A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1282 Shao Baoer

The Sean brothers brought sales manager Van Fleet to see Lu Fei.

The respectful attitude made the foreigners who knew these two brothers almost doubt their life.

Mr. and Mrs. Duan Shicheng were even more confused.

Lu Fei shook hands with Van Fleet cordially and said.


"I'll buy these two 747-8IPs in full, please go through the formalities for me!"

Different from the melon-eating group leader who looks down upon others.

There was no surprise to the three Seans who knew Lu Fei well.

"Okay boss!"

"You are the largest shareholder of our company, and you can enjoy the highest internal discount."

"You can just pay a total of $780 million for these two planes."


After Van Fleet finished speaking, the whole audience was shocked.

"Wha, what?"

"This boy is Boeing's largest shareholder?"

"I go!"

"Is there any mistake? The largest shareholder is not Mr. Jerlin West?"

"When did you switch to Chinese people? Didn't the news mention it?"

The foreigners were shocked, and the Chinese people were even more shocked.


"Lu Fei is actually Boeing's largest shareholder. It's so awesome."

"When this news reaches the country, it will definitely cause a sensation."

Duan Shicheng smiled awkwardly and said to himself that he was worried about Lu Fei. He didn't expect that Lu Fei had such strength.

Young and promising!

There were all eyes of admiration and envy around him, except for Xing Yufeng, the pumpkin spirit, whose brows were furrowed and his expression was wonderful.

Lu Fei handed the Baihua Bank Purple Card to Fan Fleet and said.

"Pay with this card, bring the contract here, and I'll sign it."

"Okay boss!"

"Wait a moment, I'll do it right away."

Van Fleet trotted away, and within half a minute he came to Lu Fei with his secretary and the contract in his arms.

He took the thick contract and patiently explained it to Lu Fei one by one.

Half an hour later, Lu Fei signed his name and the transfer was successful.


br\u003e At this point, the only two modified 747-8IPs in the world are owned by Lu Fei.

I have seen people collecting limited edition bags, some collecting limited edition watches, and some collecting cars.

But Lu Fei collects luxury private jets. This is enough to brag about for a lifetime.

After completing the formalities, Lu Fei took the contract and looked at Xing Yufeng.

At this time, this guy's big face was flushed red, more like a ripe pumpkin.

"Fat man!"

"Two planes, take full payment."

"It's your turn!"

"Dude, I'm waiting here!"

Lu Fei had a bad smile on his face, and Little Dog and Wang Xinlei were even more excited.

"Fat man, it's your turn!"

"Stop the ink stains and call me quickly!"

"My brother bought two of them, you have to scream twice."

"Damn it, everyone is waiting!"

"That's right, hurry up."

"Young man, you keep your word, don't let everyone look down on you." Wang Xinlei echoed in a weird voice.

Xing Yufeng gritted his teeth, clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on the back of his fat hands were bulging, and his face was even more colorful.


"hurry up."

"What's wrong?"

"Can't you afford to play anymore?"

"Is he a man?"

"Don't embarrass the Chinese people, okay?"

The two young men were sarcastic and sarcastic, and Xing Yufeng couldn't stand it even more.


"I call you sister!"

"Di Ruilong, Lu Fei, you two listen to me."

"You'd better not go further into the northwest for the rest of your life, otherwise I will make sure you never come back."

With that said, Xing Yufeng glared at Lu Fei and the others and turned to leave, followed by boos.


"The batch that was so arrogant just now turned out to be imitations without any real talent!"


After the interlude, the crowd continued to look at other models. Lu Fei and others followed Sean and the others to the reception room to drink coffee.

Lu Fei took Wang Mang and Lang Lijing to Fan Fleet's office and dialed Dong Jianye's number.

It was close to noon and it was midnight in China.

When the call was answered, Dong Jianye was full of complaints.

"I'm talking to you, instructor from Lu University, please have some sense of public morality, please?" .??.

"I haven't had a good night's sleep in half a fucking month."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Don't mess with me. That's the nature of your job. Not having a good rest has nothing to do with me."


"I don't care, it's you who disturbed me anyway, you have to make it up to me."

"Next time you come to Tiandu, you must treat me to a good meal." Dong Jianye said.

"No problem, help me take care of things, and I'll treat you to food for a month."

"That's pretty much it. Why don't you hurry up and say something? I still have to sleep."

"It's no big deal."

"I bought a few airplanes. I will send you the information in a while. Just help me complete the procedures within three days." Lu Fei said.


When Dong Jianye heard this, he was so surprised that he almost bit his tongue.

"Did you buy a plane?"

"That's right!"

"I'm just waiting for you, Boss Dong, to complete the formalities, and I'll drive back right away."


"Are you too inflated?"

"The earth is no longer enough for you to show off, you have to go to heaven!"

"What did you say just now?"

"How many planes did you buy?"

"Doesn't this mean we have a fight?" Dong Jianye said.

"That's right!"

"Two helicopters and two private jets."

"Help me get it done in three days. Of course, the sooner the better."

“There’s a reward for the day ahead!”


"Four planes?"

"Are you crazy?"

“Why buy so many planes?”

"You don't want to open an airline, do you?" Dong Jianye asked.

"I'm going to buy a few planes for fun, right?"

"Are you making a fuss?"

"There are so many bosses in China who have private jets, why can't I have one?" Lu Fei said.


"Is that the same?"

"I bought one for use, but you bought four of them. What a waste of time!"

"Come on, tell me what model you bought?" Dong Jianye asked.


"It's not too exaggerated. There are two modified versions of EC225L and two modified versions of Boeing 747-8IP."

"Not worth mentioning."


"Your uncle, go to hell!"

After hearing these two models, Dong Jianye suddenly fell in love with them.

After chatting for a while, Lu Fei sent the aircraft information contract and parameters to Dong Jianye.

If you go through the procedures yourself, it will take at least half a year.

With Boss Dong's help, three days is enough.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Mang gave Lu Fei a thumbs up.

"Mr. Lu, I've met a lot of great people, but the most awesome one has to be you!"

Lu Fei chuckled.


"Why not?"

"That's too much, okay?"

"There are only a handful of people in China who can ask Boss Dong to help with things. It's so rare for you to be one of them."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's go watch the plane!"

"You guys get on the plane and get familiar with it. From now on, these two passenger planes will be handed over to the four of you."

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