A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1344 You are not allowed to leave

Xing Yufeng planned to trick Lu Fei in the same way, but Lu Fei didn't give him any chance at all.

After raising the price twice in a row, Lu Fei cheated him out of another 250,000 yuan.

Xing Yufeng was so angry that he became dizzy and screamed strangely.

However, this is not the end.

At this time, a young man wearing a mask came to Lu Fei holding a stone.

Xing Yufeng, who was having his luck, was stunned when he saw the colorful stones in the hands of the masked man!

Isn't this the same rough stone that Lu Fei cheated out of him for a million dollars just now?

Zhang Liguo called and said that he had sold it for five thousand yuan. It turned out that he had sold it to this young man!

But why did this young man come to Lu Fei?

At this time, the young man slowly took off his mask and said to Lu Fei with a smile.

"Brother Fei, I bought the stone."

"It cost five thousand yuan!"

The man in the mask is none other than the Northeastern thief Saint Ma Tengyun.

"well done!"

"I will reward you with fifty thousand yuan soon!"

Lu Fei and Lu Fei were joking, but Xing Yufeng was confused.

"Lu Fei, was it your people who bought this stone from me?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"That's right!"

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

"My jade consultant opened the window for this piece of material and said it is worth at most two thousand."

"What do you mean by asking someone to buy it back for five thousand yuan?" Xing Yufeng said.

"It doesn't mean anything. I'm afraid that Mr. Xing will suffer a loss, so I'm here to help you solve your problems so that you can reduce your losses."


"You don't have to thank me!"

"It's only five thousand yuan, just think of it as charity!"


Xing Yufeng groaned angrily and said with eyes wide open.

"Lu Fei, stop talking nonsense to me!"

"What on earth do you want to do?"


"Of course I make money

Money! "

"I told you before, the reason why I increased the price of this piece of material by 500,000 is because it is worth at least 500,000."

"Five thousand yuan to earn half a million, at least a hundred times the profit. This deal is really a good deal." Lu Fei said with a smile.

"You fart!"

"Consultant Zhang has already opened the window. This rough stone is just waste. How can it be worth half a million?"

"Stop pretending to be cool with me, I don't believe you!" Xing Yufeng roared.

Lu Fei looked at Xing Yufeng with contempt and sneered.

"Jade consultant?"

"Is the person next to you worthy of being a jade consultant?"

"Your Xing family's money is so profitable!"

"This piece of material has five layers in total. It is the result of the residual heat of the magma semi-melting several stones and then extruding them."

"The last two layers of this material are colored leather."

"The last layer is still fine deerskin."

"Your jade consultant is only interested in this layer of deerskin. He thinks that if this piece of material is shipped, it can only be of this layer, right?"

"I opened a window on this floor, but there were cotton and spots inside. I thought it was a piece of waste."

"As for the other floors, he didn't care at all!"

"With such a lax mentality, you deserve to lose money!" Lu Fei said.

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Xing Yufeng suddenly became nervous.

Just as Lu Fei said, Zhang Liguo only focused on the last layer.

However, Xing Yufeng still firmly believes in Zhang Liguo's level.

That is the best jade expert in the company.

Although he is not as famous as the Duan family, he is still the number one master in Yudu.

At Zhang Liguo's level, it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake.

In other words, even if Zhang Liguo's level is average, he is definitely much better than Lu Fei.

Although Xing Yufeng is not knowledgeable, he also knows that jade appraisal requires the accumulation of practical experience.

Lu Fei is only in his twenties, how can he be more powerful than Consultant Zhang?

That's absolutely impossible!

Lu Fei must have deceived him.

"Lu Fei, you fart, I personally saw Zhang Gu checking every floor with a flashlight."

"If there is a high-end product, he will definitely be able to tell it." Xing Yufeng said.

"Young Master Xing, can you please forget about your advisor?"

"He can look at a hammer."

"The bottom two layers are colored skin."

"The characteristic of color skin is that it is thin."

"Generally, the thickness of the leather shell is only about one millimeter."

"With such a thickness, a flashlight can indeed penetrate."

"But this material only has two layers of color."

"The top layer is made of ordinary stones, and the two largest layers in the middle are made of sugar peel."

"The thickness of the shell of sugar-coated materials is generally more than one centimeter, and some even exceed 20 or 30 centimeters."

"With such a thickness, not to mention the strong light flashlight, even the laser is useless."

"Isn't it nonsense to use a flashlight to look at sugar peels?"

"Not even Master Yue Qifeng has such ability, why should he?"

"Do you really think he has clairvoyance?" Lu Fei said.

When Lu Fei said this, Xing Yufeng felt even more guilty.

"Lu Fei, what you said is all nonsense."

"Even if Consultant Zhang can't tell, why are you so sure this piece of material is worth half a million?"

"Of course I know."

"The only way to identify jade is to use a lamp."

"If you can see clearly with a flashlight, then you are all experts. Is the title of master still useless?"

Lu Fei does have his own method, and that is feeling.


The method given to Chen Xiang was exactly the same.

The difference is that Lu Fei's feeling is more delicate.

Although the second and third layers were made of sugar skin, Lu Fei felt that these two layers felt slightly cooler than the other three layers when he started to use it.

And it feels extremely comfortable in the hand.

The most critical thing is the three gaps connecting the two layers up and down.

The oxide layer in these three gaps was darker in color and had an oily appearance, so Lu Fei concluded that there must be high-quality goods inside.

Based on the individuals at these two levels, Lu Fei judged that the minimum value would not be less than 500,000, and four bracelets of several brands would definitely be fine.

But when Xing Yufeng asked for one million, Lu Fei had no idea and had to give up!

Lu Fei left, leaving Ma Tengyun behind to watch.

If there is a chance, let Ma Tengyun buy the materials back at a low price.

Unexpectedly, the material Xing Yufeng bought for one million yuan was bought by Ma Tengyun for five thousand yuan.

This was absolutely incredible to Lu Fei.

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Xing Yufeng was extremely nervous.

He didn't care about the hundreds of thousands of dollars, but seeing Lu Fei taking advantage was something he couldn't accept.

At this time, Xing Yufeng secretly complained about Zhang Liguo's carelessness.

Xing Yufeng was nervous in his heart, but he was very tough on his lips.

"Lu Fei, it's useless what you said."

"No one can be sure what is inside the original stone until it is solved."

"Even if you say it's ridiculous, I don't believe this material is worth anything."

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"I didn't ask you to believe it. It's enough for me to believe it myself."

"It's almost noon, we have to find a place to eat."

"Let's talk another day. Goodbye, Young Master Xing!"

Lu Fei said and turned to leave, but Xing Yufeng didn't want to do it anymore.

"Lu Fei, you are not allowed to leave!"


"Young Master Xing, do you still want to rob?"

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