A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1416 You owe me another favor

Wang Xinyi was not too happy when she was sure that she was fine.

Thinking of what she had just said to Lu Fei, Wang Xinyi blushed with shame and ran away with a scream.

Seeing her embarrassed look, Lu Fei laughed out loud.

However, recalling Wang Xinyi's heartfelt words, Lu Fei's head felt sour again.

This woman! !

Shaking his head, Lu Fei checked his injuries.

When I was holding Wang Xinyi to dodge just now, my movements were a little slower.

The back of his left hand was cut open by something unknown.

In addition, Wang Xinyi was hit on the head, but there were no other serious injuries.

After stopping the bleeding on the back of his hand, Lu Fei came back to inspect the scene.

The vehicle causing the accident had already left, but Lu Fei was certain that this vehicle was the accomplice of the guy he was chasing.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have appeared here at all, let alone a sudden attack in the dark.

The car disappeared though.

But fortunately, the guy he was chasing was knocked away by his accomplice.

His head hit the stone on the roadside, his brain was split and his hair was already braided.

Seeing this situation, Lu Fei not only did not hate the vehicle that caused the accident, but instead thanked the other party for helping him solve the big trouble.

After lighting up a cigarette and taking a few puffs, five cars came quickly.

Not knowing whether he was an enemy or a friend, Lu Fei hurriedly hid.

The car stopped and a dozen people got out.

Lu Fei showed up after seeing clearly that the leader of the team was Li Qiwen, the leader of the Hangzhou team of the Special Branch.

"Captain Li, I'm here."

"Mr. Lu, what exactly is going on?"


"Are you injured?" Li Qiwen asked nervously.

"It's okay, just a little skin injury."

"Wang Xinyi and I walked here and heard the sound of a fight at the entrance of the alley."

"I discovered that one of them turned out to be the guy who shot Tan Xingchen in Tianducheng some time ago. I asked Wang Xinyi to call the old director immediately."

"According to my observation, those seven people should be in the same group."

"I don't know why they got into a fight."

"It was four people attacking three."

"Six of them died at the scene."

"The remaining one person escaped. I planned to capture him alive and hand him over to you for interrogation."

"I didn't expect to meet their accomplices here."

"They and their accomplices attacked with a car. I couldn't dodge and got scratched on the back of my hand."

"In the end, he didn't hit me and killed the guy I was chasing." Lu Fei said.


"Is it a black car with no license plate and lights?" Li Qiwen asked.


"How did you know?" Lu Fei asked.

"When I came here just now, I met that car at the roundabout ahead."

"The car was traveling very fast, had no license plate, and had no headlights on."

"Also, the front bumper and windshield were shattered."

"I became suspicious of that car, so I paid special attention to it."

"I was anxious to come over for support, so I didn't stop him!"

"Oh shit!"

"That grandson is better off."

"Xiao Bin, please contact the local police to collect surveillance and find the vehicle responsible for the accident as soon as possible."


Li Qiwen issued the order and his men quickly made arrangements.

"Mr. Lu, I'll have someone take you to the hospital."

"Just leave it to me." Li Qiwen said.

"No, I'm a doctor. I can handle my injuries myself."

"Process the scene as soon as possible and let the brothers clean up the traces."

"Don't spread the news about what's going on here."

"Otherwise, it will have a serious negative impact on my project." Lu Fei said.

"no problem!"

"Also, tell Dong Jianye that he owes me another favor."


"Just report it as I said it."

"Oh well!"

Li Qiwen ordered his men to collect the bodies and clean up the scene.

Under Lu Fei's guidance, return to the crime scene above.

The people from the special department carefully inspected and confirmed that the five people had their hair tied up, and Lu Fei finally felt relieved.

After taking a few photos and cleaning up the traces carefully, Li Qiwen ordered the team to close.

Lu Fei followed them to the highway, exchanged a few words, watched them disappear and walked away, then took a detour from other alleys to the empty house where Xiao Jianhua was hiding.

When they arrived at the door, Ma Tengyun was showing off.

"How about it?"

"Are you still alive?" Lu Fei asked.

"The knife was stabbed in the abdomen in the wrong direction. No vital parts were injured, but there was excessive blood loss."

"Brother Yuan gave him Qi-boosting pills, so he shouldn't die."

"Let's go in and take a look."

When Lu Fei came to the hospital and checked in person, he was relieved after confirming that Xiao Jianhua was just in coma.

If this guy had his hair cut out, he would have been worried about getting injured for so long, and it would all be in vain.

"Xiao Fei!"

"What's going on with this person?" Gao Yuan asked.

"You all know that Lao Tan was shot twice in Tiandu a while ago!"

"I know!"

"It was this guy who fired the gun." Lu Fei said.

"It's him?"

"Then what do you mean by bringing him back?"

"Do you want to personally avenge Lao Tan?" Gao Yuan asked.


"Lao Tan's case was investigated simultaneously by the Special Branch and Xuanlong. It has nothing to do with me."

"This man's name is Xiao Jianhua, and he has a big secret."

"For this secret, they started fighting among themselves to force him to hand it over."

"And he would rather die than surrender."

"Bring him back just to know what the secret is."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Gao Yuan pony rolled his eyes at the same time.

"That's why?"


br\u003e “You are too curious, boy!” Gao Yuan said.

"It's not my curiosity. I believe that Xiao Jianhua's secret must be extraordinary."

"How did you see it?"

"They dared to shoot and commit murder in Tiandu City, and they were very skilled and had super strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities."

"After such a long time, neither Special Department nor Xuanlong found them. They must not be ordinary people."

"Also, I noticed when they were doing it, Xiao Jianhua's kung fu is quite good."

"Such a person would rather die than tell the secret, which must be a big deal." Lu Fei said.

Gao Yuan nodded.

"You have a point."

"Now what?"

Lu Fei thought for a while and said.

"This group of people appeared in Hangzhou, and a suspicious person escaped. The Special Branch must investigate strictly."

"It's not safe if we have too many people here talking."

"In this way, you can send him to our plane, where he will be absolutely safe."

"I'll go back and change my clothes, and I'll come find you right away."

"Okay, leave it to us."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety on the road and don't get into trouble!"

"Do not worry!"

Lu Fei gave Xiao Jianhua a few injections, and Gao Yuan and Ma Tengyun carried him away.

Lu Fei took a detour through two alleys and quickly returned to the project department.

When they arrived at the door, the two young men were waiting staggeringly at the door.

"Brother, where have you been?"

"I'll just take a walk."

"What happened to your hand?"

"I scratched it by accident."

"Brother Fei, you and my sister are here."

"Don't talk nonsense, your sister and I are fine."

"Are you okay?"

"My sister's face was covered with blood, her hair was disheveled, her clothes were disheveled, and she was in a very miserable state."

"What are you going to do?"

"Shut up!"

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