A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1411 Unparalleled Work

The scroll was fully unfolded, and Lu Fei was amazed.

This painting "The Intersection of Eight Prayers" is nearly 60 centimeters in height and more than five meters in width. It is a very large painting.

The characters and scenes in the eight groups of pictures are vividly depicted.

The application of all techniques is at its peak.

Coupled with more than a dozen seals and poems written by Li Bai himself, the value of this painting is inestimable.

However, these are not the most awesome things.

Lu Fei was completely relieved when he saw the four words "Chang Geng layman" at the end of the volume.

Who is layman Chang Geng?

This man is amazing.

The modern collection world has made a strength ranking for ancient painters. .??.

Ranked third is Wang Wei.

Ranked second is the painting sage Wu Daozi.

And this man surpassed the two big brothers and was jointly promoted as the first painter in ancient times.

This is Gu Kaizhi, a famous painter in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Gu Kaizhi, also known as Changkang and Hutou, Han nationality, was from Wuxi, Jinling.

Gu Kaizhi once joined the army for Huan Wen and Yin Zhongkan. During the Yixi period, he first served as the regular attendant of Tongzhi Sanqi.

Gu Kaizhi is good at poetry and prose, especially painting.

He is good at portraits, historical figures, Taoism, animals, landscapes and other subjects.

Painting figures advocates expressiveness, attaching great importance to the finishing touches, paying attention to depicting physiological details, and expressing the characters' expressions. When painting a portrait of Pei Kai, adding three hairs to the cheek will make you feel radiant.

He is good at using environmental description to express the characters' interests and demeanor.

The portrait of Xie Kun is painted in the rock ravine, which highlights the character's personality and interests.

The clothing patterns of the characters in his paintings are drawn with ancient gossamer silk. The lines are tight and continuous, like spring silkworms spinning silk, spring clouds floating in the sky, and flowing water flowing on the ground, naturally and smoothly.

According to records from the Tang and Song dynasties, Gu Kaizhi's works, in addition to some portraits of political celebrities, also included some Buddhist images, which were part of the popular themes at the time.

There are also birds and beasts,

This theme is related to the paintings of the Han Dynasty.

He also painted some images of gods and goddesses, as that was also a popular belief at the time.

The most noteworthy thing is that he painted many portraits of celebrities.

This changed the Han Dynasty's culture of mainly promoting ethics, and reflected new methods of observing characters and new purposes of artistic expression.

This represents the expansion of the artistic vision of painting; thus it puts forward new requirements for figure painting - to express people's personality and spiritual characteristics.

In Gu Kaizhi's writings and comments, we see that he repeatedly emphasized describing people's expressions and mental states.

Gu Kaizhi, Lu Tanwei, and Zhang Sengyao were the three most important painters in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, representing the rapid development and maturity of figure painting in Han Dynasty art.

Zhang Huaiguan of the Tang Dynasty spoke highly of Gu Kaizhi: "Zhang Sengyao got his flesh, Lu Tanwei got his bones, and Gu Kaizhi got his spirit."

Not only in the modern collection world, Gu Kaizhi's reputation in the collection world has been among the best throughout the ages.

This man created many works in his life, mostly portraits.

But unfortunately, no authentic work has been handed down.

Even though there are no originals, the imitation works are still priceless.

Gu Kaizhi created "Luo Shen Fu Tu" based on Cao Zhi's "Luo Shen Fu", and countless people in later generations copied it.

So far, a total of eight versions of the Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties have survived, scattered in China, the British island countries and the United States.

Even though there are so many copying works, it does not affect the value of "Luo Shen Fu Tu" at all.

In 2006, a British collector copied the Song Dynasty edition of "Luo Shen Fu Tu" through Sotheby's auction.

After dozens of bids, the final transaction price was as high as 370 million.

Ten million dollars was taken away by the island country's Dade Museum.

The other seven paintings are treasures of major museums.

Although it is impossible to sell it, the value will only be higher than the one in 2006, and it will never be cheap.

And the other work "Picture of Proverbs of Female History" is even more awesome.

There are two types of "Pictures of Admonitions of Women's History" in existence. One is a Tang Dynasty copy version, with a total of twelve paragraphs.

The whereabouts of three sections are unknown, and the other nine sections were hidden in the Summer Palace in the early years.

In 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured the Summer Palace, and the nine-part Tang version of "The Picture of Women's History" was stolen by British Captain Ji Yongsong and sent to the United Kingdom, where it was later kept in the British Museum. .??.??

Now, these nine sections of "Pictures of Proverbs of Women's History" have become the treasure of the British Museum's Chinese art area.

It is impossible for most people to meet him.

There is also a group of copies of the Song version of "The Pictures of Women's History", which are currently in the collection of Gubo.

However, compared with the Tang version of the works, there is still a certain gap in artistic conception and level.

The reason why Gu Kaizhi's copy works are so valuable is not that people like to copy them, but that there are no authentic copies.

There are also traces of Gu Kaizhi's work "The Friendship of Eight Worships".

Zhu Jingxuan of the Tang Dynasty mentioned in the "Preface to the Famous Paintings of the Tang Dynasty" that Wu Daozi once read "The Friendship of Eight Worships" by Gu Kaizhi.

I also imitated one of the friends who cut my throat.

Unfortunately, I could only understand its meaning but not its spirit, so I had to give up.

According to Zhu Jingxuan's description, this work does exist.

Collectors who specialize in studying Gu Kaizhi also gave affirmation.

So when Lu Fei saw the artistic conception and subject matter of mountains and flowing water, he immediately thought of Gu Kaizhi's painting "The Friendship of the Eight Worshipers".

But what Lu Fei never expected was that this was not only Gu Kaizhi's original work, but also the help of Li Bai's ninety-six characters.

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