Lu Fei was checking the traces he might have left behind. The grandson who fell first jumped up and ran away.

This sudden scene made Lu Fei stunned.

When he reacted again, the grandson had already escaped twenty meters away.

Lu Fei cursed and chased after him at full speed.

It’s impossible not to chase! .??.??

This grandson and that one just pretended to be dead. God knows if he saw what he did?

If you were caught by a special department and told about your own affairs, that would be too passive.

The grandson in front ran away like crazy, and Lu Fei tried his best but could only slowly shorten the distance with him.

According to the speed of the two of them, Lu Fei was 100% sure of catching him within 500 meters.

But the incident occurred less than 200 meters away from the road.

It is almost impossible to catch up in such a short distance.

This was indeed the case. Seeing that they were still fifty meters away from the road, there was still a gap of about ten meters between the two.

Lu Fei secretly thought it was bad, gritted his teeth and increased his speed to the extreme.

When we were about thirty meters away from the road, things suddenly took a turn for the worse.

At the intersection ahead, a black figure blocked the way with a branch across his arms.

At first, Lu Fei thought he was the other party's accomplice.

But upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Wang Xinyi.


This girl is so persistent.

I have repeatedly stressed that she should go back, why is she still here?

Logically speaking, having more helpers is a good thing.

But after all, the environment is too dangerous.

Just in case

Seeing someone blocking him, the guy was slightly startled.

But at this time, he had no way out, so he had no choice but to rush forward.

In the blink of an eye, this guy rushed in front of Wang Xinyi and raised his elbow to knock Wang Xinyi away.

Wang Xinyi is not a flower vase, she was once an elite with special abilities and has quite a lot of practical experience.

Seeing the fierceness of the opponent, Wang Xinyi had no intention of fighting with him.

He ducked to avoid the attack, and

At the same time, the branch in his hand swept towards the opponent's legs.

The guy saw the branch coming and jumped up high, intending to jump over the branch and continue running away.

This jump did avoid the trunk of the branch, but was swept to the feet by two small branches.

The force of contact between the two was minimal, but due to the strong inertia of this guy running at high speed, he still lost his center of gravity.

The guy landed on his feet, staggered a few steps forward and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Lu Fei and Wang Xinyi rushed forward at the same time.

Lu Fei raised his leg and kicked the guy's temple hard.

If the kick hits, even if you don't see God, you will still become an idiot.

This achieved the effect Lu Fei wanted.

But at the moment when the kick was about to hit, a harsh roar suddenly came from the left side beside him.

Feeling abnormal, Lu Fei instinctively drew his legs back and looked over.

At this sight, Lu Fei's 84,000 hairs stood on end, and goosebumps suddenly appeared all over his body.

On the left is a black car.

Without turning on the lights, without any warning, he suddenly rushed over from the darkness.

When Lu Fei discovered it, the car was already less than five meters away from him and Wang Xinyi.

"Lu Fei, be careful!"

Wang Xinyi screamed and tried to push Lu Fei away.

But he didn't expect to be hugged tightly by Lu Fei.

Then there was a loud noise, and Wang Xinyi felt like she was flying in the air.

Then, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and waist, and my vision went dark and I passed out.


"Xinyi, wake up!"

"Xinyi, how are you doing?"

Feeling numb and numb, Wang Xinyi regained consciousness.

Hearing Lu Fei's call, he slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling that her face was sticky and uncomfortable, Wang Xinyi tried to raise her hand and wipe it on her face.

Then I took a look and saw everything on my hand

It's blood.

Seeing so much blood, Wang Xinyi felt dizzy again.

"Xinyi, are you awake?"

"how are you feeling?"

Wang Xinyi raised her head, and the most familiar face was still in front of her.

When he was in the most danger, Lu Fei was still by his side.

Seeing Lu Fei's eager look, Wang Xinyi smiled slightly. ??

But when he smiled, he suddenly felt a terrible pain in his chest, and it was even difficult to breathe.

"Lu Fei, am I going to die?" Wang Xinyi asked, breathing heavily.


Lu Fei was stunned for a while!

"Lu Fei, you don't have to comfort me."

"I understand my body."

"I'm not afraid of death, but I have a question to ask you."

"What's the problem?" Lu Fei asked.

"Fei, you, have you ever liked me?"

"In other words, would you like me without Xiang'er's appearance?" Wang Xinyi asked with difficulty.


Now Lu Fei was even more confused.

"Fei, I don't want to have any regrets."

"You are the only man I like, and I like you."

"Before I die, I want to know if you ever liked me." Wang Xinyi asked seriously.

Lu Fei nodded.


"If I hadn't met Chen Xiang first, I think I would have pursued you crazily."


"Fei, stop talking."

"I understand everything!"

"Xiang'er is a good girl, you must be nice to her."

"If you do anything sorry for Xiang'er, I will never let you go."

Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.

"What kind of god or devil is this?"

"Sister, can you say something auspicious?"

"What is all this?"

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Wang Xinyi looked aggrieved and burst into tears.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I didn't recruit you!" Lu Fei quickly explained.

"Lu Fei, you bastard!"

"I'm going to die. If you're still angry with me, are you still a human being?" Wang Xinyi said resentfully.

"Are you going to die?"


"I think you're not going to die, you're going to go crazy!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Can you get up first?" Lu Fei said.


"Am I going to die after being hit by a car?"

"Hit the ass!"

"As long as I'm here, can I let the car hit you?" Lu Fei said.

"Then why do I have a severe headache and lose consciousness?"

"We fell down and you hit my head with your head, knocking me unconscious."

"I just picked up a bag, it's no big deal!"


"What about the blood on my face?"


"My blood!"

"The back of my hand was scratched when I pinched your penis." Lu Fei said angrily.


"Then why do I have chest pain and difficulty breathing?"

"Uh, this is it."

"Maybe it's because I used too much force when I gave you artificial respiration just now."

"Well, just wait a few days and you'll be fine."


"You're going to die!"

Wang Xinyi's face turned red when she thought about the cause of her chest pain.

He broke away from Lu Fei and stood up suddenly.

Only then did Wang Xinyi feel that she really didn't seem to be injured.

What about what you said to Lu Fei just now?


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