A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1410 Taibai

The acquaintance of Guan and Bao comes from "Historical Records: Biography of Guan Zhong": "My parents gave birth to me, and it is Bao Zi who knows me."

Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya were from Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period. They took care of each other and were as close as brothers.

Bao Shuya and Guan Zhong entered into a business partnership. Shuya contributed two-thirds of the capital, but only made one-third of the profit.

Bao Shuya's family expressed dissatisfaction, but Shuya said: "Guan Zhong's family is poor!"

Later, Guan Zhong became a high official and led troops to fight, but he did not dare to take the lead. When the battle was defeated, he was always the first to escape.

People ridiculed Guan Zhong for being as timid as a mouse, and Shu Ya immediately stood up and said, "Guan Zhong has an old mother at home who needs his support. In fact, he is not a person who is afraid of death."

The King of Qi had two sons, Jiu and Xiaobai.

Guan Zhong was the teacher of Prince Jiu, and Bao Shuya was the teacher of Prince Xiaobai.

Later, the two princes fought each other for the throne. Prince Jiu was killed and Xiaobai ascended the throne. Shuya immediately recommended Guan Zhong to King Xiaobai of Qi, saying: "Guan Zhong is a talented man. Please hire him as prime minister."

King Qi said: "You are my teacher, and I would like to worship you as my prime minister." .??.

Bao Shuya said firmly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust. Guan Zhong was Gongzi Jiu's teacher in the past. It is rare for him to be loyal to Gongzi Jiu.

If the Lord wants to do something big, Guan Zhong is a useful person. "

The King of Qi finally adopted Bao Shuya's suggestion and appointed Guan Zhong as prime minister.

Guan Zhong rectified the internal affairs, developed resources, and developed agriculture, which soon made Qi strong and prosperous.

This was the acquaintance of Guan and Bao that was talked about by later generations.

The next picture is of a reunion.

But in the blank space between Guan Bao's friendship and Wangnian's friendship, Lu Fei made another surprising discovery.


Can't say it's amazing!

It should be shocking!

The impact this discovery brought to Lu Fei was no less than the painting itself.

In the blank space of these two pictures, a poem is written in cursive script.

“Climb the sky without ascending the dragon, and traverse the mountain without riding the tiger.


Yan Ling and Guang Wu are the only ones who have never wavered in their friendship.

Zhou Gong was called the Great Sage and was in charge of Cai Ning's relationship.

A bushel of millet from Han Dynasty is not pounded with Huainan.

My brother is a traveler, I feel at ease with him.

The mountains and seas weigh thousands of times within the space of another person.

Qingyan asked a friend to face Jiuyi Peak.

Flowers must fall early, and peaches and plums are not as good as pine trees.

Guan Bao is dead for a long time, who will follow him? "

There is a two-character vertical title on the side of this poem.



This poem and its title seemed like a thunder exploding in Lu Fei's mind.

Lu Fei was instantly blown to pieces and almost shattered to pieces.

This is "The Ballad of Konghou" by the poet Li Bai!

This is actually a poem written by Li Bai. How is this possible?

This is incredible!

Chinese people are very familiar with Li Bai's poems. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a household name. I believe that anyone who is not illiterate can recite a few lines of Li Bai's poems.

However, little is known about Li Bai's calligraphy attainments.

There are two reasons. First, Li Bai's reputation for poetry was so popular that it overshadowed his other talents. There are few records of his calligraphy in history books.

Second, Li Bai's calligraphy works handed down from generation to generation are extremely rare and cannot be known to the general public.

In fact, Li Bai's calligraphy is also the existence of a top master.

Anyone who knows calligraphy must know Zhang Xu, a master of cursive calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty.

Zhang Xu and Li Bai are just like-minded drinking buddies.

The two got acquainted because of wine, and became close friends because of wine, and both of them like to create works in a drunken state.

Zhang Xu's nickname is "Zhang Dian Kuang Cao", while Zhang Xu's nickname for Li Bai is "Jiu Xian Zui Cao."

Even Zhang Xu admires Li Bai's calligraphy, which shows how profound Li Bai's attainments in the field of calligraphy are.

In fact, given Li Bai's status in the Chinese literary world, no matter what his handwriting is, even if he writes pinyin letters, it is a super treasure.

Li Bai left behind nearly a thousand poems, but only twenty-five characters of calligraphy works were left behind.

At present, the only authentic work of Li Bai recognized by the world is Gu Bo's "Tie to the Upper Balcony".

The full text is: "The mountains are high and the rivers are long, and there are millions of objects. Without an old pen, a young and strong person can be poor. On the 18th, I went to the balcony to write, Taibai."

These twenty-five characters are regarded as special first-class national treasures.

In the late 1990s, the island country Shosoin planned to borrow "Shangdang Tie" to exhibit in the island country.

However, that is a national treasure that will never leave the country, and they will certainly not be allowed to do so.

Not giving up, Shosangyuan asked a group of experts to estimate the value of "Shangyang Tie" at 400 million and a half Shenzhou coins.

He also promised to pay a deposit of 500 million, and was willing to rent it for half a month at a cost of 500,000 Shenzhou coins per day, but was also rejected.

In 2009, "Tie on the Balcony" was once again exhibited at the old museum, attracting countless collectors from around the world to come and watch it.

This is an unprecedented scene in the world of collecting.

The limelight even exceeded the grand occasion when "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" was exhibited, which was the ceiling in the world of calligraphy and painting.

Over the years, countless countries and individuals have wanted to borrow "Up to the Balcony Post" for exhibition.

The valuation of this copybook has also increased several times.

The highest estimate has exceeded one billion.

However, no country has been able to do so.

The reason why "Up to the Balcony Post" is so popular is because its author is Li Bai.

This is the only reason.

Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with the copybook itself or calligraphy skills.

Because Li Bai’s reputation is so great, it’s not at all true to say that he is the most famous person in the world.

Too much.

This is the only authentic work of this legend and is certainly worth seeking out.

And that "Posting on the Balcony" only contains 25 words, and is worth more than one billion.

And the original work of Li Bai on this painting contains ninety-six characters. How much is this fucking worth?

Lu Fei can guarantee that if this screenshot is released, it will definitely shock the world.

If seen by Guan Haishan


Thinking of this, Lu Fei screamed excitedly.

After getting excited, Lu Fei clicked on his phone and searched for the picture of "Post on the Balcony".

Enlarge the picture and compare the fonts and handwriting minute by minute.

After looking at it for a long time, Lu Fei was 100% sure that this was not a copy, but an authentic work by Li Bai!


"Old moment!"

"You have an authentic copy of Li Bai's old book, and so do I."

"Yours only has twenty-five characters, but my master's has ninety-six characters!"

"I really look forward to your expression when you see this poem."

Lu Fei continued to unfold the scroll while talking to himself.

Behind Guan Baozhijia is Wangnianjiao.

This is about the friendship between Kong Rong and Ni Heng.

Further down is the life-saving friend of Yang Jiao Ai and Zuo Bo Tao.

Then there are the close friendship between Fan Shi and Zhang Shao and the life and death friendship between Liu Guan and Zhang.

There are eight pictures in total, each scene is pictographically realistic, and each character is lifelike and full of charm.

The use of various brushwork techniques is at its peak and is perfect.

The entire painting is sixty centimeters wide and more than five meters long. It is definitely a masterpiece.

In the blank space of the picture, in addition to Li Bai's poem, there are also more than a dozen famous seals. The most exciting one is the author's signature of the entire work.

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