A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1302 Sima Zhao’s Heart

Canby and Long Yun arrived at the same time.

The two people announced that they were Lu Fei's platform on behalf of two reclusive families, and Murray was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Just because of this yellow-skinned monkey?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Murray growled.


"I emphasize again, Lu Fei is the best friend of our Robert family, please respect him."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you." Canby said sharply. .??.

Seeing Murray's expression uglier than eating a fly, Long Yun sneered.

"Our boss specifically asked me to protect Mr. Lu Fei's personal safety."

"If someone threatens Mr. Lu Fei, I don't mind having a discussion with him."

"Dear Mr. Murray, I heard that you are a black belt master, how about we have some fun?"


Murray was so angry that his heart felt stuffy, and he even had the urge to vomit blood.

"Kambi, Long Yun, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking."

"The knife in Lu Fei's hand belongs to our family, and none of you can get it."


“That knife was obviously fished out of the high seas by Ahmed, so why did it become your family’s?”

"Can you still have some dignity?" Canby said.

"That's right!"

"In Malaysia, you actually ordered the Presidential Palace to plan to snatch a knife. Your family is really despicable!" Long Yun said.

"You, you guys."


"let's go!"

Murray's face turned red, he glared at Lu Fei and turned away.

When he got to the car, Murray immediately dialed his home phone number.

"Clan leader, it's not good."

"Both the Robert family and the Xiao family sent people to Jincheng."

"Ignore them, have you got the knife?" the clan leader asked.


"Lu Fei refuses to sell!" Murray said.

"How did you communicate with him?"

"Is the bargaining chip given not enough to tempt him?" the clan leader said.

"Clan leader, Lu Fei is very cunning, he"

"I asked you how you communicated with him?"

The clan leader pressed him, but Murray did not dare to hide it.

I roughly told the story of how I came to Jincheng.

The patriarch of the Thomas family cursed loudly.


"Murray, you are a loser who fails to succeed but fails to succeed."

"I asked you to bribe Lu Fei at all costs, but who asked you to go to the capital of Bashu to complain?"

"A few days ago, Lu Fei got more than 30% of Boeing's shares."

"I heard that he got another 10% of Coca-Cola's shares, worth tens of billions of dollars."

"That yellow-skinned monkey is a super rich man!"

"But you gave him one million Malaysian dollars, and where are you sending the beggars?"

"Why don't you fucking die!"

"I'm sorry, Patriarch, this is indeed my mistake."

"But that Lu Fei is so arrogant. He doesn't take our family seriously at all. I'm really angry!" Murray said, wiping a cold sweat.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"You keep an eye on these two families now."

"If one of them gets the Seven-Star Knife, report it to me immediately."

"As long as the Seven-Star Sword is still in Lu Fei's hands, we will get it back sooner or later."



Friends come with good wine, enemies come with shotguns!

Murray brought John and the licking dog Yang Wanbo to show off, but Lu Fei only rewarded him with a glass of jasmine high breakage.

Kanby and Long Yun gave themselves a platform. No matter what the purpose was, they were friends.

Lu Fei immediately ordered the little milk dog to soak the best aged Pu'er to entertain them.

When the tea was poured, Canby and others were full of praise.

Regardless of whether you understand it or not, give it high praise.

Everyone chatted slowly and endlessly, but no one asked to see the knife.

It’s not that I don’t want to see it.

The two groups of people arrived at the same time, so there was no way to watch them, so they could only chat and spank.

This chat lasted more than two hours.

Near noon, Lu Fei called and asked Yao Meier to reserve a private room.

Then everyone went to the thatched cottage to eat hot pot.

Long Yun likes the spicy and fragrant hot pot very much.

But the foreigners couldn't stop shouting. Lu Fei smiled and asked Xia Kai to prepare another seafood pot.

In Lu Fei's place, there was no red wine at all. It was all Feitian Moutai at 52 degrees, and the four foreigners who drank it grinned.

After drinking for three rounds, Lu Fei put down his cup and said.

"Mr. Canby, this Thomas family seems to be very special."

"Can you tell me what happened to them?"

Canby thought for a moment and said.

“The Thomas family is truly remarkable.”

"The family origins date back more than five hundred years."

"I don't know the specifics."

"You just need to know that their family is quite powerful in Europe."

“Bigger than you can imagine.”

"No country in Europe dares to provoke them easily."

"I'm talking about the country!"


"So scary?"

Although Kanby spoke in general terms, Lu Fei was extremely shocked.

country, family.

These are two completely unequal groups.

Even the country can't do anything about it, so how awesome can this family be?


The Thomas family is so powerful, but they are very afraid of the Robert family and the Xiao family.

So what kind of terrifying existence are these two families?


It seemed that what I had imagined before was just the tip of their iceberg.

His true strength is probably far beyond his own knowledge.

For such a behemoth, if he wanted to take revenge, it would be like a cricket striking a tree with an egg against a rock.

It seems that he is still too small.

In the eyes of others, this achievement is not worth mentioning!

Canby chuckled.

"The Thomas family is indeed terrifying."

"But you don't have to be too nervous."

"You are our family's best friend. If they dare to embarrass you, we will not stand idly by."

"The same goes for our Xiao family," Long Yun said.

"Thank you, thank you."


"After dinner later, I will arrange a hotel for you to rest. I have to go out to do some personal things."

"Go to my house tonight and let's continue drinking!" Lu Fei said.

"Brother, just arrange a hotel, I'm not sleepy."

"It's been a long time since I've been to Jincheng. If it's convenient, take me with you. I promise you won't get in the way." Long Yun said.

Before Lu Fei could express his position, Kanby spoke first.

"This is my first time coming to Jincheng, can I follow you?"

"I won't disturb you, I'm just enjoying the great rivers and mountains of China."

Lu Fei felt funny in his heart.

Talking about appreciating beautiful rivers and mountains is pure nonsense!

They just don't want one of them to negotiate with them alone.

This is Sima Zhao's intention, and everyone on the road knows it!

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"I just want to meet an elder. There is nothing inconvenient."

"If you're not tired, you're welcome to come along."

Gene and Carter will suffer next.

Needless to say, there are a lot of dragons and clouds.

But the four foreigners were simply unable to handle high-quality liquor.

In order not to delay things, Camby and Wade just drank a little symbolically.

As for the glorious mission of accompanying Lu Fei and Long Yun, it was all left to Gene and Carter.

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