A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1395 Attitude

Chen Meihua passed by outside the shanty town and took a curious look when she saw so many people and cars.

But he found that many people and cars were his younger brother's subordinates.

Chen Meihua knows best what kind of virtue his brother has.

Now that Jiang Zhihui is being transferred, his husband Xuanrong will be promoted to a leader immediately.

This period is very sensitive and absolutely no accidents are allowed to happen.

Chen Meihua was worried that her brother would cause trouble, so she quickly squeezed into the crowd to persuade him.

But the scene in front of him was that his precious brother was seriously injured, and there was a large amount of blood around him, which was simply too horrible to look at.

Seeing his brother like this, Chen Meihua suddenly lost his mind and screamed.

"Haonan, what's wrong with you?"

"Who hurt you?"

"It doesn't matter, does it hurt?"

Chen Haonan had already given in and was about to transfer half of his net worth to Lu Fei.

Seeing his sister, Chen Haonan felt like he had met his backbone.

He couldn't feel the pain on his body, and he was instantly resurrected with full blood.


"It's great that you're here."

"Lu Fei is going to kill me."

"Sister, please save me and avenge me!"

Seeing her brother's aggrieved look, Chen Meihua's heart broke.

She knew Lu Fei, and she also learned from her husband that Lu Fei was not simple.

But at this moment, the old woman was so overwhelmed by hatred that she couldn't care about anything else.

Protecting his brother behind him, he shouted to Lu Fei with red eyes.

"How dare you openly commit murder in broad daylight."

"Lu Fei, you are so brave."

Lu Fei snorted coldly.

"Are you his sister?"

"That's right!"


"I finally know why Chen Haonan is such a jerk."

"It turns out that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!"

"With an indiscriminate bastard sister like you, your brother won't get better either!"

"Lu Fei, you are so brave, you dare to scold me."\u003c


"I want you to pay."

Turning back to look at Brother Three Hundred, Chen Meihua shouted frantically.

"What are you still doing?"

"Bring Lu Fei under control. I will hand him over to the police for questioning."

After Chen Meihua finished speaking, no one of the three hundred brothers came forward.

The reason is that they were all shocked by Lu Fei's cruelty.

"What are you still doing?"

"Do it!"

Chen Meihua roared hysterically, and the thugs in the front row could only react bravely.


At this time, more than a dozen people crowded in.

The leader was none other than Jiang Zhihui, a leader from Hangzhou.

In addition to Jiang Zhihui and his secretary, Chen Meihua's husband Xuan Rongli and several senior police officers were also among them.

It was impossible to cover up such a big situation at the construction site.

After receiving the news that the construction site was besieged, Jiang Zhihui immediately called Li Yun of the police station.

Li Yun set off with a team of police officers, and Jiang Zhihui also rushed over with his team.

Hearing that something happened at Lu Fei's construction site, Xuan Rongli was a little gloating.

When he came to Hangzhou from Lu Fei, he was polite to Jiang Zhihui, but he never paid attention to his second-in-command.

This made the narrow-minded Xuan Rongli very unhappy.

But when he came to the construction site and saw that the trouble was caused by his brother-in-law's people, Xuan Rongli suddenly lost his composure.

I blame Chen Haonan in my heart, you are too anxious.

Now is an important moment for my promotion. At this juncture, if you come to make trouble, isn't this causing trouble for me?

When they came to the scene and saw such a big scene, several leaders also gasped.

The few people he brought with him couldn't control the situation at all.

Li Yun ordered the anti-riot team to set off while protecting several leaders who came inside to check the situation.

see chen

Haonan's miserable appearance made several bosses frown at the same time.

"What exactly is going on?" Jiang Zhihui asked.

"Mr. Jiang, sister. Mr. Xuan."

"I came to Lu Fei to seek cooperation. Lu Fei ordered his men to beat me up and blackmail me for three million."

"After I escaped, I was unwilling to give up, so I asked Lu Fei to argue with me."

"In the end, Lu Fei wanted to kill me."

"And he wants to extort a huge sum of 20 million from me."

"If my sister hadn't arrived in time, I would have died!"

"Leaders, please make the decision for me!" Chen Haonan said.

"Mr. Jiang, Rongli, have you seen this?"

"Lu Fei doesn't look like a businessman, he's just a living bandit!"

"You must enforce the law impartially and give justice to my brother." Chen Meihua shouted.

Xuan Rongli frowned and looked at Lu Fei and asked.

"Boss Lu, what on earth is going on?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"This is my development site."

"Your brother-in-law came here with so many people armed with sharp weapons to cause trouble. You ask me what's going on?"

"Don't you count the virtues of your own brother-in-law?"

"Do you still need to ask me what's going on?"

Lu Fei accused Xuan Rongli in public, which shocked the people around him.

Xuan Rongli was even more furious when Lu Fei was angry at him.

"Mr. Lu, please pay attention to the attitude of your words."

"I'm just asking about the situation."

"I'll pay attention to the hammer!"

"I spent hundreds of billions to develop here, but I encountered threats and blackmail from the underworld."

"It's been nearly three hours since the two incidents happened."

"You guys who are leaders just showed up now."

"Is this your attitude towards attracting investment?"

"Is this the best investment environment you can provide me?"

"Tell me attitude!"

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