Fat man, shut up!"

"Want a discount?"

"Do you think this is buying popsicles in your village?"

"If you can afford it, buy it. If you can't afford it, don't be embarrassed here."

Xing Yufeng's eyes turned blue when he saw the puppy, but now that his enemy stood up and accused him, Xing Yufeng lost his temper and couldn't hold him back anymore.

"You call me something."

"Can I afford to have nothing to do with you?"

"If you keep talking too much, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Holy shit, you and him"

The tip of the needle was facing the wheat awn, and the little puppy's eyes were round. Just when he was about to challenge, Duan Shicheng held him back.

Xing Kaishun is not here, and Duan Shicheng is the only elder here.

In this case, you must stand up.

"Xiaolong, please stop saying a few words."

"Xiao Feng, shut up."

"This is an air show, there is no such thing as a discount."

"You kid, don't ask any more questions."

Duan Shicheng's tone was obviously heavier when talking to Xing Yufeng, which Xing Yufeng couldn't accept.

"Uncle Duan, you can't blame me for this."

"I don't understand the market. Why don't I ask what's wrong?"

"Is it necessary for this grandson to stand up and make sarcastic remarks?"

Lu Fei sneered.

"Xiaolong, this is not a sarcastic comment, but a kind reminder."

"It doesn't matter what happens in China."

"But here, you represent not only yourself, but also the dignity of China."

"You asked such an imbecile question, causing all Chinese people to be looked down upon. This is your fault."


"Don't talk nonsense to me, I can do whatever I want."

"The mouth is on me, I can say whatever I want, and no one can fucking control it."

"You think I'm embarrassed, but I still dare to ask. I'm much better than you guys who come here to show off."

"Saying that the ozone layer is useless, I hear you're awesome."

"If you can, buy a 747-8IP. Can you fucking afford it?"

"If you can't afford it, don't yell like this, you're a bunch of poor people." Xing Yufeng curled his lips and said in disgust.

Duan Shicheng heard the fire hit the beam door and was about to curse the bastard, but Lu Fei chuckled.

"Fat man, if I buy it, what are you going to do?


When Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone in the audience was shocked.


"This young man from China wants to buy a 747-8IP?"

"This is 500 million knives!"

"Which family is he a young master from?"

"Can he afford it?"

Not to mention the melon-eating crowd, even Wang Mang, Mo Xueqing and others took a breath of air-conditioning.

Duan Shicheng broke out in cold sweat when he heard this.

He glared at Lu Fei with a slight displeasure and said. ??

"Xiao Fei, please stop saying a few words."

"Don't show off on such occasions!"

Duan Shicheng thought that just saying this would cover up Lu Fei's arrogance, but Xing Yufeng didn't give Lu Fei a chance to regret it.

Grinning mischievously.


"As expected of the big boss Lu Feilu, he is indeed courageous."

"But don't just talk without practicing!"

"If you do that, it will only make everyone look down on you even more."


"Fat man, you don't have to provoke me. I'm just asking you, what are you going to do if I buy it?"

"Xiao Fei!"

"Third uncle, don't worry, I'm measured!"


Duan Shicheng sighed and stepped aside, while Xing Yufeng laughed out loud.

"Lu Fei, if you really buy it, I, Xing Yufeng, will call you uncle in front of everyone."

"If you don't dare to buy it, I swear what happened here today will spread all over China immediately."


"I'm waiting for you to call me uncle."

Lu Fei said, put away his smile, and shouted to the office inside the exhibition hall.

"Call your manager."

"I want both of these 747-8IPs, full price!"


"Oh my god!"

"I bought it!"

"What the hell.


Lu Fei's words made the whole place boil.

Except for the two young men and the heartless Zhu Tianbao, everyone was in bad shape.


"Is this guy crazy?"

"Two planes are fully paid for, which is a billion dollars?"

"What kind of international joke is this?"

"Are all Chinese people so good at bragging?"

Duan Shicheng was so angry that he turned into a black-faced Bao Gong. He showed off all his authority as an elder, glared at Lu Fei and shouted loudly.

"Xiao Fei, what are you talking about?"

"Follow me quickly."

"Third uncle, don't worry, my brother really wants to buy a plane." Little Milk Dog explained.

"Buy shit!"

"You also come with me, leave now!"

"Third uncle!"

"Stop talking nonsense and follow me!"

Duan Shicheng took Lu Fei with one hand and the puppy with the other and dragged him outside. At this moment, three white foreigners came out of the office and came to Lu Fei, bowing respectfully.

"Hello Mr. Lu!"

"Hi boss!"

This time, the foreigners present were even more unhappy.

"I bought it!"

"Aren't those two Mr. Sean and David, the princes of Boeing Company?"

"And that one, that's Mr. Van Fleet, general manager of Boeing Business Department!"

"They actually know this Chinese person and are so respectful. How is this possible?"

"Also, they actually called this Chinese boss?"

"Who is this boy?"

Sean and David came to the air show today to hang out, came to the Boeing exhibition hall, and were invited to the office for coffee by Van Fleet.

The two of them were stunned when they heard Lu Fei's voice.

When he came out, he saw that it was indeed Lu Fei, and he quickly pulled Van Fleet over to say hello.

"Good morning Mr. Lu, you are welcome to visit the exhibition hall."

"This is the company's sales manager Van Fleet. He is fully responsible for the air show."

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