A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1303 Playing the piano to a cow

After eating hot pot for an hour, poor Jean and Carter lay on the table and never got up.

Kanby asked someone to take the two drunkards back to the hotel, and Lu Fei called Yao Meier aside.

"I'm very busy, so hurry up if you fart!" Yao Meier said angrily.

"Did you take dynamite today?"

"Can you speak well?"

"What on earth?"

"I'm going to discuss your marriage with your father-in-law, do you want to come with me?" Lu Fei said with a smirk.

Yao Meier suddenly blushed with embarrassment.

"It's none of your business."

"No need, right?"

"Well, I'm just too lazy to care!"

"You're busy, I'll go find Fang Junfeng for tea!"

Lu Fei said and turned around to leave. Now Yaomei'er was no longer calm.


"Stillborn God, come back to me."

"What else?"

"Shit Lu Fei, do you want to fight?"

"Uncle Xia has been looking for you many times. Come over quickly." Yao Meier said.

"Don't you need me to worry about you?"

"Then why should I go?"

"Let's go have some tea!"

"Lu Fei!"

"Did I give you face?"

"Hurry up. Uncle Xia wants to buy a car. You can send him one on the way."

"I go!"

"You prodigal son of a bitch."

"You're going to get benefits from your husband's family before you get married. If you get married, why don't you give your whole family to her?"

"Lu Fei, you are so annoyed today!"

"There are so many idle cars at home, why not give him one?"

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"I'm not distressed. Let alone one, it's okay to give away three."

"With Lao Xia's character, do you think he will accept it?"


Now Yaomei'er was stunned.

"Forget it, just buy him some wine."

"Do you even need to say this?"

"By the way, after you get married, you

Where are we going to live? "

"Of course you live at home?"


"Are you trying to drive me out?" Yao Meier said with wide eyes.

Seeing his sister's angry expression, Lu Fei felt inexplicably sad.

Without warning, he held Yao Meier in his arms and stroked her sister's short hair.

"Silly girl, you are my only close relative, how could I kick you out?"

"These words are too hurtful. You are not allowed to say them again. Do you hear me?"

"Also, you are about to get married. Change your bad temper and stop getting angry at Xia Kai all the time."

"Xia Kai can accommodate you 10,000 times, but maybe it will break out on the 10,001th time."

"By then, it will be too late for you to regret." Lu Fei said.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Yao Meier was slightly startled, raised her head and looked at Lu Fei seriously and said.

"Stillborn God, something is wrong with you today!"

"Your words seem to be your last words. You are not going to commit suicide, are you?"


Lu Fei's nose was almost crooked with anger.

For this sister, Lu Fei was convinced and admired her wholeheartedly.

After talking for so long, my feelings are like playing the piano to a cow!

Xia Kai!

Brother can't help you anymore, you'd better ask for your own blessings!

After leaving Yaomeier Hotpot City, Lu Fei called the two young men, Zhu Tianbao and Feng Zhe over.

Together with Long Yunkanby and Wade, everyone came to the farmer's market.

I called a van to wait outside, then found a truck to follow them into the market.

Camby and Wade came to the farmer's market for the first time in their lives. Although the smell was a bit pungent, they enjoyed the lively scene.

Their sapphire eyes kept looking left and right, and everything they saw seemed new.

"Boss, buy some pork!"

“Daliangshan purebred black pork is so delicious!”

"How much

A pound? Lu Fei asked.

"Ours is pure black pork, which is more expensive than ordinary pork, thirty-five pounds per pound."

"Okay, weigh this half piece of pig for me."


"Half, half a piece of pig?" The stall owner almost doubted his life.

After running the stall for more than ten years, the most I can sell at a time is twenty kilograms, which is the amount purchased by a big hotel.

This guy wants half a piece of pig. Can this be true?


"Is there still a limit on your pork?" .??.??

"Ah, no, no, okay, I'll weigh you right now."

The stall owner hesitantly moved half a piece of big fat pig onto the scale.

This half piece of fat pig weighs one hundred and fifty-one pounds.

"Boss, the total is one hundred and fifty-one pounds, five thousand two hundred and eighty-five yuan."

"Do you think it's okay?" the stall owner asked nervously.

"no problem!"

"Xiaolong, give me the money and ask the boss to help me carry it to the car."

The little nanny scanned the QR code to pay. When he heard the sound of the money arriving, the stall owner completely believed it and instantly became as excited as if he had been given a shot of blood.

Not only the meat stall owners were excited, but the surrounding merchants were even more excited.

Good guy!

Buying more than 5,000 pieces of pork at one time without blinking an eyelid is like a living God of Wealth!

"Boss, buy some eggs!"

“Free-range eggs raised in the bamboo forest are a great supplement!”

"How much does it cost per pound?"

"Seven dollars!"

"Okay, bring me a hundred pounds to load the car for me!"


Two sets of big deals were completed, and the surrounding area was instantly boiling.

"Boss, please buy some mutton!"

"Boss, I have top-quality yellow beef."

"Boss, I have eels here."

For nearby stall owners, today is simply Chinese New Year!

Chickens, ducks, fish, meat, rice, noodles, grains and oils, whatever Lu Fei likes, he buys in large quantities without bargaining.

In less than an hour, Lu Fei spent more than 30,000 yuan here.


br\u003e Lu Fei gave up after reporting outside that the van was full.

Just as he was about to leave, Lu Fei saw a stall selling chicks, and Lu Fei became interested again.

"What kind of chicken are you?"

"Boss, these are pure reed chickens."

"Is it easy to make a living?"

"My chicken is more than two weeks old. It will definitely not get sick unless the weather is extreme."

"How many do you have here?" Lu Fei asked.

"Eighty-five more!"

"Can I deliver the goods?"

"How much do you want?" the stall owner asked.

"If you can deliver the goods, I'll cover it all."

"Yes, that's great."

"thank you boss!"


"Xiaolong gives me money."

The little naughty dog ​​Maoyao scanned the QR code to pay. After finishing the payment, he stood up a little fiercely and bumped into someone.

The little puppy staggered and before he could understand what was happening, a pitiful cry came from behind him.


"I broke my arm!"


"It hurts me so much!"

Everyone looked over and frowned at the same time.

Behind the little puppy stood two young men with dyed yellow hair.

One of them held his right arm and screamed loudly in pain.

The other one was extremely nervous and asked quickly.

"Fourth, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother Dong!"

"My arm was broken by this kid, it hurts me so much!"


Brother Dong looked at Laosi's arm and gently moved it with his hand. His arm swayed freely like a pendulum.

It was indeed broken.

This scared the little puppy.

Despite the fact that this young man was usually arrogant and arrogant, now that he had broken someone's arm, the little naughty dog ​​suddenly felt guilty.

"Dude, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Hurry to the hospital. Don't worry, I will be responsible to the end."

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