A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1396 Knocking on the Mountain and Shocking the Tiger

Xuan Rongli insisted on taking Lu Fei back to investigate.

It is a fact that Lu Fei beat someone. Logically speaking, this is a necessary procedure.

For ordinary people, taking them to the police station to cooperate with the investigation will generally not have any impact as long as they are not guilty.

But Lu Fei is different.

Lu Fei is a public figure, and being taken back to the police station will definitely cause an uproar.

People who don't know what's going on will definitely have rumors flying all over the place, which will have a considerable impact on Lu Fei's reputation.

He tried every possible means to invite Lu Fei, the God of Wealth, to invest. .??.

Lu Fei's safety was not taken care of here and he was almost besieged by Chen Haonan.

If the other side wants to cause damage to Lu Fei's reputation, Lu Fei will definitely feel extremely chilled.

If the investment is withdrawn and the choice is made, the consequences will be too serious.

Jiang Zhihui cursed secretly in his heart.

Xuan Rongli, this vixen, is like a toad jumping on the back of his feet. If he doesn’t bite, he is deliberately disgusting!

Even though he knew that his brother-in-law would not be able to escape the blame, he still wanted to drag Lu Fei along to back him up.

This grandson is so inhuman.

But the grandson's request was reasonable, which put Jiang Zhihui in a dilemma.

Lu Fei sneered.

"Chen Haonan brought people to my construction site to besiege me."

"What's wrong with me for standing up and resisting?"

"Injuring him was self-defense. Even if we accidentally killed him by mistake, it was to eliminate harm for the people."

"On the contrary, it is your leader Xuan Da."

"Chen Haonan is your brother-in-law. He has a long-standing reputation in the local area."

"But as a leader, you didn't care and allowed the evil forces to develop unscrupulously."

"Chen Haonan is so arrogant and has nothing to do with you, my brother-in-law who is the leader."

"Not only did you not blame yourself, you also helped your brother-in-law retaliate against me."

"I seriously doubt that your leader Xuanda is Chen Haonan's protective umbrella."

"It is you, Xuan Rongli, who should be investigated."

"Mr. Lu, don't talk nonsense."

"I can sue you for defamation if you are so unreasonable and aimless." Xuanrong shouted with a blushing face.

"What's wrong?"

"I was told that the center was empty

Already? "

"Am I wrong?"

"If you were upright, would you be afraid of being investigated?" Lu Fei said.


"I, Xuanrong, stand upright and am not afraid of slanting shadows."

"If I make any mistakes, the higher authorities will naturally investigate me."

"But, this is none of your business, Boss Lu."

"Please don't change the subject."

"That's not my business?"

"Every citizen has the right to supervise their leaders, so why is it none of my business?"

"You do have the right to supervise me."

"If you have any objections to my work, you can complain."

"The superiors feel that I have made a mistake, so they will naturally investigate me."

"But, that's all for the future. Now you have to accept police investigation." Xuan Rongli said.


"That's too troublesome!"

"I don't have that spare time!"

"I want you to accept investigation now." Lu Fei said.

Xuan Rongli sneered.

"Investigate me now?"

"Why do you?"

"Just because you have money?"


"You will know why I am."

Lu Fei said as he took out his cell phone and dialed.

"You can come in."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei lit a cigarette and looked at Xuan Rongli with a joking expression.

People around him didn't know what was going on and were somewhat confused.

"Rong Li, don't listen to Lu Fei's nonsense!"

"He's just stalling for time."

"Catch him first and take Haonan to the hospital for treatment!"

"Excessive blood loss can lead to death." Chen Meihua shouted.

"Mr. Jiang!"


Please give the order! "Xuan Rongli said.


Before Jiang Zhihui made a decision, dozens of heavily armed soldiers rushed out from both sides of the construction site and surrounded the site in the blink of an eye.

The first officer shouted loudly while holding a semi-automatic rifle.

"Those who take control of the scene and act without permission will be treated as thugs."


Dozens of soldiers responded at the same time, shouting loudly. .??.

This sudden scene shocked everyone around him.

Li Yun came to the officer and saluted and asked.


"I am Li Yun from the police station. Which department do you belong to?"

"Shenzhou Panlong, go to Wei Huzhuang!"


Hearing the word Panlong, Li Yun's head buzzed, and he suddenly felt bad.

Jiang Zhihui and Xuan Rongli were even more shocked and gasped at the same time.

China Panlong!


Leaders at their level certainly knew about the existence of the Five Dragons.

But I only understand it and have never been in contact with it.

In their hearts, the Five Dragons are quite mysterious and powerful beings.

Under normal circumstances, Wulong will not interfere with local affairs.

But once they take action, it will definitely be a shocking case.

Panlong was alarmed this time, and it would not end well.

Ignoring the stunned Li Yun, Hu Zhuang trotted up to Lu Fei and saluted and shouted.

"Mr. Lu, Panlong was ordered to suppress the thugs and protect your safety."

"You're not injured, are you?"


Panlong was ordered to protect Lu Fei's safety?

On whose orders?

How deep is Lu Fei's background?

How could he get Panlong's protection?

Hu Zhuang's two words made everyone around him open their mouths in surprise and look at Lu Fei.

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