A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1288 Money or life?

The stall in front of you has a large number of broken porcelain pieces, and the price is cheaper than other stalls, so it is quite popular.

At this time, there were more than a dozen people squatting in front of the stall, selecting porcelain tiles.

No, not picking.

Each person holds a plastic basket and loads it directly with a shovel.

After filling, put it on the scale and weigh it, and pay according to the weight.

I go.

This is wholesale and retail!

The pile of broken porcelain pieces piled up in a small mountain was snapped up by these dozen people in less than two minutes.

Several women chattered, and the stall owner nodded repeatedly and lifted up the tarpaulin behind him.

Under the tarpaulin are dozens of large plastic baskets more than two meters high and arranged neatly.

It was filled with broken pieces of porcelain.

The stall owner took it down and dumped it directly on the tarpaulin, and the people continued to loot.

Although Lu Fei didn't buy broken porcelain pieces, he still liked the rush-buying atmosphere, so he just stood there and watched with a smile.

Three large baskets of broken porcelain pieces were sold out in a row, and only then did those people weigh and pay with satisfaction.

Then put the purchased porcelain tiles on the tricycle and leave.

The stall owner put the banknotes into his pocket and continued to move boxes and pour porcelain tiles.

No one rushed to buy, and Lu Fei planned to leave.

But just as he was about to leave the stall, the stall owner poured out another basket of broken porcelain pieces.

Lu Fei glanced at it while walking.

But just at this glance, Lu Fei was frozen in place as if he had been cast a immobilization spell.

"Lu Fei, what's wrong with you?"

"Mr. Lu"

Discovering Lu Fei's abnormality, Lang Lijing called out softly.

Hearing Lang Lijing's voice, Lu Fei suddenly woke up and rushed towards the broken porcelain pieces on the ground like crazy.

The stall owner was about to dump the next basket when Lu Fei waved his hand and pushed the stall owner aside.

The stall owner carrying a large box weighing 70 to 80 kilograms was unsteady and sat on the ground with a hunchback.

The box in his hand fell to the ground, and broken pieces of porcelain were scattered everywhere.

The stall owner rubbed his butt and stood up

He was so anxious that he pointed at Lu Fei and screamed loudly.

Although I couldn't understand it, it was not difficult to guess that what the stall owner said at this time must be quite civilized condolences.

This scene happened so suddenly that Lang Lijing was completely stunned.

"Mr. Lu, what do you want to do?"

"The stall owner said he was going to call the police. Let's leave quickly!" Lang Lijing said.

Lu Fei ignored Lang Lijing, took off the big bag, took out a pile of beautiful knives and threw it to the stall owner.

Now it was the stall owner's turn to be confused.

This is a total of ten thousand dollars!

The stall owner has never seen so many beautiful knives in his whole life.

Seeing so much money, the stall owner's hands holding the banknotes were shaking.

He gently picked up a piece of banknote and checked it to make sure it was genuine. The stall owner felt even worse.

The pain in my butt and the scattered pieces of porcelain are all irrelevant.

Looking at Lu Fei, not only was he not angry, but his eyes were full of little stars, as if he already regarded Lu Fei as the God of Wealth.

Lu Fei was completely unaware of the stall owner's surprise and Lang Lijing's surprise.

He squatted in front of the broken porcelain and picked up a piece of blue-glazed porcelain that was covered with attachments. His hands kept shaking.

After staring blankly for a minute, Lu Fei held the broken porcelain piece tightly in his hand.

The shells attached to the porcelain slices scratched the palm of the hand, and blood dripped down.

After taking a look at Lu Fei's face, Lang Lijing was shocked.

At this time, Lu Fei's face was pale, his lips were blue, and his lips were trembling violently.

Seeing Lu Fei so excited, Lang Lijing immediately gave up the idea of ​​persuading him.

After holding it for a while, Lu Fei slowly let go.

Gently place the bloody sacrificial blue glaze porcelain piece on the blank space of the tarpaulin.

Then he used his sleeves to scatter the small mountain of broken porcelain pieces and pick them up among them.

Within ten seconds, Lu Fei picked out five broken pieces of blue-glazed porcelain of different sizes.

Try to join these tiles with the one on the ground.

Although incomplete, the prototype of a jade pot spring vase can still be seen.

Seeing this prototype, Lu Fei trembled even more.

Suddenly, Lu Fei covered his chest with his right hand, then frowned and opened his mouth, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out.

Then he collapsed directly to the ground.

"Lu Fei, what's wrong with you?"

Lang Lijing supported Lu Fei and asked in panic.

The stall owner who was counting the money was so frightened that his knife fell to the ground, which was even worse.

Although a beautiful knife is good, it's not fun if it involves someone's life. ??

Lu Fei shook his head and said softly.

"Don't worry about me, can you speak Malay?"

"Yeah!" Lang Lijing nodded heavily.

"Ask this stall owner, where did you get these porcelain pieces?"


Helping Lu Fei, Lang Lijing babbled, and the stall owner shook his head repeatedly.

"Lu Fei, he said this was a business secret and refused to tell me." Lang Lijing said.

Lu Fei dragged the big bag over and took out two piles of beautiful knives and handed them to Lang Lijing.

"Tell him that as long as he tells the truth, the money will be his."

Seeing another twenty thousand dollars, the stall owner's eyes glowed green.

However, this guy thought that Lu Fei was sure to be defeated, but he still refused to say anything.

Lu Fei took out the last 20,000 dollars in cash. The stall owner looked at Lu Fei's big bag and still didn't say anything.


Lu Fei cursed, gritted his teeth and stood up, pulled out the demon dragon from his bag, pointed at the stall owner and roared.

"Money or life?"

"Hurry up and tell me the truth. If you tell me, all the fifty thousand dollars will be yours."

"If you don't tell me, I will kill you."



br\u003e This situation is going to kill you.

The stall owner was so frightened that he sat directly on the ground. The stall owners and tourists around him screamed and ran away.

The scene was chaotic for a while.

However, Lang Lijing was still calm.

After all, this is Captain Zhulong who has seen countless things in the world!

Lu Fei must be so excited for a reason.

As for threatening the stall owner, that is his own fault.

Lang Lijing wanted to kick such a greedy person.

With countless people watching, Lang Lijing walked steadily to the stall owner and translated exactly what Lu Fei said.

This time, the stall owner did not dare to be greedy.

Nodding like a chicken with a straw, he told the source of the goods in detail.

The stall owner's name is Techa, a wholesaler of broken porcelain pieces.

He has many purchasing channels, the biggest of which is fishermen in the South China Sea.

Countless broken pieces of shipwrecks have accumulated at the turning point of the undercurrent in the South China Sea.

Deep-sea fishermen can catch a lot every day.

It used to be thrown away directly, but now it has become an extra income.

Every morning, traders in Kuala Lumpur go to the pier to wait for fishing boats.

The broken porcelain pieces caught by fishermen are packaged and purchased, and then wholesale and retailed.

As for the current batch of broken porcelain pieces, they were caught and sold to him by a fisherman named Ahmed.

Lang Lijing told Lu Fei the situation.

Lu Fei then put the demon dragon away and personally handed over 40,000 dollars in cash to Special Cha.

"Sister, ask him if he has received anything else besides these?"

"Like metal or something?"

Lang Lijing communicated with Special Cha, who shook his head repeatedly.

Lu Fei said after asking Ahmed's home address again.

"Techa, I want all these broken pieces of porcelain."

"Pack up a good piece and transport it outside for me. I will also reward you."

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