A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1387 Persistence is victory

Aunt Wu, who was seriously injured, instantly became energetic when she heard Lu Fei's promise.

"Boss Lu, are you telling the truth?"


“As long as other residents are okay with it, the project will continue.”

"I promise!"

After receiving Lu Fei's guarantee again, Aunt Wu was extremely excited, but then she shook her head helplessly.

"forget it!"

"Wu Bing and the others don't have enough people and want too much."

"You have too much to lose by continuing the development."

"And other residents will get upset too."

"This is our fate!"

"You'd better give up!"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Do not worry!"

"I won't let the Wu family succeed."

"At worst, I'll leave it in his compound."

"Without him being a rotten egg, we would still be making cakes."

“As long as other people have no problem with it, it’s okay.”


"Is that okay?" Aunt Wu asked nervously.

"Don't worry, I have my own plan."

Wu Bing heard the conversation between the two very clearly and couldn't help but sneer.


"It's better not to tear it down."

"My buddy is going to open a factory to make wreaths and shrouds. I am in the right position."

"Wu Bing!"

"You are not human, you will be punished." Aunt Wu covered her head and shouted.

"Director Wu, you are so old, please show your kindness."

"The yard is mine, I can do whatever I want!"

"Not only wreaths and shrouds, even if I sell coffins and open a funeral parlor, none of you will be able to control it."


The surrounding residents were filled with indignation, and Aunt Wu was so angry that she fainted.

"Aunt Wu, you don't have to be angry."

"He's right. People are free to do whatever they want. As long as they can drive it, they can do whatever they want."

"Okay, I'll take you to the hospital

Hospital bandage. "

"You can arrange for someone to take us to continue our visit this afternoon."

"If everyone has no objections, the project will proceed immediately."

Let the two young men and Kong Jiaqi take Aunt Wu to the hospital.

The others found a restaurant to have a quick bite. In the afternoon, Lu Fei held a project subcontracting meeting in the project department.

After review by Sun Xing's team, all subcontracted engineering teams have already been finalized.

This conference is about signing a formal contract.

Those who subcontracted the project were all former partners of Yunlong Group.

The credibility and quality are absolutely second to none.

After the meeting, major engineering teams stationed at the construction site overnight.

Early the next morning, firecrackers went off in the construction site, and trench digging officially started.

On the other side, Aunt Wu only rested for one night, and resolutely joined the visit the next day despite her pain.

I have to say that the people in this community are quite kind, and there were almost no obstacles in the visit.

Even though some people had some thoughts in their minds, they didn't dare to say anything when they saw Aunt Wu wearing bloodshot gauze on her head.

Everyone knows what happened to this old lady and Wu Bing yesterday.

If a quarrel breaks out, it will be unbearable if it happens again in my own home.

On the fourth day, Jiang Zhihui went straight to the shanty town as soon as he came back.

Mr. Jiang was also very angry when he heard about what happened at the Wujia pickle market.

Let someone investigate, and it turns out that the Wu family has all the procedures in place.

Even if he is a big leader, he will be helpless if others do not sign.

Under the leadership of Jiang Zhihui, the visit went surprisingly smoothly.

After eleven days of busy work, we finally visited the entire shanty town.

Except for Wu Bing's compound, all residents passed the project and no compensation for demolition was required.

Of course, there must have been a few residents with ideas during this period, but under everyone's ideological offensive, these people finally compromised.

The next day, Chen Xiang flew to Hangzhou and met You

Relevant departments formally signed a development contract.

The shanty town development project was officially approved.

After the contract was signed, Chen Xiang immediately flew back to Jincheng.

There's nothing I can do about it, the beauty business is doing very well. .??.

Due to investment details, Wang Xinyi has to stay here for the time being, and Chen Xiang must go back to take charge of the overall situation.

Some people may ask, why didn’t Lu Fei set up a development company and sign the contract directly?

It is easy to set up a real estate development company, but Lu Fei does not have the qualifications.

Not only the shanty towns, but also the commercial plazas are under Chen Xiang's name.

The project department was established and formal contracts were immediately signed with the residents.

When signing the contract, the transition fee will be paid.

Although there was no compensation, the residents were extremely excited when the contract was actually signed.

After decades, I can finally get away from this dirty and messy environment.

I have to endure it for two years at most, and I can move into my new home right away. The feeling is beyond words.


"It's a done deal that they're going to develop this place."

"what should we do?"

"You won't really leave it to our family's compound, will you?"

Seeing everyone lining up to sign the contract, Wu Xia felt sour and asked worriedly.

Wu Bing chuckled.

"Lu Fei is playing psychological warfare with us, waiting until we can't afford to compromise on his own initiative."

"This is what developers have always done."

"Sister, don't worry!"

"Our yard is the face of the entire shantytown. No matter what the reasons are, it must be demolished."

"We will definitely get the money if we refuse to sign."

"The next time he comes to us, it won't be 40 million. I won't agree to anything less than 50 million."

"Is this possible?" Wu Xia asked.

"Why not?"

"The longer it is delayed, the better it is for us."

"Persistence is victory."

"Don't worry, I have

Absolute certainty. "

Wu Xia nodded.

"I hope so."

But what surprised the two sisters was that after all the formal contracts were signed, Lu Fei ignored them at all.

Two days later, all residents were relocated.

The huge shanty towns were empty and quiet.

The next day, there was a roar from the northwest corner of the shantytown.

Dozens of excavator loaders pushed forward at the same time, causing dilapidated buildings that had stood firm for decades to collapse one after another.

In just half a day, thousands of square meters of houses were razed to the ground.

The excavator is demolishing the house in the front, and the loader is loading the truck in the back.

Dozens of large dump trucks with red banners carrying "Jiangmen Shantytown Reconstruction" were constantly coming in and out. The scene was truly spectacular.


"The demolition of houses has started over there, why haven't Lu Fei and the others come to us yet?"

"Sister, stay calm, persistence is victory."

"The longer you delay, the more you'll get."

"By the time you get the money, your son will be quite a rich second generation."

"All right!"

"I hope so!"

Another week has passed, and the shantytown has been pushed to one-third of the area, but Lu Fei still hasn't come to the door.

Wu Xia suddenly felt guilty.

"Xiao Bing, are they really going to keep our courtyard?"

"Don't worry, sister."

"Persistence is victory."

"The longer you delay, the more you give."

Although Wu Bing said this, in fact he himself was extremely nervous.

Several of his friends have experienced demolition, and experience has proven that households with strongholds often get the most benefits.

However, during this period, the developer will discuss solutions with the tenants more than once and continue to bargain.

But Lu Fei never came once.

Not only Lu Fei, but also none of his men showed up.

This serious abnormality made Wu Bing feel a little restless.

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