A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1289 Looking for someone

Lu Feihao spent 50,000 knives and even threatened the merchant with a demon dragon to conduct a special investigation against his principles, and finally got the exact information.

"Lang Lijing, this is the hotel driver's phone number."

"Help me take care of this place."

"Find a way to transport all the tiles back to the hotel without leaving any behind."

"I have something very important to take the first step." Lu Fei said. ??

"Okay, don't worry, I'll leave this place to you."

Lu Fei nodded gratefully, put the bloody blue-glazed porcelain pieces he picked out into his bag, turned around and trotted away.

When he got outside, Lu Fei immediately dialed the little dog's phone number.


"Brother, I was just about to call you, we"

"Shut up!"

"Listen to me first."

"Immediately mobilize all connections to help me find a fisherman named Ahmed."

"His phone number is xxxx"


"What's going on?"

"If you want"

"Stop fucking nonsense, I don't have time to explain to you now, hurry up and get it done, the sooner the better." Lu Fei roared hysterically.

Since I met Lu Fei, no matter what happened, Lu Fei's tone has never been so irritable.

Now, the little puppy didn't dare to ask any more questions and hurriedly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, the hotel driver also rushed to the corner of the street.

Lu Fei originally planned to let him send him back first, but after thinking about it for a while, he turned back.

When they arrived at the stall, the stall owner and Lang Lijing were carefully picking up the pieces, Lu Fei said to Techa.

"The stall is closed, you come with me."

"From now on, it's $50,000 a day."

Techa was so frightened by the looks in Yaolong and Lu Fei's eyes that he didn't dare to refuse.

What's more, he couldn't bear the temptation of fifty thousand dollars a day and agreed without hesitation.

As for what Lu Fei wanted him to do, he simply didn't think about it.

With so many people present as witnesses, could Lu Fei kidnap him?

On the other side, the little puppy who was drinking coffee in the sauna lounge pulled off the bath towel.

Talk on the phone while changing clothes.

The first call was made to Zeng Yifan of the Malaysian police force.

"Hello, Mr. Di!"

"Uncle Zeng, help us, we are in urgent need!"

"what's up?"

"Find someone?"

"No problem, I'll send someone to look for it right away."

After hanging up Zeng Yifan's phone call, the little nanny called Dong Sihai, who had been dealt with by him some time ago.

This guy is quite powerful in the Kuala Lumpur underworld, so he is looking for someone who is a professional match for him.

Dong Sihai was flattered when he received the call from Little Dog, and repeatedly promised that he would complete the task.

Once all the black and white are arranged, not to mention Ahmed, not even a fly can escape.

Everyone changed clothes and came to the door of the hotel. After a while, Lu Fei, Lang Lijing came back with a van.

When they saw the cart full of broken porcelain pieces, everyone in the little milk dog was stunned.

"Xiao Fei, what's wrong with your hand?"

Looking at Lu Fei's bloody right hand, Gao Yuan asked nervously.

"Brother Gao, don't be nervous, I'm fine."

"Xiaolong, arrange for someone to deliver these things to my room."

"Let everyone be careful, don't throw away a single fragment."

"Okay dear brother!"

"By the way, have you found the person?" Lu Fei asked.

"Don't worry, brother, the arrangements have been made, there will be no problem."

Little Nanny hired a dozen security guards to push luggage carts to transport the tiles, and also hired medical staff from the hotel to help Lu Fei treat his wounds.

While bandaging, Lu Fei asked Techa.

"Techa, you

How long have you been getting goods from Ahmed? "

With Lang Lijing and the little puppy here, communication is much easier.

According to Special Cha's description, he has been collecting broken porcelain pieces from Ahmed for nearly half a year.

As for when the Chinese porcelain began to be produced, I can’t tell the difference at all.

Lu Fei asked again who would get the goods from Ahmed.

Answer: It’s him.

However, most of the porcelain tiles collected during the special inspection were wholesaled.

Not only the time travel flea market, but also almost half of the broken porcelain vendors in the eight markets in Kuala Lumpur come to him to buy goods.

It is simply impossible to find the broken pieces of porcelain that are collected every day.

As for whether there were other metal objects or complete equipment on Ahmed's boat, Special Investigation did not know at all.

As for Ahmed, Special Investigation knows a lot about him.

Ahmed is the brother-in-law of the fishing boss and is in charge of his brother-in-law's deep-sea fishing fleet.

His brother-in-law paid him a salary, but the broken porcelain pieces he fished out belonged to Ahmed's own way of making money.

All the money earned from selling porcelain tiles belongs to himself.

Therefore, Ahmed has a special liking for fishing for porcelain pieces.

Other fleets mainly focused on fishing, but he focused on fishing for ceramic tiles.

He doesn't care how much fish he catches, because it has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, their fleets often catch the least fish and the most tiles.

His own pockets were bulging, but his brother-in-law was cheated.

That guy usually spends all his time drinking and drinking.

A typhoon made landfall the day after tomorrow, and fishing operations were temporarily suspended. Ahmed was not sure where to go to drink wine.

It's really not easy to find him in a short time.

Techa was right, finding Ahmed was indeed a waste of effort.

The little milk dog mobilized all the forces in Kuala Lumpur, and the black and white teams searched for him at the same time, but they could not find him until nightfall.

The phone number given by Special Investigation is none

The method is connected.

Lang Lijing used technology to track Ahmed’s mobile phone.

As a result, this guy left his cell phone in the taxi, and the taxi driver picked it up and turned it off, and he was wandering around the world.


In his own territory, he couldn't do anything like this, and the little naughty dog ​​was very anxious.

Lu Fei even burst into tears.

Although Lu Fei didn't say why, everyone knew that Ahmed was very important to Lu Fei.

Gao Yuan was even more distressed when he learned that Lu Fei vomited blood at the flea market and kept trying to persuade him.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

A table was filled with all kinds of top-notch delicacies, but no one moved their chopsticks.

No appetite at all.

Another half hour passed, and there was still no clue. The little puppy was so anxious that he banged his head against the wall.

At this time, Ma Tengyun, who has always been clever, came up with an idea.

If Ahmed can't find it, he can start searching from his friends. Maybe his friends will know the whereabouts of this thing.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

Little Dog quickly called Zeng Yifan to help find the list of fishing fleet employees.

Why are you looking for a crew list?

Ahmed spends half of the year floating at sea, and the closest people to him are of course the employees on the ship.

It is much easier to find the list, and there are accurate registrations in terms of taxation and fishery administration.

After getting the list, the little nanny summoned Dong Sihai over.

This time, everyone went out as a group and visited each crew member separately.

Time passed by minute by minute.

A total of nineteen crew members visited fifteen people, but unfortunately, none of them knew the whereabouts of Ahmed.

Lu Fei and Little Dog met the three crew members, and all three of them were vague about the questions Lu Fei asked.

However, Lu Fei had already inquired about the area where the broken porcelain pieces were salvaged yesterday.

This is great news.

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