A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1409 Eight Friendships

The characters in the painting, as well as the painting skills and fonts, almost made Lu Fei, a man of two generations, doubt his life.

This picture tells a legendary story.

People often hear the words "eight worshippers" in film and television works.

That doesn't mean kowtow eight times to worship, but eight touching legendary stories that will last forever.

This picture is one of them.

It tells the story of a close friend among the eight worshippers.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a man named Yu Boya in the State of Chu. He was proficient in music and had superb piano skills.

But he felt that he still had not reached the point of perfection. After Boya's teacher found out, he took him to Penglai Island to enjoy the natural scenery and listen to the sound of the sea.

Standing on the shore, Boya could only feel the turbulent waves of the sea, the flying seabirds, and the cries of seabirds. At this moment, he was immersed in the sounds of nature.

Boya couldn't help but pick up the piano and play it, turning the notes at will, integrating the natural sounds into the sound of the piano. At this moment, he felt very satisfied and very proud, because he had reached a new height.

But the good times did not last long. Boya soon discovered that no one could understand his music, and he felt very lonely and lonely.

Until one night, Boya took a boat trip. Facing the breeze and the bright moon, he had many thoughts and played the piano, and the sound was melodious.

At this moment, a woodcutter was attracted by his music and stood on the shore mesmerized. Boya was overjoyed and immediately asked the woodcutter to get on the boat.

And he played a tune praising the mountains, and the woodcutter said: "Majestic and solemn, like Mount Tai towering into the clouds!"

When Boya played again to express the surging waves, the woodcutter came again: "It is broad and majestic, as if you are seeing rolling water or the boundless sea!"

Boya was very excited and said tremblingly: "You are my soulmate!"

Everyone must know that the woodcutter is Zhong Ziqi, but it is a pity that Ziqi died early.

After Boya learned about it, he played the last piece of music in front of Zhong Ziqi's grave, then cut off all the strings and stopped playing the piano.

This was a close friend that was praised by future generations.

Seeing his close acquaintance, Lu Fei already had a bold guess in his mind.

However, Lu Fei was not sure yet.

I had to suppress my excitement and continue to unfold the picture.

Ten minutes later, another picture appeared in front of me.

In the picture, a shirtless man kneels on one knee in front of the door, with two thorns stuck in his back.

Opposite, a middle-aged man in official attire smiled kindly and mingled his hands.

This is another legendary story, and it is also one of the eight acquaintances known as "the acquaintance of cutting one's neck to death."

The acquaintance of cutting off one's neck comes from "Historical Records·Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru": "The two of them met each other in joy, which was the acquaintance of cutting one's neck off."

During the Warring States period, Lin Xiangru, a retainer, was ordered to bring He's jade to the Qin Dynasty.

The palace was extremely dangerous, but Lin Xiangru relied on his wisdom and bravery to finally return the jade to Zhao.

The King of Qin was very unhappy at the loss and asked to meet with King Zhao Mianchi. The king of the country had to go.

However, at the banquet, King Qin was aggressive and wanted to humiliate King Zhao.

Upon seeing this, Lin Xiangru saved King Zhao from being insulted with his courage and his sharp tongue, and finally sent King Zhao back to the capital safely.

Lin Xiangru made many meritorious deeds, and King Zhao admired him very much, and appointed Lin Xiangru as a minister, ranking him above all incorruptible.

Lian Po, a famous general of Zhao State, was brave and good at fighting. His identity and status were earned with his life, but what about Lin Xiangru?

With just a clever mouth, his status was higher than his own. Lian

He was quite dissatisfied and had great opinions on Lin Xiangru.

So in the days to come, Lian Po always looked for trouble and frequently challenged Lin Xiangru. However, Lin Xiangru chose to stay away from Lian Po's provocations and try not to conflict with Lian Po.

Seeing Lin Xiangru's attitude, Lin Xiangru's disciples felt very ashamed and wanted to leave Lin Xiangru. "Sir, we are loyal to you because we admire your gentlemanly style. But in the face of arrogant integrity, if you can bear it, we I can’t bear it.”

Lin Xiangru laughed loudly after hearing this, "I'm not even afraid of the King of Qin, so how can I be afraid of General Lianpo? The reason why I did this is for Zhao! With the two of us here, the King of Qin has some scruples and doesn't dare to come. If we don't get along, Zhao will be in danger."

When Lin Xiangru's words reached Lian Po's ears, Lian Po was very ashamed, so he went to Lin Xiangru's door to apologize. From then on, the two became brothers sharing weal and woe.

This story is called "Begging for Sin".

The friendship between the two is a life-and-death affair.

Two more reward seals appeared at the top of the scene.

The words on the seal are "Taiping Shangbao" and "Yongxi Tianbao".

These two reward seals are even more awesome, both from Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi.

Seeing the acquaintance of a close friend and the acquaintance of a life-and-death friend, Lu Fei already had the answer in his heart.

Thinking of this answer, Lu Fei's excitement was beyond words.

The whole person suddenly felt bad.

Excitement is excitement, and the movements of the hands must not stop.

After a long delay, the silk was completely stuck together, and it would be a big trouble to unfold it again.

If he caused harm to this masterpiece due to his own fault, Lu Fei would have to regret it to death.

The next third scene is a meeting between knees.

The acquaintance between the two sides refers to Chen Chong and Lei Yi of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The two had known each other since they were young and studied together.

The local eunuch heard about Chen Chong's name and promoted him as Xiaolian. However, Chen Zhong wanted to give up his title to Lei Yi and applied to the eunuch many times. The eunuch refused, so Chen Chong refused to take office.

The next year, Lei Yi was also elected, and Chen Chong and Lei Yi went to the county government to take office.

During Lei Yi's tenure, his colleagues were very distressed because of their debts. Creditors came to collect debts every day, and his colleagues knelt down to beg for mercy but failed. When Lei Yi found out, he secretly helped him pay off the debts.

As a result, when my colleagues found out, they came to thank me. Lei Yi said calmly: "I didn't do this, it was probably someone with the same name as me!"

Another time, a colleague had some trouble at home and hurriedly put on the wrong trousers. The person who lost the trousers said that Lei Yi had stolen them. Lei Yi did not explain, but bought a new pair and gave it back to him. This person took advantage of it and made a big publicity. Lei Yi did not defend this matter.

It wasn't until that colleague came back that all the truth came to light, and others respected Lei Yi even more.

Later, Lei Yi suffered the crime on his behalf and was dismissed. When Chen Chong learned about it, he resigned without hesitation and returned to his hometown with him to start from scratch.

Many years later, when Lei Yiguan paid homage to the minister, one of his colleagues committed a crime and was punished. Lei Yi helped him excuse himself and expressed his willingness to suffer the punishment alone. When Chen Chong found out, he abandoned his post and went to Beijing to express his willingness to atone for Lei Yi's sins.

In the end, the two were dismissed again and returned to their hometown together.

After returning to his hometown, Lei Yi was recommended as a scholar, so Lei Yi wanted to transfer the scholar to Chen Chong. However, the governor refused, so Lei Yi pretended to be crazy and refused to take office.

The relationship between the two of them can be described as touching and truly admirable. Later generations praised him for his sincerity and sincerity; he served as an official for the people, and his political voice was righteous.

The fourth picture is the friendship between Guan and Bao.

Here, Lu Fei made another important discovery.

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