A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1291 The fifth knife

The phone is lost.

Use the hotel landline to call.

By the way, everything clicked.

Ahmed's cell phone was left in the taxi!

Damn it!

After looking for him for so long, the little puppy tried all his connections and turned Kuala Lumpur upside down but still couldn't find him.

It turns out that this dog fight is happening right under everyone’s nose, and it’s really irritating.

Fortunately, he finally found his whereabouts.

And he also got a major clue from Aliang. .??.

This was enough to make Lu Fei excited.

Lu Fei immediately called Little Milk Dog and told him the situation.

On the other side of the phone, the little puppy kept scolding her.

"A Liang, your clues are too important. All the money is yours."

"Thank you boss, thank you boss."

Ah Liang was even more excited and almost knelt down and kowtowed to the God of Wealth.

"By the way, the cost of the Donghuang Hotel is so high, and Ahmed just tinkered with broken pieces of porcelain. How could he be willing to go there and book a room?" Lu Fei asked.

A Liang said with a smile.

"Ahmed did a super touch. He's not good enough to go to other places!"

"What's more, that guy just made a fortune, so he's not short of money."

"Get rich?"

"He floats on the sea every day, how can he get rich?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, of course."

"He sold the golden knife for half a million Malaysian dollars!"



"You said he sold the golden knife?" Lu Fei shouted.

A Liang shrank his neck in fear and nodded repeatedly.


"I bought it yesterday."

"Sold to whom?"

"I don't know this, he didn't tell me."


"Sihai, hurry back to the hotel."

"A Liang, please come with me first. I'll still have some when you come back."

Thank you very much. "

The car sped towards the hotel, the car was flying in the direction of the hotel, and the face was like water, and the teeth were clenching.

Ai Ahmed actually sold the knife.

And it only sold for 500,000 Malay dollars.

This prodigal son who has killed a thousand swords!

Damn it!

If word spreads about that knife, something big will happen in Jubi!

Because that is the fifth Seven-Star National Treasure Sword!

Lu Fei was so shocked that he saw broken pieces of blue-glazed porcelain at the time travel flea market.

Although it was covered with attachments, Lu Fei could still tell at a glance that it was a blue-glazed official kiln from the Qianlong period.

Lu Fei was even more confused when he found several fragments and spliced ​​them into the shape of a jade pot and spring vase.

There are very few sacrificial blue glazes from the Kangxi and Qianlong dynasties, but each one is of high quality.

Most of the blue glazes of the third generation were made of dishes and bowls, and there were almost no large utensils.

According to the Records of the Qing Palace, two sacrificial blue-glazed jade pots and spring vases were fired during the Kangxi and Qianlong periods.

One has a chip on the edge of the mouth and a scratch on the neck. It is currently in the collection of the National Museum of China and classified as a first-class national treasure.

The whereabouts of the other item are still unknown, but Lu Fei knows it clearly.

At that time, the eunuch stole a sacrificial blue-glazed jade pot and spring vase from the Yangxin Hall and exchanged it for nine taels of silver.

Later, when Yuan Shikai gave gifts to Count Sirhan, he purchased national treasures everywhere, and the jade pot and spring vase was among them.

Lu Fei saw it with his own eyes on the Sea King.

Therefore, Lu Fei was 100% certain that these fragments of blue-glazed porcelain were the fragments of the Neptune.

Not only these pieces of blue glaze.

Among the piles of porcelain pieces, there are also a large number of pastel enamel blue and white porcelain pieces, and they are all made from official kiln porcelain.

And these high-grade porcelain pieces definitely come from the Neptune.

A hundred years ago, this was a national treasure.


These things killed Lu Fei and his twelve brothers in the South China Sea.

A hundred years have passed, but the national treasure has become a wreck. Lu Fei is extremely sad.

In addition to grief, Lu Fei became even more excited.

After spending countless manpower, material and financial resources searching for nearly three months, no trace of the Sea King was found. Now we finally have a clue.

The porcelain was ruined like this and had no value anymore, but the Seven-Star Sword must be found.

Now that the Seven-Star Sword has found clues, but was betrayed by Ahmed, Lu Fei is so angry that he has the urge to kill.

If someone cares about this thing, the consequences will be disastrous!

Hurrying back to the hotel, Lu Fei finally saw the dark and skinny Ahmed.

At this time, this guy was only wearing pajamas.

Under the gaze of the puppy and more than a dozen police officers, Ahmed was shaking with fear.

Barely suppressing the urge to beat him, Lu Fei and Little Nanny took the guy to the room.

In fact, there were some things that Lu Fei couldn't say in front of the puppy.

But I don’t understand Malay and can’t communicate with Ahmed.

Considering all the people present, the only choice was to let the little puppy follow.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"How have I offended you?" Ahmed asked nervously.

Lighting a cigarette, Lu Fei said.

"Don't be nervous, we are not bad people."

"Let me ask you a question, who did you sell that golden knife to?"

"What golden knife?"

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

Ahmed said hesitantly with his eyes averted.

"Ahmad, if I can ask you about the whereabouts of the golden knife, it means that I know the fact that the golden knife was sold by you."

"Answer my question seriously, and not only will you be fine, but you will also get a generous reward."

"If you dare to deceive me, you will bear the consequences."

"Although we

Not bad people, but good people tend to do more extreme things when they get angry. "

Lu Fei said it politely, but the little milk dog didn't translate according to Lu Fei's words at all.

The little puppy has been anxious all day for this product, and so far he hasn't even had a bite of dinner.

When this guy was pulled out from his hotel, the little naughty dog ​​wanted to give his grandson a mouthful, and he gnashed his teeth in hatred towards him.

Now that Ahmed is pretending that his grandson is uncooperative, the little puppy becomes even more angry.

"Ahmad, just fucking listen to me."

"Master, I am Di Ruilong, the young boss of Baihua Bank."

"The old man in uniform below is named Zeng Yifan. He is the top leader of the Malaysian police force."

"The fat man in the suit is called Dong Jianyuan, and he is a big leader in Kuala Lumpur."

"And that guy in the white shirt, I think you must know him."

"That's my little brother Dong Sihai, nicknamed the Little Devil of Kuala Lumpur."

"If you dare not tell the fucking truth, I will drag you to feed the sharks."

"It's easier to kill you than to crush an ant. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Oh my god!

When the little naughty dog ​​told this story, Ahmed was frightened out of his wits.

He knelt down in front of the puppy and kowtowed, begging for mercy.

He had no doubt about the little milk dog's courage.

He just has a cheap life and is nothing compared to these big guys.

Ahmed never dared to try.

After lightly kicking Ahmed, the little puppy stared and said.

"Stop fucking doing this to me."

"Stand up and tell me the truth."

"If you waste my time any longer, I will kill you now."

Facts have proved that the simplicity and roughness of the little milk dog works quite well.

At this time, the little milk dog's words were more effective than Ahmed's parents.

The order was given, and Ahmed quickly stood up and answered truthfully.

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