A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1343 The Taker

Xing Yufeng called for one million, and Lu Fei stopped again.

The jade consultant swayed and almost fell down, and Xing Yufeng gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Lu Fei, you are despicable!"


"Young Master Xing, where do you start with these words?"

"Why didn't you follow?" Xing Yufeng roared.



When Xing Yufeng said these stupid words, everyone in Lu Fei laughed out loud.

"You are free to buy and sell. Do you, Mr. Xing, still want to force me, Lu Fei, to increase the price?"

"With all due respect, are you sick?"


Xing Yufeng's face turned green, but he was speechless.

Lu Fei was too lazy to follow him and left with Chen Xiang laughing.

"Son of a bitch!"

"I won't let you go!"

"Let me see!"

"Master, please, please don't be impulsive anymore."

"Those people did it on purpose. If you have a loyal character, you will definitely suffer if you fight with them!" Zhang Liguo advised.

At this time, Xing Yufeng had lost his mind and could not listen to the advice at all.

He glared at Zhang Liguo and shouted.

"Hurry up and show me how this material looks like?"

"You don't have to worry about other things!"


There is no way to do things, and there is no result even if you are exhausted.

The boss didn't listen to the advice, so Zhang Liguo didn't dare to say anything more.

With a grimace, he came to the material, turned on his flashlight and looked through it layer by layer.

"Master, this mountain stream has five floors. The other four floors are not suitable, but the bottom floor is the only one that can be shipped!" Zhang Liguo said.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Open the window and see what's going on!"


The transaction was completed and the stall owner thanked him profusely.

Zhang Liguo borrowed a grinding pen from the stall owner to open the window on the fifth floor himself.

ten minutes later,

Five windows were opened at the most perfect points.

After the water rinsed it clean and the flashlight shined in, Zhang Liguo's face fell instantly.

This layer of leather shell performs well, and the inside is really white jade.

Unfortunately, the quality of the jade is very poor. Not only does it have no water head, it is also full of cotton wool and yellow spots.

I found two more spots and opened the window to take a look, but the effect was not as good as before.

Judging from these seven windows, this is a piece of garbage.

"How is it?" Xing Yufeng asked impatiently.

Zhang Liguo almost cried.

"Master, the car crashed again."


"Then how much is this piece of material worth?"

"This piece of material has too many impurities, so we can only turn it into beads."

"Excluding wages, it's only worth two thousand yuan at most!" Zhang Liguo said.


Hearing this price, Xing Yufeng almost vomited blood.

"Damn it!"

"Lu Fei, Di Ruilong, I will never let you go."

"Consultant Zhang, we won't be loading the goods today. You go back with the materials first."

"Then you, young master"

"You don't have to worry about my affairs!"

"All right!"

After Xing Yufeng finished speaking, he led a dozen or so friends and chased Lu Fei in the direction he left.

Zhang Liguo shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to ask two company security guards to return with the piece of material.

After walking a few dozen meters, a young man wearing a mask stopped Zhang Liguo and the others.

"Old gentleman, do you want to take advantage of this material?" the young man asked.

Zhang Liguo was stunned.

"Young man, this is rubbish!"

"What can you do with the scraps?"

The young man chuckled.

"It's like this. I have raised a few koi carp, and I came to the market to buy some stones of different shapes to decorate the fish pond."

"I think this piece of material is very beautiful with its various layers. If you are willing to transfer it, I can give you more money!"

When the young man said this, Zhang Liguo felt relieved.

In recent years, quite a few people have raised koi.

Moreover, koi ponds are generally decorated with jade, rain flower stone or Taihu stone.

Also, people who raise koi carp are basically not short of money. They spend tens of thousands to buy stones and don’t care at all.

Zhang Liguo wanted to try to recover some losses for his employer, so he told the young man.

"It's okay to sell it. How much can you give me?"


"You are the owner of the goods, so of course you have to set the price!"



This piece of material cost one million. It would be crazy to want to sell it at the original price!

After thinking about it, Zhang Liguo said.

"If you like it, how about at least 10,000 yuan?"

When he heard that it cost 10,000 yuan, the young man frowned.

"Old sir, your price is too outrageous!"

"I think this stone is worth only two thousand yuan at most."

"Two thousand is definitely not enough. If you sincerely buy it, I will give you a discount. You can give me eight thousand."

After several rounds of haggling, the two finally settled on five thousand yuan.

The young man was about to transfer money when Zhang Liguo waved his hand and said.

"Don't worry. To tell you the truth, I also work for others."

"I can't make the decision."

"Wait a moment, I'll call the boss!"

"As long as the boss agrees to sell, we will trade immediately."

"So troublesome?" The young man was a little impatient.

"Be patient and don't be impatient. 80% of it will be fine."

"Give me two minutes, can I give you something accurate?" Zhang Liguo said.

"Oh well!"

"Please hurry up, I have to go to other stalls!"

Zhang Liguo nodded and immediately called Xing Yufeng.

Zhang Liguo estimated the price at 2,000 yuan and had to go through the trouble of selling the beads.

Now when Xing Yufeng was offered five thousand by the taker, he had no reason to refuse.

Zhang Liguo chuckled after hanging up the phone.

"It's done!"

"The boss agrees to this price, we can trade now."

By transferring money via WeChat, the young man got this piece of scrap and squeezed into the crowd with satisfaction.

What Zhang Liguo didn't notice was that when the young man turned around, his eyes were full of pride.

"I'll pay 150,000!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Xing."

"This piece of material is yours."



"I'll give you fifty thousand, I'll give you one hundred thousand!"


"Young Master Xing is amazing, I can't do it!"

"This stone worth 100,000 yuan is yours."


"Lu Fei, you are not a fucking man!"

After breaking up with Zhang Liguo, Xing Yufeng was still resentful and led his men to chase Lu Fei.

After finding Lu Fei, he stayed with Lu Fei.

Xing Yufeng must have a hand in any stone that Lu Fei likes.

Xing Yufeng planned that when Lu Fei competed with him, he would retaliate in his own way and suddenly withdraw the ladder.

It would be best if he could cheat Lu Fei for three to five million, and then he would be relieved of his hatred!

But the wish is full, but the reality is very cruel.

Lu Fei looked at two pieces of materials in succession and gave a price.

Xing Yufeng thought the opportunity had come and quickly increased the price!

It's a pity that Lu Fei gave up immediately as soon as he tried his best, not giving him a chance at all.

Two times in a row, Xing Yufeng lost another 250,000 yuan, which made this guy almost crazy.

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