A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1294 Shouting

Zeng Yifan was ordered to collect Lu Fei's golden knife, but the little puppy kept screaming in front of him.

Although Zeng Yifan is a member of the Malaysian police force, he really can't afford to offend the Di family.

The Di family is the backbone of the Malaysian economy. It is not an exaggeration to say that the whole country will be shaken with a stamp of their feet.

Even Datuk, the royal family, and the president have to make an appointment if they want to see Di Chaodong, but he doesn't have enough to see them.

However, he did not dare to disobey the fatal orders given by his superiors. He was really in a dilemma and looked embarrassed. .??.

"Master Di, I am also a subordinate sect, please don't embarrass me."

"Leave the golden sword to me for safekeeping for the time being. I will return it with both hands later, okay?"


"I can't believe you."

"There is no reason, why do you confiscate my brother's things?"

"Do you still have royal law in your eyes?"

"Is there any law?" cried the little puppy.

No matter what you say, it doesn't work, Zeng Yifan is also a little unhappy.

After all, there are so many subordinates watching here, where can I put my boss face?

"Master Di, you can't speak too absolutely."

"If we investigate strictly, you will indeed have violated the law."

"Do you think this is good?"

"Leave the golden sword to me for now, and let me forget the rest, okay?" Zeng Yifan said.



"Uncle Zeng, please tell me, which law have we violated?" the little milk dog yelled.

"Master Di, you used us to help you investigate Ahmed. This is an abuse of power."

"What you said when you were in front of Mr. Zhao Jianyun's house was even worse."

"We are all friends. We won't embarrass you. Please don't embarrass me."

"I have no other request. I just want to keep the golden sword temporarily. Can I promise to return it?" Zeng Yifan said.


"Uncle Zeng, you are just looking for trouble!"

"Are you saying I abused my power?"\u003c


"Can I use it without your cooperation?"

"You were present at the door of Zhao's house, and now you use that nonsense as an excuse, can you still save some face?"

The little milk dog's last sentence violated a taboo.

Zeng Yifan was a law enforcement officer. No matter how worried he was about the Di family, he couldn't stand the rudeness of the little puppy in person.

Hearing this, Zeng Yifan's face suddenly sank.

"Master Di, for your father's sake I am not as knowledgeable as you."

"But please don't insult people."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for acting in accordance with the law." Zeng Yifan said.


"Am I still fucking afraid of you?"

"Even if it's illegal, it's my business alone and has nothing to do with my brother."

"Whoever dares to rob my brother's things, I will change my nationality tomorrow and bring all the property back to China."

"Let me see how you tell the superiors."


The little puppy stared wildly and really frightened Zeng Yifan.

If you really change your nationality and divest your capital as the little naughty dog ​​said, don’t talk about yourself, the president won’t be able to stand it!

Zeng Yifan was so suppressed that his face turned red and he was speechless.

The little milk dog shouted unreasonably.

"My Di family pays tens of billions of Malay dollars in taxes to Malaysia every year. If I use you to do something, I think I'm looking down on you."

"Don't be so fucking shameless."

"If you don't want to be happy, I will arrest this young master and handle matters according to law."

"If you don't dare, get out of here!"

"Brother, let's go."

"If anyone dares to stop it, Baihua Bank will disappear from Malaysia tomorrow."

"If I don't keep my words, I will have a child with no butthole."



Gao Yuan and others next to him almost laughed out loud.

Zhao Jianyun and Ji Hongxuan were inexplicably shocked.

Zhao Jianyun said to himself, this is fucking strength!

In Malaysia, the only ones who dare to challenge the police force directly like this are the Di family.

I can’t believe it, it’s too awesome.

Dong Jianyuan quietly took two steps back, and Zeng Yifan's old face turned into a grocery store with embarrassment.

But he really didn't dare to say a word "no".

The little puppy walked over first and came to Zeng Yifan and deliberately bumped him away with her shoulder.

Zeng Yifan gritted his teeth with hatred, but did not dare to look at the little puppy.

The boss got out of the way, and the little police officers didn't dare to stop him.

They separated and watched Lu Fei and others leave arrogantly.

When they came outside, the door of a Mercedes-Benz car opened on the side of the road, and a strong man stepped out and smiled at Lu Fei.

"With Master Di here, we are simply superfluous!"

Lu Fei threw a pack of cigarettes and said.

"It's safe here, you have other tasks."

"I'll give you half an hour to get Mr. Zhao Jianyun and Boss Ji Hongxuan's family members safely to the airport."

"Tomorrow we will sort out the properties of the two companies and send the money to me as soon as possible."


"Make sure to complete the mission."

The man answered simply and asked Zhao Jianyun and Ji Hongxuan to get in the car.

Before getting in the car, he turned back to Lang Lijing and smiled.

"Boss Lang, do you feel comfortable following Mr. Lu?"

Lang Lijing smiled and said.

"Are you, Lao Cui, greedy?"

"If you are eager to report, come to me. The first officer of 747-8IP asked you to do it."

The muscular man was none other than Cui Zhenshan, captain of the Zhulong First Brigade.

While the little nanny asked Zeng Yifan to find Ahmed, Lu Fei also

The Zhulong team members stationed in Malaysia were lined up to help.

After finding Ahmed, Lu Fei was worried about causing trouble, so he specially asked Cui Zhenshan to follow everyone.

Zeng Yifan asked for a knife just now, but Lu Fei wasn't nervous at all.

Even if the little milk dog is not working well, everyone will be safe and sound if the Shenzhou Zhulong brand is displayed.

When Lang Lijing mentioned 747-8IP, Cui Zhenshan’s eyes lit up with envy.

"Mr. Lu, let me make a reservation with you."

"When I get laid off, you have to arrange a good job for me!"

"Don't worry, it's your choice when the time comes." Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Then I'll leave first."

"See you at the airport."

Cui Zhenshan left in the car, and Lu Fei arranged for Gao Yuan and Ma Tengyun to go to the hotel to collect the broken porcelain pieces.

Others rushed directly to the airport.

The car drove for more than ten minutes when Lu Fei's cell phone rang.

The caller ID showed Wade's number. Lu Fei laughed, not surprised at all.

If you peek into the Seven Star Sword family, you must always pay attention to the dynamics of auction houses around the world.

Because the auction house is the place where treasures are most likely to appear.

When the Hongxuan Auction House advertisement came out, they must have known the information about the Seven-Star Sword as soon as possible.

Ji Hongxuan received calls from Datuk's Mansion and the President's Secretary, including Zeng Yifan's falling out, which was all 100% arranged by these big bosses.

Others don't understand the Seven Star Sword, let alone have such great energy.

Since he was doing so much today, it was impossible for these people not to know that the Seven-Star Sword was in his hands.

In less than two hours, everything he did in Malaysia was no longer a secret.

Therefore, the search for ships in the South China Sea has to come to an end for the time being.

Regardless of whether the search for the ship will fail, Lu Fei believes that he will be very busy in the next few days.

Once done, you will make a fortune.

On the contrary, it may be irreversible.

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