A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1295 So fast

Wade called, and Lu Fei smiled knowingly.

Sure enough, it came, it came so fast!

After thinking for a while, I used my good left hand to edit a message.

[It's not convenient right now. I'll call you in half an hour. 】

Just as the message was sent, Long Yun's call came in.


My business is really busy!

[It's not convenient right now. I'll call you in forty minutes. 】

Twenty minutes later, everyone gathered at the airport.

Ji Hongxuan and Zhao Jianyun's family members all arrived safely.

Everyone boarded the plane, and Lu Fei asked Wang Xinlei to take down a cigarette given by Boss Long Yun and hand it to Cui Zhenshan.

After a brief chat, he said goodbye to Cui Zhenshan.

After getting on the plane and asking Ma Tengyun to make tea, Lu Fei sat opposite Zhao Jianyun and said.

"Brother Zhao, I talked with Boss Ji at that time, and I hope you can follow me."

"I plan to open an auction house on Hong Kong Island, with the main business being top-grade jewelry."

"I'll give you 10% of the shares and an annual salary of one million, what do you think?"

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for looking up to me. Boss Ji has already told me that I am willing to work with you." Zhao Jianyun said excitedly.

The annual profit of his antique shop is less than one million, and it is still in Malaysian currency.

Lu Fei gave himself an annual salary of one million Chinese coins, plus 10% of his shares. Only a fool would disagree.

What's more, Lu Fei is very red now. It will definitely be face-saving to work with him, and the future is bright.

"Very good."

"Thank you, Brother Zhao, Brother Ji for joining us."

"You two follow me back to Jincheng first, and I will arrange for people to start selecting a location immediately."

"After the address is selected, the decoration and recruitment are all left to my two brothers. My people will fully cooperate."

"The decoration is complete, our auction company has its first auction during the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"When we arrive in Jincheng, we will sign the contract immediately." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, just listen to Mr. Lu."

"By the way, how big does the auction house need to be?" Lu Fei asked.

Ji Hongxuan thought for a while and said


"The market for jewelry is quite good overseas and on Hong Kong Island."

"Coupled with Mr. Lu's fame and popularity, our auction house will definitely be popular."

"I suggest that at least two hundred seats and twenty IP boxes should be arranged."

"Otherwise, I probably wouldn't be able to sit down!"

"Calculating this, the site needs to be at least 500 square meters."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"Our auction house does not need to set up private rooms."

“Everyone is treated equally regardless of their status. This can give us a warm and welcoming feeling.”

"Two hundred seats are a little short."

"I mean, at least 500 to 800 seats."

"Also, the venue cannot be too cramped. Our business is precious jewelry, so the venue must be high-end and classy."

"How about this!"

"I'll ask someone to find a venue with an area of ​​1,000 to 1,500 square meters. This will be enough." Lu Fei said.


"Is it so big?"

"How much rent does such a big venue cost?" the two asked in surprise.


"Don't worry, two big brothers. I have several office buildings on Hong Kong Island, and the space doesn't cost money."

After the Bao Bao Conference ended, Lao Bai, Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi bought five office buildings and two large shopping malls at bargain prices, all in the most prosperous prime locations.

Although I did not participate in it, I still have my own shares in it.

Don't say you have shares, even if you don't have shares, if you ask them for a hall, Lao Bai and they will not refuse.

Lu Fei didn't think anything of it, but Ji Hongxuan and his brothers were shocked.

Good guy, how many office buildings are there?

My mother!

How much does that cost?

Boss Lu is indeed very capable.


Working with such a boss, it is impossible not to develop!

After finalizing the cooperation, Ji Hongxuan and Lu Fei were excited, and Lu Fei was equally excited.

I recently had plans to open an auction house, and I found the right helper right away. It was just timely!

Once the personnel are finalized, the venue and procedures are all handed over to Yang Yi.

There were still twenty minutes before takeoff, so Lu Fei asked the two young men to entertain everyone, and then he returned to the office and dialed Wade's number.

"Wade, do you have a problem with me?" Lu Fei asked knowingly.

"Something's wrong!"

"Fei, I told you in the United States that I have a big project to start in China soon."

"I don't have many connections there, and I don't have that much energy."

"I'm going to get you on board."

"I invest, you run."

"How about you own fifty-one percent of the shares?" Wade said.

To put it simply, Wade provided the money and Lu Fei provided the effort.

And Lu Fei has the final say.

After making money, the two of them divided the spoils.

After losing money, Lu Fei had nothing to lose.

If this were an ordinary person, he would be knocked unconscious by a big pie falling from the sky.

But Lu Fei knew that this money was not so easy to earn.

"Tell me what the project is?"

"I can invest if it's appropriate."

"It's not fair to take dry stock for free."

"Although we are friends, I can't accept it," Lu Fei said.

“We took over an unfinished project in Hangzhou.”

"We plan to build a commercial plaza there with a total construction area of ​​200,000 square meters."

"All the procedures have been completed and we are just waiting to start construction."

"Fei, I have more important business here in the United States, and I really can't get away."

"I don't feel comfortable leaving it to anyone else. You are my best friend, so it is just right to leave it to you."

"I pay

When it comes to investment, you contribute to the operation and construction, not to mention taking advantage. "

"Don't feel any psychological pressure!" Wade said.

What the hell!

A commercial plaza of 200,000 square meters, this project is too big, the Robert family is really willing to bet on it!

However, after careful calculation, this little money is really nothing to their family.

If I had been before, I would have agreed without any hesitation.

But it's different now.

Now that the Seven-Star Sword is in his hands, all future transactions will not be so pure.

As the saying goes, eating people is short of mouth.

If you don't agree to other people's conditions in the next step of the project, the consequences will be quite serious.

After thinking for a few seconds, Lu Fei chuckled.

"Wade, I'm not good at real estate projects. I think you should find someone else!"

"I've been very busy lately and really can't spare the energy."

"Thank you for your kindness. Let's cooperate again if we have the opportunity in the future!"


"As far as I know, your girlfriend is engaged in real estate."

"If you're not familiar with it, you can give the project to your girlfriend!"

"I am 200% sincere, please don't refuse." Wade said.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes.

This guy understands himself quite thoroughly!

You can't influence the ideas of those around you.

Such good intentions!

However, Wade said this, directly blocking Lu Fei's words.

If you refuse again, the nature will be completely different.

Lu Fei thought for a moment and said.

"Wade, you are right."

"My woman is indeed engaged in real estate."

"But whether she does it or I do it, I hope we work together as equals."

"If you don't have the energy, you can transfer the project to me, or I will invest equally."

"It's definitely not possible to get dry shares."

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