A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1290 Dark under the lamp

The time came to ten o'clock in the evening, and the last four crew members had not visited.

Everyone searched separately. Lu Fei and Ma Tengyun, led by Dong Sihai and a dozen younger brothers, came to the slums in the southern suburbs.

The more developed countries are, the greater the gap between rich and poor.

So almost every city in these countries has slums.

And every slum has one thing in common, that is, it is dirty and messy.

The southern suburbs of Kuala Lumpur are no exception.

When we get here, it feels like we have stepped back fifty years.

There are potholed dirt roads, low and dilapidated houses, garbage everywhere, and drunkards and promiscuous women hanging out in the middle of the night.

It's just a mess.

"Would you like a massage, sir?"

“Our prices are fair and our services are first-rate to ensure your satisfaction!”

As soon as everyone got out of the car, a woman with heavy makeup walked over with her waist twisted and charming.

Dong Sihai asked as Lu Fei and Ma Tengyun stepped aside.

"Where is Aliang's family?"


"Which Aliang are you talking about?"

"We are all girls from good families here, and they are extremely good!"

"It's going to rain outside, sir, come inside with me quickly!"

Dong Sihai took a step back with a look of disgust on his face, took out a large handful of banknotes from his pocket, shook it and said.

"Tell me where A Liang, who works on the fishing boat, is, and the money will be yours."

Seeing so much money, the woman's eyes widened and she reached out to take the money.

Dong Sihai retracted his hand and said calmly.

"My time is very tight, tell me where A Liang is right now?"

The woman was stunned for a moment and immediately put on her hottest smile.

"Sir, you have asked the right person."

"A Liang is having a massage at our place!"

"Should I help you call him out, or will you go with me?"

Of course Dong Sihai couldn't enter the house with her. If word got out, he would be laughed out of the public in the future.

He called his four younger brothers and followed the woman into the low wooden shed.

In less than two minutes, four young men walked out surrounded by a muscular man.

Comparing it with the photo, this is the person.

Dong Sihai's reputation is quite large in the local area.

Especially the poor people in these shantytowns know this boss even better.

Seeing Dong Sihai, A Liang stood there shaking like chaff.

"Dong, Boss Dong!"

"You, are you looking for me?" A Liang asked nervously.

"A-Liang, don't be nervous, I won't embarrass you."

"Get in the car with me. I have a few questions I need you to answer."

"If your answer is helpful to us, you will get a large reward." Dong Sihai said.

It doesn't matter whether the reward is reward or not. The key is that A Liang didn't dare to disobey Dong Sihai's request and quickly nodded in agreement.

When they came to the car, Dong Sihai and Ma Tengyun got into the front seat, while Lu Fei and A Liang sat in the back.

Lu Fei asked as he handed A Liang a cigarette.

"A-Liang, let me ask you a question. Please answer it truthfully."

"Where were the broken porcelain pieces you sold today salvaged?"

Lu Fei and A Liang couldn't communicate, but with Dong Sihai here, there would be no problem.

After the translation, A Liang reported a coordinate, which was exactly the same as the previous crew members.

This shows that A Liang did not lie.

"How many times have you set nets in that sea area?" Lu Fei continued to ask.

"I can't remember clearly. There is an inflection point of the undercurrent under that sea area, and there are quite a lot of broken porcelain."

"I've been there at least fifty times in the past three months."

"Besides broken porcelain pieces, have you ever found any other good things?"

Lu Fei asked this question to every crew member he came into contact with, but the answer was unclear.

Although he didn't have much hope, Lu Fei still asked A Liang again.

When this question was asked, A Liang's eyes dodge and he was at a loss. He was obviously extremely nervous.



Seeing his expression, Lu Fei suddenly became excited.

He took out 20,000 US dollars in cash from his bag and put it on the car seat.

"Tell me the truth, these are yours."

Seeing 20,000 dollars in cash, A Liang's mouth watered.


This is a beautiful knife!

A full twenty thousand dollars!

He can't make so much money even after working so hard for a year!

This time A Liang did not hesitate and nodded heavily.

"Yes, yes!"

Hearing the affirmative answer, Lu Fei's blood surged with excitement and his heartbeat accelerated several times.

"Tell me quickly, what is there?"



At this moment, Lu Fei's heartbeat accelerated again, and his little heart was almost ready to burst out.

"Could you be more clear?"

"I caught a piece of gold five days ago."

"Looking at the shape, it should have been a gold bowl with a ruby ​​on it."

"It's just that the golden bowl has been completely flattened, and when you pick it up, it's just a golden lump." A Liang said.

Boom, boom, boom!

Lu Fei's heart was beating so fast that he felt it was difficult to breathe.

He lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. It took him half a minute to calm down.

"Besides the golden bumps, what else is there?"

"And a big baby!"


"What baby?"

"A week ago, I fished out a gold-covered wooden box."


When A Liang said these words, Lu Fei suddenly stood up as if he was struck by lightning.


But Lu Fei forgot that he was in a car, and before he could straighten up, his head hit the roof.

In an instant, stars were dancing in front of Lu Fei's eyes, and his head felt dizzy.

"Brother Fei, are you okay?" Ma Tengyun and Dong Sihai asked in unison.

Lu Fei waved his hand and sat down again, ignoring the pain in his head, grabbing A Liang's hand and saying excitedly.

"Is the box complete?"

"No, the wooden box inside was shattered, but the outside was covered with gold and did not fall apart." A Liang said.

"Is the golden knife still there?"


"How do you know it contains a golden knife?"


When A Liang asked this, it meant that the golden sword was still there.

After getting this answer, Lu Fei's head suddenly became clear.

It's like taking Betel Nut Shunqi Pills, it feels so comfortable.

"Don't ask me how I know it first. Let me ask you, where is the golden sword now?"

"At Captain Ahmed's place." Aliang said.

"Do you know where Ahmed is?" Lu Fei asked.

"I know?"

Lu Fei took out another bundle of 100,000 dollars in cash and handed it to A Liang and asked.

"Tell me where he is?"

"As long as you find him, these are all yours."

"Thank you, thank you boss."

"You are a good person, I wish you the best"

"Stop the ink, tell me quickly where he is?"

"oh oh!"

"Ahmed is on a date with his young lover at the Donghuang Hotel!"


Damn it!

After searching for an entire afternoon and an entire night, Kuala Lumpur was almost turned upside down.

It turned out that his mother was in the dark under the lamp, and the grandson was actually at the Donghuang Hotel in Xiao Nai Dog's house.

After hearing this answer, Lu Fei and the others were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

"you sure?"

"Of course."

"I am Ahmed's deputy, and only I know his affairs best."

"Before you came, he called me from the hotel's landline."

"He said he lost his mobile phone and asked me to get him a replacement one!"

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