A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1388 Out of gas

The demolition of shanty towns has been carried out for more than a week, and more than 4,000 houses have been demolished to one third.

The Wu sisters waited in their courtyard every day, but Lu Fei never came to the door.

At the beginning, Wu Bing still sat firmly on Diaoyutai.

After such a long time, he felt extremely guilty.

I wanted to see the project plan to see if my house was within the scope of the plan, but the project department didn't post it at all.

Coupled with the nagging of his elder sister Wu Xia, Wu Bing was so annoyed that he got angry and burst into flames.

In the early morning of this day, the two sisters came to the courtyard early.

After waiting until around eight o'clock in the morning, Wu Xia turned on the noise mode again.


"I feel something is wrong!"

"Lu Fei hasn't come to our door for so long, he won't give up on us!"

"If that's the case, we'll be in big trouble."

"Why don't you talk to Lu Fei and we can ask for less?"

"Absolutely not!"

"We have persisted for so long and we must not give up easily."

"I noticed that the project department did not post the planning drawings."

"I guess Lu Fei is targeting us."

"He will wait until we can't wait to find him. We must not be fooled."

"Sister, don't be anxious, victory definitely belongs to us." Wu Bing said.

"However, it seems that the demolition is about to be halfway done."

"Listening to the rumbling sound of the excavator every day, I feel so sad"


"Why didn't you hear the sound of the excavator today?"

Speaking of the sound of the excavator, Wu Xia noticed that the usually annoying noise had stopped today.

Since the demolition started, Wu Xia was still a little uncomfortable with the 24-hour non-stop work at the construction site. Suddenly there was no movement!

After Wu Bing listened, he was indeed a quiet group.


"There's really no movement hey!"

"It couldn't be that something happened at the construction site!"

"Sister, stay here while I go

Go check it out. "

"I will go with you!"

Wu Bing's guess was correct. Something happened at the construction site.

The construction site works around the clock.

Every morning, noon and evening, there will be three large professional refueling trucks to refuel the construction site machinery.

But this morning, there was no gas truck.

Without oil, of course we can't do our work.

The shantytown demolition work was subcontracted to a well-known local engineering team, and the boss was named Guo Chunsheng.

We have cooperated with Yunlong Group before and our reputation is quite good.

When he called the gas truck, the other party turned off his phone. Guo Chunsheng was extremely anxious.

Dozens of machines were staring at nothing, and Guo Chunsheng greeted the three generations of the gas truck owner's ancestors several times.

Anyone in their line of work must know more than one gas truck.

This company shut down the phone, and Guo Chunsheng immediately contacted the second company.


"Xiaowei, I am your Brother Guo."

"Hurry up and deliver gas to me in the shanty towns of Jiangmen. The sooner the better!"

"I'm sorry, Brother Guo, my car broke down. I brought the driver to Shandong to look at a new car. I can't go back for the time being."

"Forget it, I'll contact other people and call me when you get back to Hangzhou."

"Hello Brother Leguo!"


"Xiao Li, I am your Brother Guo."

"Come to Jiangmen and deliver oil to me. It will cost at least fifteen tons."


"Are you out of town?"

"Where's the driver?"

"The driver is hospitalized."


"What a fucking inch."

"Okay, I'll find someone else."

Guo Chunsheng spat hard, thinking that today was really a bit evil.

If these two are not good, there are other

I don’t believe him when he refuels the truck. I can’t even refill the tank even if I give him money!

Guo Chunsheng doesn't believe in evil, but today he was very evil.

I made four more phone calls, but they all refused with various weird reasons.

Now Guo Chunsheng felt something was wrong.

Aware of the work stoppage, Lu Fei rushed over with Feng Zhe, Zhu Tianbao, and two young men.

"Brother Guo!"

"Why did the work stop?"

"Boss Lu, all the machines are out of oil." .??.

"If there's no gas, can't we just refuel?"

"I'm not talking about you, Boss Guo. You don't even count whether there is oil or not. You are such a terrible boss."

"Sit down early and get ready."

"The suspension of work is not only our loss, but with so many people, the expenses are not small!" said the little milk dog.

"Master Di, it's not what you said."

"I made an appointment with the gas truck to deliver gas at six in the morning."

"I'm on time every day, but I didn't come this morning."

"I'm anxious too!" Guo Chunsheng said.


"This gas truck is really unreliable."

"I advise you not to cooperate with such dishonest people in the future. It will delay things too much."

"So what, do you have the numbers of other gas trucks?"

"Hurry up and call another one," said the little milk dog.

"Yes, yes, but today is really too evil."

"I know six gas truck owners, and they all have trouble coming today."

"I'm so fucking anxious."


"How could it be such a coincidence?"

"It's not a coincidence!"

"I suspect that some colleagues are jealous when they see me winning such a big project and are deliberately trying to punish me!" Guo Chunsheng said.


"Brother Guo, are you sure?"

"Not sure, but I can't find the gas truck!"

"Those gas trucks usually fawn over me very much. They feel closer to me than to their own father when they see me."

"But I have trouble with so-and-so today."

"This is so abnormal." Guo Chunsheng said with a grimace.

"Brother Guo, the most important thing now is to start work."

"The gas truck can't be contacted. Can you contact the gas station directly?" Lu Fei asked.

"Boss Lu, the gas station does not offer delivery."

"The tanker trucks that supply us with oil take the oil directly from the oil depot and then resell it to us."

"We don't have a fixed construction site, so we can only buy gas from gas trucks."

"What should we do now?" Lu Fei asked.

"Boss Lu, don't worry. I'll call my friend and ask him to help me contact other gas trucks."

"We have a lot of cars delivering gas here, and there are always some who are willing to deliver gas to us."

As Guo Chunsheng was about to make a call, a black Range Rover slowly drove into the construction site and stopped not far from the people.

Guo Chunsheng was startled when he saw the license plate number of the Range Rover.

The car door opened and five people got out.

The four young and strong men behind him are all over 1.8 meters tall.

Under the all-black tight-fitting vest, her angular chest muscles swelled high.

Below are a group of people with black leather shoes and black trousers and cold expressions.

These four strong men surrounded a middle-aged man.

This man was not tall, with a well-proportioned figure and average appearance, but there was a fierceness in his eyes.

The man walked towards Lu Fei and said with a smile.

"Bosses, I heard that your construction site is out of oil. Can you use my help?"

Hearing this sentence, Guo Chunsheng took a breath of air and instantly understood what was going on.

Looking at this middle-aged man again, Guo Chunsheng's eyes were full of fear.

Unknowingly, cold sweat broke out.

After calming down, Guo Chunsheng hurriedly walked up to him, took out Huazi as he walked, and said with a smile on his face.

“Brother Haonan, long time no see!

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